Wednesday, 1 April 2020

SID14 Inevitability

Yesterday's news was that there are now 2 confirmed cases of Covid-19 on the Island. Even though the Island is shut to tourists at the moment, it was eventually always going to be inevitable given all the students and workers laid off who returned home and those who are still trying to get home from abroad (like my son, daughter-in-law and grandson stuck in Australia).

I was having a virtual coffee with a friend yesterday afternoon when the news came through on my phone and at the same time she got a call from her husband. It has strangely altered everything in a way that I can't explain. 

This morning I was regaled by a 'news item' that the Scottish Government has abolished alcohol sales in the light of the Covid-19 outbreak. Then I realised the date and said "Rabbits". At least we haven't lost our sense of humour.

In the meantime Jules mentioned in a comment a recent post of mine that she was off on her Boris Bimble. That's as good a name for a short walk as anything in these strange times so I have adopted it too.


  1. Oh dear. Sorry to hear that your island too has now succumbed too. We felt the same way when we heard about our first case over here.
    Our cases have now reached 60 with 2 people needing hospital treatment. It is interesting to read that the majority of positive cases are all in the age range of 19-35. The rest of us are all locked away at home.
    Keep safe Graham.

    1. JayCee, it was inevitable that it was going to happen. In fact another member of the family was confirmed positive yesterday. Hopefully they were in isolation and have not passed it on.

  2. You haven't seen anything yet. I called at the Co-Op and had to wade through the dead and dying. It's bollocks but the reason for the bollocks defies me. The nurses and doctors can't get tested but two folk on Lewis can. It'll be a cold or hangover, possibly attention seeking. Nowt to worry about unless you have a private pension.

    1. Adrian, possibly not one of your more understandable comments.

    2. Graham it seems that the solution is going to prove worse than the disease. I hope I'm wrong.
      We have our own handwash commissar here. She has, to be fair popped a bar off soap in the outside bog. Yesterday the stallion escaped. I caught him and popped him back in his field, then brought the bins up on my way back.
      "Have you washed your hands?"
      Not yet I replied but I'll do them for a couple of minutes to catch up.

    3. Adrian, the problem is that we don't know how bad the disease would have been without the solution. I think we can safely say that ot would have still been catastrophic with a lot more lives lost and, in all probability, almost as bad economic consequences. And probably, as the death toll rose unabated, political and civil unrest on a scale not seen before in this country anyway.

    4. I'd guess that the answer to whether the solution is worse than the disease comes down to whether you are someone who is personally affected by the disease - by contracting it badly yourself, or losing someone close to you. For many of us, the possibility of that happening to others is enough to make us feel that the solution is worth it, thankfully.
      Graham - I was very sorry to hear that the WI's now have confirmed cases - thankfully all mild at the moment as I understand it. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

  3. Banning alcohol sales is insane! Rabbits right! Oh, April Fool. Ok. Laughing.
    Prayers continue for everyone

    1. Maywyn, that really would have caused chaos and mass insurrection.

  4. My God, Graham, if that had been the April Fools' Day headline here, people would have been crazed. Good joke in these times. Stay safe & chipper.

    1. Thanks, Regina M. Chaos would have reigned here too. Thank you.

  5. GB, This is a sign of how stressed out I am... I had to read your post four times before I got the reference to "the date"... I was like "The date? What date? What day was it? Why didn't he tell us? Wait, what day IS it?"... then the penny dropped.

    Bear and I have decided verbally ahead of time not to pull any April Fool's shenanigans this year. If something strikes us as funny, we'll laugh, but most of the April Fool's jokes involve a bit of stress, and we've got butt-loads already, so we're just going to not.

    Super-glad the whiskey still flows free...

    Stay safe!

    1. Marcheline, I'm not surprised that you are stressed out. In your circumstances I'd be out of my mind I think.

  6. I don't think I've heard any April Fool's news here today. If I did, they failed to be funny! Thanks for the smiles.

    1. Monica, that was the only one I've heard too. There are jokes going around though which is good. This is serious for health now but the economic consequences are going to be even worse. We need smiles while we still have a sense of humour.

  7. I've not checked my town's newspaper yet today (sometimes I read it online - don't have the paper version), but they usually do an April Fool's Day special. Not sure whether they dare this year, as everyone and everything seems so somber and serious.

    1. Meike, we Brits are strange, as you well know. We have a capacity to laugh, particularly at our selves and in the worst of situations. We just don't cope if others laugh at us!

  8. Stay safe, Graham. Can you make yourself a mask? There are instructions online. Make sure you stay 10 feet away from everyone. Maybe 20 feet, just in case.

    1. Thank you Mummy Kay. I could make a mask because I'm pretty handy with my hands and even sew my own buttons on. As it happens if I needed them I have a supply of masks. I used them when using a sanding machine. I'm pretty much staying in my own home and garden but I can walk here and not see anyone never mind stay 10 feet from them. You stay safe too - good folk are scarce.

  9. I read about the alcohol ban, it was seriously reported. Well done to whoever pulled that one off! So sorry the virus has reached your lovely isle - do stay safe, Graham.

    1. Thank you, Pauline. I am as safe as anyone can be. I go for walks otherwise I'm staying home. Plenty of exercise in the garden at this time of year. You stay safe, too. The Uppity Downities need you....not to mention your family.

  10. I don't think any place on earth is safe from this virus or the different strains it is developing into. We are now being told our border could remain shut for at least twelve months - which makes one wonder, how long do they think all this is going to continue on? Keep safe :) xx

    1. It isn't, Margaret. I made the comment that 12 weeks would not be anywhere near enough to complete the list of tasks I've written. The general consensus seems to be that we'll be incarcerated for a lot longer than that. Que sera sera.

  11. That ban must have caused a lot of heart attacks! I finished my winter bottle of single malt last night... I must replace it.

    1. Cro, I've still got a few drams left one way and another. All this has made me realise that I should start on my old Ports (starting with the '66 Fonseca) whilst I still can.

  12. crikey, with 2 cases there hope you'll be ok if quite a small place, we are up to nearly 800 here.

    1. Amy, fortunately I have more than two cases of wine. Oops you were referring to The Cases. We are hoping that the family has been sufficiently isolated not to have passed it on. Time will tell.

  13. I love your midges cartoon :) Stay safe, GB :)

    1. Thank you, Ruby. It's a long time since I've heard from you. I do hope that you stay safe. I cannot imagine living amongst lots of people.

  14. I hope you are correct, Agnieszka.

  15. The aftermath press conferences will be even worse than the ones we have now.

  16. I guess it was always inevitable but it must have still felt strange to hear the news. I can't imagine there will be anywhere on earth that won't eventually feel the effects of this virus. I hope your family are able to make it home or are keeping safe where they are.
    Stay well. And keep on bimbling. X

    1. I think you are right, Jules. The virus will reach everywhere and like most other viruses will be here for keeps. The only hope is that a vaccine will soon be manufactured and included in the annual flu jab that is available and that many of us get automatically.


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