Saturday, 19 August 2023

Plus ça change

My visitor has gone. I'm back in Blogland. This time I may never catch up with previous posts but hopefully I'll at least find out how everyone is. 

Wendy from my New Zealand family was alone this time for the first time. Having 'family' staying is very different to having visitors and, as I put her on my car insurance, Wendy was free to go and visit friends whist I could catch up in the garden and polycarb. Of course we have lots of friends in common too and visited or met for coffee. It was strange to be a passenger in my own car and very relaxing.  

We've had some fabulous weather (including yesterday and the previous day when Wendy flew to her Mother's in Edinburgh) and some not so good. However this morning I woke to very strong winds, heavy rain and wild sea. 

Heavy sea and strong wind from my kitchen window

I was just about to rail against such weather in August when I decided, instead, to see what I'd posted about 10 years ago on this day. What a coincidence. I was posting about the gales in August.

Well I'm not intending to go out today. I went to the postbox and posted a birthday card, Yesterday I did my shopping for Sunday dinner - friends are coming - and visiting and my Saturday morning coffee date is off to Sicily for a few days.  The weather will probably prevent any gardening.  

Post script: A couple of hours after the previous photo above:


  1. I am not quite sure whether the view from the window is this year or ten years ago, but it is gorgeous. Glad to hear that you had such a great time with Wendy. Tell her that if she is into chauffeuring a bed is made here in Canada for her, pillow fluffed, chocolates at the ready. She may drive my car any time she wishes!

    1. David, the view was taken as I was typing the post this morning. The view now is entirely different. It's still very windy but the sun is shining and it's quite warm outside ie 18 ºC. Oddly enough when they lived in Scotland many moons ago they very nearly went to work in Yellowknife for a while (her husband is a dentist). I've now posted a photo of the scene a couple of hours later.

  2. That's a great picture Graham - the flowers in your garden and the subtle colours of the seascape beyond. Marvellous.

    1. Thanks, YP. It's a view that I have lived with since I moved into this house 30 years ago. I never tire of it and it changes by the hour.

  3. Even in wild weather your view is pretty wonderful.
    Welcome back, by the way. I missed you.

    1. Thanks JayCee. What with being away for hospital and then having Wendy here Blogland has, unfortunately, been neglected. I'm hoping to make up for that with plenty of visiting.

  4. Your garden is a wonderful splash of colour in that landscape! Glad you had a good and relaxed time with Wendy visiting. I've been posting all week about my two intense days away the week before, if you want to catch up with that (views a bit different from my usual).

    1. Thanks, Monica. I shall definitely go and catch up with your travels.

  5. Replies
    1. Rachel, you obviously understand and have hit the nail on the head.

  6. What a great garden, eclipsed by wonderful views in a moody photo.

  7. I am with Neil there, a great picture.
    It says a lot about you that you felt relaxed as a passenger in your own car. Most drivers seem to believe that nobody else drives as good as they do, especially not their particular car.

    1. Meike, I don't let people I'm not comfortable with drive my car. Wendy is a superb driver. Thank you for the picture compliment: I've just added an updated picture taken a couple of hours later.

  8. What a wonderful view! I cannot imagine waking up each morning to cast my eyes across that scene.

    1. Debby, I'm the first to acknowledge how fortunate I am.

  9. Graham, your garden looks so beautiful against that blustery sky! Amazing to see!
    I'm glad the wind blew away the dark clouds so you could enjoy the sun!

    1. Ellen, it's the time of year when everything comes together to provide a stunning vista.

  10. That's a stunning view, whatever the weather. No wonder you never tire of it.

  11. Your summer sounds wonderful, beautiful scenery, beautiful family, beautiful garden.

    1. Maywynn, I am a very fortunate person and I recognise that.

  12. Glad to see you back in blogland, I was beginning to be concerned. I am always in awe of your garden! What a lovely view out your window with many colors a'bloom and the angry, but interesting sea beyond. I love your blog, but you know that!

    1. Thank you so much, Jill, for your support and encouragement over the years.

  13. Great shot of your garden and the sea. Fantastic garden with great colors.

  14. Your view is stunning. I would love to have some water to look out on, whether it be sea, lake, or river. I have to make do with greenery.

    1. I've never lived far from water, Cro, and I would miss it terribly if it wasn't there.

  15. Wendy does not sound like a visitor at all, but as you say 'family' who happen to be staying over. I am sure you will miss her company.

    Love the contrast in weather between your two pictures. It was the same last month when I came up on holiday.

    1. Jayne, I do miss Wendy's company but hopefully she and her hubby will be here in 11 months for a longer stay.

  16. You sure do have a beautiful garden and view whatever the weather.

    1. Thank you, Diane. I hope things are improving with Bill.

  17. Your garden is beautiful. It feels like Spring here so hopefully I will be seeing some colour shortly.

    1. Amy I hope that your weather is better than it is in Hawkes Bay.

  18. Beautiful pics, Graham...It's always great to catch up with old mates....good friends. Take care. :)

  19. Sorry..."Anonymous" above is me...Lee. I failed to notice I had to disclose my hidden identity! :)

  20. Sometimes I think I like a moody sea better than a glistening one but a pretty, pretty garden is best offset with blue skies :)
    I love the way you just keep wringing all the best out of life

    1. Thanks, Kylie. I love the fact that the sea is constantly changing. I cannot imagine not living by it.

  21. wow. What a view. I bet that view looks pretty even during a storm. :)

    1. Liam, personally I wouldn't use the description 'pretty'. I would describe it as looking fearsome and splendid in a storm rather than pretty.

    2. Yes, I think so too Graham. Have you taken any photos on your blog of a storm?

    3. Liam if you enter 'Storm' into the search box at the top right of the Blog's front page you should get all the posts where I have mentioned 'storm'.

  22. What a stunning view! Your garden looks like pure delight.


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