Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Settling Back In

There's just me again Chez Moi. I was on the Mainland at a pal's and having hospital visits for nearly three weeks. I came back home over a week ago with my pal, Anna. She left on the 'plane earlier in the week. It's been a Good Time.

As is always the case, I've missed Blogland. I don't know how some people manage to blog profusely and still have a full 'real' life too. Perhaps I'm just a little slow of thought or perhaps I have too many other distractions.

Mind you when I was younger I managed on 5 hours sleep every night and now I need  considerably more. Old age doesn't come alone.

Modern technology doesn't necessarily help either. I have an electricity smart meter. When it was installed it was brilliant. I realised that by altering the settings on my bathroom underfloor heating I could save £1 a day without compromising my warmth when I wanted it. That alone was worth the meter. However, after a few months the smart meter ceased working and for the last 6 months I've been trying to persuade EDF to repair it. My contract ends next month. They have no way of reading my meter without sending someone out either to repair the connection or to send out a meter reader. I would have to go up a step ladder and being a frail old OAP I just am not going to do that (for them!). They have said they will repair it!

My garden has suffered from my absence too; not helped by the atrocious weather - gales and rain. 

On the plus side the medics have once again come up trumps and seem to have sorted my constant UTIs (and therefore my hosptiat visits with insipient sepsis). My cancer seems to be well under control. And (sorry Bob and the Grammar Brigade) thanks to the docs and physios my wayward and extrememly painful jaw and my shoulder (the latter of which has stopped me playing bowls even when Covid restrictions have allowed it) are both back functioning and almost pain-free. I played indoor bowls last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hopefully I'll manage to think of some blog subjects and get back to reading blogs later. If I'm alone in the local community charity shop and it's quiet this afternoon that may be the start. Indeed, I could tell you about the charity shop.


  1. Good to see you are still around. I was just thinking of dropping you an email.....Only thinking about it. I think of lots of things but rarely get round to acting on my thoughts.
    I am presently engaged in thinking about my Christmas video. I enjoy thinking as it saves working.
    Happy all is sorted.

    1. Adrian, I'd let you know if I wasn't still around. I've made special arrangements with agents on The Other Side.

  2. I have continued to write but you have been absent. I wondered where you were.

    1. Rachel, I'm back and will be reading blogs again and catching up again.

  3. Great that you are back in the metaphorical saddle, Graham. What an utterly pampered chap you are with underfloor heating, a privilege denied me even when facing the icy blizzards of a Canadian winter! I shall soldier on as I have always done! Winter in fact seems to be fading from our lives; yesterday the temperature stood at sixteen balmy degrees by mid afternoon. The news on the medical front seems all to be good, and for that you are no doubt grateful. Indoor bowls, and underfloor heating? I think I need to move to the outermost islands!

    1. Thanks, David. My heated bathroom floor is my one absolute luxury. I don't mind the cold outside when I'm togged up for it but I hate being cold in the house. At this time of year the outdoor bowling greens are all closed in the UK. In NZ we used to play croquet on the lawns all year because there was always some growth.

  4. I am pleased to see you back here Graham, and to hear that your medics have provided you with a positive outcome. I am looking forward to reading your blog posts again.

    1. Thank you, JayCee. I cannot speak highly enough of the medics who look after this body I occupy.

  5. At least you have something to say when you do make an appearance. We are all glad to read that you are holding up well in the face of medical challenges. Indeed do tell us about the charity shop, it must be full of stories in the items that people donate.

    1. Tigger, I started thinking about posts about the charity shop. It's quite interesting and will appear soon.

  6. Welcome back! Good to read treatments are working. I look forward to reading about your charity shop adventure.

    1. Thank you, Maywyn. I hope to write about it soon.

  7. Welcome home! Am so glad to hear medically things are under control. Almost three weeks of hospital visits is so exhausting. I'm delighted I'm finally finished with my medical treatments, and will return next spring simply for some photos of my "interior equipement." I'm attempting to put a positive spin to our medical experiences. Aren't we both fortunate? Well, clearly everyone has missed you and are happy for you. Hugs.

    1. Regina, I'm so pleased that you've finished your treatments. Mine have been ongoing for over 20 years and have just become part of my normal life. I actually find being in hospital mentally restful because I know that there is absolutely nothing I can do about anything outside so I just forget about it. Which is why I'm apologising for 'forgotten' birthdays at the moment.

  8. Glad to see a new post! It is great that your doctors, etc. have helped you recover and you're feeling well again! Tell me about the charity shop...

    1. Thank you, Ellen. I will tell you about the charity shop......soon.

  9. Sounds like a fairly disruptive time so no wonder you haven't posted. At least you were missed. I sometimes post so infrequently it would be a while before anyone noticed.

    1. Tasker, there ws a time when I posted a lot, particularly when I lived in New Zealand I think. Now I have less to say and even less time to say it.

  10. I am happy to hear good medical news notes from you, and that you played indoor bowls and enjoyed it. Heated floors sound nice.

    1. Terra, heated floorsare wonderful. I'd love to have them throughout the house like my son but my house is too old.

  11. I am a modern and have no problem with your starting a sentence with a conjunction. You have me confused with Adrian. I am not part of the Grammar Brigades either. While I may speak and write in a certain way, I give others (which term includes you) the freedom and latitude to do whatever turns them on. And away, my good man.

    1. Bob, I could never confuse you, or anyone else, with Adrian. Any more than I could confuse you with anyone else that I know. However, you do have Standards.

  12. Nice to see you again Graham :)
    Sounds like life has been full-on lately. Once winter really settles in, you will have more than enough time to catch up with blogs!

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I should certainly have more time in the winter. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on one's viewpoint, I always seem to hav plenty to keep me occupied.

  13. Good to see that you're back home and able to tell us how life is going.

  14. You are nothing like Ken Smith but I think you might appreciate "The Hermit of Treig" on BBC Scotland (i-player). J just watched it myself. A fascinating film project. You may have some fraternal sympathy with Ken. Welcome back to The Wonderful World of Blogging Graham.

    1. Thanks, YP. I shall look it out and let you know.

  15. So good to see you back in fine form, Graham. I hope you stay that way through winter - and beyond, of course. Maybe we can look forward to regular reports from the community charity shop??

    1. Thank you, Pauline. I might get a few posts done of the shop. The building alone is fascinating.

  16. Good to hear that your medical attention is doing what it says on the bottle. It's always reassuring when our meds actually work.

    1. That's so true, Cro. I'm well aware that I've been very lucky/fortunate so far.

  17. It's always good to hear from you Graham and I'm glad you are feeling a little brighter since your hospital visits. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I hope that you are feeling brighter too. I shall pop over and check.

  18. Good to have you back, and great news from the hospital. xx

    1. Thank you, Jayne. It's always good to get back to my Blog 'family'.

  19. Gadding about with pals sounds rather fun. I'm sure we don't begrudge you some non-blogging time!
    Underfloor heating would be good here for the nocturnal visits but I shall be pleased to have the wooden floor de-squeeked before the floor covering is replaced next week (along with the kitchen). Then my renovations are complete.

    1. Gadding about with pals is definitely fun, Potty. Apart from my bedroom all the floors in my house are solid concrete so potentially very cold. Only the bathroom has underfloor heating.

  20. Welcome back! I kept looking for new posts of yours on my blogger dashboard but thought you were probably busy and/or away.
    When I want to post regularly, I really have to make an effort, getting up half an hour earlier or cutting other activities short. Therefore, it usually takes me ages to catch up with blogging about holidays and so on.
    Somehow, work has a way of getting in the way!

    1. Meike, I don't even have the excuse of work - well not remunerated work. Like many fortunate people my age I have no idea how I ever found the time to earn a living.

  21. I tried to get British gas to replace my Smart meter from SMETS1 to SMETS2 but can you get through to them no way. Communication with large companies is impossible. I wish you well with your recovery, around Oxford I fear you would be worse off

    1. Billy, I fear your are correct about the big companies anywhere.

  22. I was wondering where you had gotten to, good to see you back. I know what you mean about sleep patterns, back in my early 20s I was out 3-4 nights a week with friends until at least 3am, had 4 hours sleep then off to work, these days if I get anything less than 8 hours I'm shattered.

    1. Thanks, Amy. I have real difficulties spending so much time asleep when I could be doing interesting things.

  23. I really think time must be shrinking with every year. It's a mystery to me how in a distant past I managed to both work AND have a much busier social life than I do nowadays. I know there weren't as many screens to stare at and interact with back then, but still...

  24. OOOOOhhh...I would love very much to hear about your charity shop!!!


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