Friday, 19 November 2021

Frustrated and Wasted Hours

(Written yesterday) I woke early this morning all ready to make my next two Christmas Cakes. All went well and by lunchtime I had two new cakes sitting waiting to be fed and wrapped until marzipan time.

I had some printing to do so thought I'd get that out of the way. The first job was just two copies. The first copy went through and the second didn't.  Duh! Then I realised that the printer had dropped its connection to the internet. Ah well. Not a problem. Surely! 

Three hours later I decided to contact Hewlett Packard. I sent a request for assistance. About 2 minutes later a technician rang and suggested that we go through things from step one even though I had probably done it all already (which, of course, I had). 

After the first set of things had been done without success the technician suggested we move on to stage two. No problem. Been there and done that.

However what I was not prepared for was the fact that it worked and I was back on line. Interestingly because I use HP Instant Ink (by far the cheapest way to run my 2 printers) the technician had the whole history of my printers on line. He was even able to tell me that I changed my colour cartridge three days ago.

I had recently been considering a post on the frustrations of never being able to speak to someone these days when a problem arises. It's on hold for a little while!


  1. OH, I do hear your problems. Also, there is no privacy if someone knows what ink you use and when it was last changed.

    1. Susan, there is definitely no privacy but the advantage is that when my ink starts getting low they just send me more. and all for a very modest monthly fee.

  2. At least you were successful with your Christmas cakes.

    1. I was, JayCee and I've made the last two this morning.

  3. I think you were fortunate to gain human contact. Usually I am unable to get a reply to emails, let alone get someone to talk to. Glad that the problem is fixed.

    1. David, I've discovered that HP are brilliant. That is more than I can say about EDF who supply my electricity. I've been trying to get them to sort my Smart Meter for 6 months or so.

  4. Great that you actually got a human being to assist you, Graham, and didn't have to go through a series of questions. One reason I own Apple products is the tech support. I have always been able to get through to a person whenever I have had an issue. It's also the reason I always buy the extra AppleCare with any new product. To me, it's worth the expense.

    1. Beatrice, I agree that is a very good reason for using Apple. So far as I can recall in the 11 years since I converted I've never had a problem that has needed Apple Support. Occasional problems have always been easily solved by referring to the Apple Forum.

  5. What a frustrating experience, but I am glad it all worked in the end.

  6. I have a Cannon printer (in France), and the paper is always getting jammed. I think I need a new one. I find it a little worrying that they have so much info about your use of the printer. Did they also know what you had for breakfast?

    1. Cro, you probably need to take it to pieces and give the wheels a clean. I was scared to ask about breakfast unless he told me even more personal stuff!

  7. For years now, I have not owned a printer anymore. On the very rare occasions that I need something printed I can either ask my Mum or O.K., and when it is work-related, I can do that at the office. Of course with working from home, the latter is not possible. But with everything happening online, it is hardly necessary, either (work stuff, I mean).

    1. Meike, I do a huge number of picture cards etc on my printer as well as a lot of other things. I'd be lost without one.

  8. Glad you got good service and the printer is working again! It is funny how we are often surprised now when that happens as we are so used to things not helping!

    1. Thank you Ellen. You are correct. We have got to the stage of expecting to be disappointed by service (or lack of it).

  9. I have a HP printer as well since a year or two. I haven't needed any support so far. I'm not using "instant ink" but the HP ink is still a lot cheaper than it was for my old printer. I don't print all that much, but I wouldn't manage without one. I also use mine a lot for scanning (old photos and postcards).

    1. Yes, Monica, they are invaluable tools as scanners.

  10. Oh! My printer isn't working for whatever reason known only to it. I had a computer guy here a couple of weeks ago. After the hacking episode I had to get my computer formatted...and then I decided to get a new desktop. The computer fellow was very reticent in handing out information etc. I got sick and tired of ringing him after he'd installed the new one...asking him questions about various things he should have told me or done when he was here!! Frustration! Frustrations!

    1. Oh dear, Lee. Having a good and reliable 'go-to' person for the computer is so important these days.

  11. I find myself somewhat conflicted by your tale - whilst very glad you got a real person from HP to help you I'm not sure I am comfortable with them knowing when you changed an ink cartridge ... what else is being stored in some anonymous server, somewhere? The files you sent to the printer? What if it was something confidential, or full of your financial or medical information?

    1. Jayne, Instant Ink works on the basis that their computer knows when my printer is likely to need ink and it automatically mails it to me. There is no mechanism on the print path which could read the print on any document and send it anywhere. It is, I suppose, possible they could do that with any document that I scan. Frankly there is so little these days (particularly financial information) that is truly confidential that one could spend a lot of time being concerned about it.

  12. Glad it worked out in a good experience.

    HP is my favorite printer brand. I wish I still had my first printer, a Hewlett Packard that only need an ink cartridge change about 2 to 3 times a year. I was printing out a great volume of college course (full semester load), papers nearly daily.

    1. Thanks, Maywyn. I have to say my current printers are quite abstemious in their use of ink but I benefit from Instant Ink because I print a lot of photos.

  13. You had me going there... I thought from the Christmas cake beginning that this was a tale of "I frosted the cake and then dropped it upside down on the floor"... and it ended up being a printer ink story! Well, at least it was in good taste... *heh*.

    1. Marcheline, as I am about to marzipan and then ice 6 cakes I would be less that amused if that happened. Whether I would blog about it and lengthen my upsettance I'm not sure.

  14. Hey there Graham, I think I told you once before, but I use the HP Instance Ink also. I absolutely love this service and don't mind them knowing I print the New York Times Crossword puzzles every morning.

    1. Hi, Jill. Yes, I think we've had this discussion before. I buy the books of crosswords published in the London Times.

  15. We had an HP printer and we were constantly having issues with it, wonder if it's an HP thing, we have since upgraded to a new one which is way better.

    1. Amy, on the whole I've been as happy with the HP printer as any other over the years.

  16. That's great service! Did you have to crawl about on the floor? I can't really do that these days and get frustrated when they ask me to

    1. Kylie, there was no crawling around on the floor. All my plugs in my office are at waist height as is all the wiring in conduits at the same height.

  17. It is rather spooky that the technician on the phone knew when you had changed your ink cartridge. Big Brother may not be watching us but Hewlett Packard certainly is.

    1. Actually, YP, it's not if you think about the concept of instant ink. The printer tells the computer when the ink is getting low and how fas I am printing and then despatches the next cartridge(s) accordingly. Do I care if they know how much ink I use? No.

  18. Well, that sounds like a pretty good day to me. Two cakes baked and a fixed printer. Even a chat with someone who sounds to have been very helpful. I had a problem with my printer a few days ago, spent ages pushing buttons and peering into its innards before noticing the black cartridge was missing. Oh dear, I'd quite forgotten I'd taken it out to replace it. I think I need a Big Brother to keep an eye on me.

    1. Oh dear, Pauline, that's bad even by my standards of forgetfulness etc these days, My worst thing is going out without my phone (again). There's a blog post in that one.

  19. You're trying to tell me that you sent a message, got a phone call, and then everything was sorted? What sort of sorcery is THAT???

    1. I know, Debby, it's hardly credible but it really happened....honestly!


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