Thursday, 22 December 2022

Thursday Evening

The first sentence I saw when I woke and picked up my phone was "Your friendly reminder! You've still got some time remaining."  That was encouraging!

I had woken up. It was pitch black. I was looking upwards. On the ceiling (although at that moment I didn't actually know it was the ceiling) was a projection of the screen of my phone with the time on it: 16:56.

If I was in bed and had just woken up at 16:56 there was something seriously wrong. Assuming I was in bed I asked Alexa to switch on the bedside light. As the light went on in an adjacent room (I live in a bungalow) I realised that I was sitting in a recliner chair in the lounge/living room. I have not been well and after lunch decided to have a rest. There I had been sitting or reclining and, according to my Fitbit app, I had been absolutely solidly asleep for the previous 2h 20 mins. In fact I'd been in the chair for the best part of the afternoon.

"Your friendly reminder! You've still got some time remaining." which cheered me up no end was in fact an email letting me know that I could still get a delivery for Christmas from "Boots" a pharmacy which probably makes more money on perfume at well over £100 a bottle. That was a huge shock to me when I recently went in to buy a friend some perfume for Christmas.


  1. It can be wonderful waking up from a power nap! I am glad you got your rest.
    Prayers you feel better. Having Alexa must be amusing at times.

    Tucked away, I have a plug in clock that beams the time onto the ceiling. I didn't know cell phones do that.
    I'm still in shock seeing $389.00 price on a pre'lit artificial tree.

    1. Maywyn, I haven't had a Christmas tree for many years. so I'm completely out of touch with prices. I didn't know that cellphones did that either and I've never noticed it before. I shall have to investigate. I think Alexa is marvellous: very useful and can be entertaining too.

  2. I am quite speechless. The time projected onto the ceiling...Alexa switching on the app telling you how long you have been sleeping. I am still in the dark ages here!

    1. JayCee unfortunately I was born with a love of gadgets. Sometimes they can be incredibly useful and sometimes they can be a real waste of time. Half the fun is finding out which is which.

  3. Sorry you have not been well Graham.

    1. Thank you, Rachel. I don't often feel sorry for myself but the last few days have been an exception and I suspect this will be the second Christmas in succession when I won't see the family.

  4. The long sleeps in the afternoon can sometimes get away on us and we sleep most of the afternoon. You had a good surprise.

    1. Red it did me good but I very rarely sleep during the day so it was a big surprise.

  5. If it had said 4.56, and not 16.56, that's the time I get up every morning.

    1. Cro that's the time I need to get up for the morning ferry! 6am was my usual when I worked. Now it varies between 6.30 and 7.30 (possibly later in midwinter and earlier in midsummer).

  6. Wow, that was a long nap, and clearly your body signalling you that it definitely needed some rest. Hopefully, you feel better now and are not going to spend Christmas and New Year sick in your own bed or in hospital.
    It's the last working day before Christmas for me, and I still find it hard to believe that I am actually back at work on the 27th, with no proper break this year. It's of course my own fault for having taken ALL my due days off during this year (and it was well worth it).

    1. Meike, I don't think I'll be in hospital but there is a definite likelihood of me spending the next couple of days between bed and my recliner unless my body suddenly starts to behave itself.

  7. Sorry to hear you have been ill Graham. Hopefully such a sound sleep has allowed your body to return more to normal now. (It can be a bit disorientating though, can't it, sleeping like that?)
    Take care, Mxx

    1. Thanks Margaret. Unfortunately this morning I'm still feeling sorry for myself despite constantly telling myself that I have four limbs and all my faculties (well most of them! 😂) and a warm house.

  8. Like you, I do love a bit of techno-gadgetry but I absolutely refuse to give houseroom to anything which eavesdrops 24/7 in the hope I utter something to which it can respond.

    As for the afternoon siesta, sorry you have been poorly, as others have already said please do remind yourself that if your body did not need extra recovery/rebuilding time you would have been wide awake and zooming around in your usual ever-busy state. Far more sensible mammals than us bipeds hibernate over winter, perhaps we should do more "examining the inside of one's eyelids" at this time of year.

    Perfume? Discovering the complete ingredients list of a well-known fragrance some years ago was the last time I ever daubed myself with industrially manufactured scent. I value my skin far too much.

    1. Jayne, you make a very good point about gadgets which listen to what we say. So far as I am concerned if it can find anything in my conversations with myself then it's lucky. Actually I do find it useful for controlling my smart plugs etc. I've never thought about the ingredients of perfumes because I've never used them (apart from a short while as a young man when I used after-shave. I've had a beard for over half a century though.

  9. Sorry you are feeling low, Graham. I think it is common at this time of year, with all of the memories of years past, to feel a bit melancholy. Let's try to celebrate the happy days we have had and be grateful we can relax and rest when we need to. Hope you feel better soon and find much peace and joy in the New Year!

    1. Ellen, fortunately I'm not feeling melancholy just full of a nasty chest and throat infection. I still work on the basis that if I wake up in the morning then it's a Good Day.

  10. Dear Graham, I do hope you are better and will have a good holiday. I sent you a message before, but must have forgotten to push the correct button! Another, in a long line of old age wonderfulness! Take care and wishing you the best of new years.

    1. Thank you very much, Jill. I'm feeling a bit better this evening but I'm afraid that I won't be imposing my cough/cold on anyone else this Christmas.

  11. I am not a mapper, but there have been those times when I doze off, and sleep so soundly that I wake up thinking it is the next morning.

    1. Debby, I'm generally not a napper either (although I was after Covid for a while) but this bug that I have is making me sleep more that I'm awake.

  12. I'm glad your body is still well enough to let you know when you are in need of a long nap and that you listened. Hope the cold leaves you soon. Happy Christmas, Graham.

    1. Thanks Pauline (?) I'm hoping it goes too but it's be after it's thoroughly ruined my Christmas!

  13. Naps are always good, sometimes I'll fall asleep on the couch and snort myself awake half an hour later, lol. Have a great Christmas Graham.

    1. Thanks, Amy! Yes, I've done that when I've been fast asleep at night. It's quite disconcerting.

  14. Sounds like you must have a very comfortable recliner chair, Graham! ;-) I do nod off in mine too occasionally in the afternoon... But so far never for that long! (And, living in a city - it's also never pitch dark, even at night...) Hope you're feeling better?? ♥

    1. Thanks, Monica. I'm feeling more human today. Hopefully in the morning I'll be much better.

  15. Gracias por su visita y buenos deseos. Feliz Año Nuevo para ti también.

  16. I am hopeful that you are over your 'bug' and too busy to post. I hope you had a merry Christmas, Graham.

    1. Thanks Debbie, your comment along with others went to Spam. I'm not sure what Blogger is up to these days. Thank you, I'm now over the bug and hopefully back in harness properly next week. I have a lot of older friends who I visit but whom I never go near when I have a bug of even the mildest sort. I have been tired and slept a lot but I think that is all past now.

  17. Chest infections are very exhausting due to the fact that one is not only sick but having trouble getting the essential oxygen.
    It's a while since you posted so I hope you are feeling better and had something nice for Christmas &hearts:

    1. that was meant to be ♥

    2. Absolutely, Kylie. When I was a teenager living in smog-laden Liverpool, prone to bronchitis and going to a school where "games" was an absolute requirement (despite parental notes) I ended up losing half a lung. I'm ver conscious of the difficulty of breathing at times of chest infections. Nights can sometimes be scary times! I'm feeling almost 100% again now, thank you.


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