Friday, 13 March 2020

Friday The Thirteenth

I have never been superstitious. Touch wood I never will be. However there was a moment today when I felt that Friday The Thirteenth might not be my lucky day. It started very well indeed. I woke up. So far, and allowing for the odd change of time when travelling when I lived in New Zealand and Scotland, I have woken up on 27,676 mornings. So I am always thankful when the trend continues. I know that one day it will not. I suspect on that day I shall be truly p****d off. 

Anyway by the time I had abluted it was 0730. I looked out of the kitchen window to see my bushes being cut. I can no longer reach the tops of the bushes

to cut them so a local handyman was commissioned. He had already finished making a great job of replacing my ancient gutters. His next job was to increase the concrete area which is my wheelie-bin store. I built it for three bins and we now have four.

So far the day was having a great start.

I was meeting a friend for coffee at 1030 so decided that, as it was a truly beautiful morning, I would go into town and get a few odds and ends, go for my walk in the woods and be at The Woodlands in perfect time for coffee. As an aside, as I thought I had an infection where I'd had a partial extraction on Tuesday, I'd pop into the dentist first for antibiotics. 

Apparently that meant seeing a dentist again. My dentist wasn't available but at noon another dentist could see me. At noon, Friday The Thirteenth kicked in. The rest of the tooth had to come out. The rest of the tooth displayed a marked reluctance to obey. Having had two extractions in the last year I've had no pain from either. This afternoon nearly five hours after the extraction and painkillers taken I am in pain. I don't like toothache.

Mind you I did manage to spend much of the afternoon in the garden. So life isn't too bad.


  1. My other half always says "every day you wake up is a good day".
    Really sorry to hear about the toothache. It can make you feel quite miserable if it drags on.
    Plenty of porridge and soup tomorrow!

  2. I hadn't really thought of it being Friday the 13th until I read this post. Thanks for bringing it to my attention - that explains a lot! ;) (the day started by throwing us back into Winter here) Sorry about your toothache!

    1. Monica, I only realised it was Friday the 13th because I read it on another blog post.

  3. In all the times I've commented on your blog, I never seem to be able to comment at the front of the pack. There are usually at least 25 comments here before I arrive, even if you've only posted the day before. So - goal accomplished!
    Sorry about your tooth. I've always found Friday the 13th to be just another day, really. Neither good nor bad (though thinking makes it so) - ha! Tag, you're it!

    1. Marcheline, your contribution, like your friendship is valued whenever it appears. If I 'listen to many but speak to few' then I'm sure I'll be able to come to a decision on Friday The Thirteenth. Ha! Tag, your'e it!

  4. Oh, what a horrible surprise! I think I'd be feeling rather sorry for myself. But how lucky to have a nice garden to spend time in. And with luck, by the time you read this, the pain will have gone, or at least lessened.

    1. Jenny, it's Saturday morning and everything always seems better with the light of a new day even if it's pouring with rain.

  5. So sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. the toothache is bad.I hope the matter is solved.

    1. Red, there is always something worse. Toothache is the pits but it's not a broken leg.

    2. The good is that tooth will not bother you again.
      I prefer to think of 13 Friday as a lucky day. The good of that is elimination of a day of anxiety.

    3. Maywyn, I generally take the view that all days are Good Days until proven otherwise. In reality the date is irrelevant.....or is it?

  6. Ouch to the teeth - hope you are feeling better soon. Funny how your day changed - our day started well but ended with the toilet developing a leak. I won't blame Black Friday though, because these things happen at any time - as you know :)

    1. Margaret, I'm not superstitious but it made a good handle on which to seek out a little sympathy. It's next morning and the pain mightn't be any better but I don't care about it as much because I've got an active day ahead.

  7. Ouch! I have never had a tooth extracted, but it sounds painful, and I hope you are better today on Saturday the 14th.

    1. Meike, you are fortunate. My back teeth have suffered a bit during my lifetime and a few are now past their use-by date. C'est la vie. In reality I'd have been in a lot more pain if I'd hit my finger with a hammer or burned my arm on the oven but, hey, toothache gets more sympathy!

  8. My experience of tooth extraction is the relief that at last the tooth ache has gone. I don't remember ever having pain after the extration but an Anadin to take away any soreness was usually the pill of choice. I am assuming it is better this morning as you have left me a comment.

    1. Rachel, I didn't have toothache until he extracted the tooth. I simply thought, because of tenderness when pressed, that I had a mild infection from my previous extraction which had been pain-free at the time. I went in for some antibiotics. If it hadn't been for my recurring bouts of sepsis which make me nervous of infections, I'd have ignored the tenderness and taken the advice of my 'own' dentist (to keep the tooth extracted yesterday) instead of the insistent advice of the emergency dentist.

  9. I hope by the time you get to read this response to your post your pain has subsided...disappeared completely, Graham. Take care.

    1. Lee, I'm much better now thank you. In the greater scheme of things a little toothache is nothing. Which makes me wonder why it can have such a big impact on one's feeling of well-being. I have lived with much greater discomfort without complaining (even to myself).

    2. It's one of those niggling, annoying pains that plays on one's nerves....I think....

  10. The horrible thing of tooth ache (and other persistent aches) that when they subside you are back to square one - pain free. Nothing gained. Though, admittedly, dead grateful till you forget. The only pain I have never minded was that of childbirth. At least there was a purpose to it, and a much cherished end result.

    As to Friday, 13th, and I am not superstitious, on the whole those Fridays do live up to their reputation of misfortune.

    Yesterday's riff on the theme a mouse in the house. The Angel (my son) phoned me, ca 2030 hrs. He was in the living room, I was in the study. Don't ask. Once his surprise had died down he did observe that it's so very unfortunate that mice look so cute you are in danger of giving them a name - yet you don't want them trespassing on your hour of relaxation, darting across the floor. I think/hope that mouse is a one off, not a nest, and a male - not an impregnated female.

    How does one catch a mouse? They are so fast. And so quiet.


    1. Ursula, your point about liking mice except in one's living space is a valid and universal one I think. I love mice. I had mice (and rats) as pets when I was a child. However when I had them in my house one autumn I disposed of them and then got a sonic repellant which plugs into a mains socket. I've never had a mouse in the house since. I could tell you about the mice in my garden shed but I'll spare you that today.

  11. Great post, and yes that is the best way to look at things, more need to see waking up as a very positive thing indeed!

    Not so good about the toothache though, ouch, not pleasant. Why is it after visiting the dentist one often feels much worse?!

    1. Serenata, in the last nearly 40 years I've almost always felt good coming out of the dentist's. I had a rocky start as a youngish man but had two brilliant dentists since then. This is the first time I've felt 'bad' about it for decades. I've been fortunate. Yesterday is beginning to fade as my face is beginning to feel less sore.

  12. Be kind to yourself today and I hope you enjoy your active day. Blessed are those who outlive their teeth.

    1. Pauline, you will probably not remember but years ago you paid me one of the nicest compliments anyone has ever paid me when you remarked that I had lovely teeth. I've never forgotten that. Thank you.

  13. Toothache is rotten. I hope your discomfort has eased by now. X

    1. Yes thank you Jules. I'm as right as rain now.


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