Thursday, 27 February 2020

Childhood 'Transportation'.

Now that I've found out where the 'create new post' button has been repositioned to I shall create a new post.

I recently posted about my first 'proper' means of transport and some people mentioned their childhood tricycles and so on. I'd quite forgotten about my childhood trikes etc. Searching through my Dad's photos I've found two. The first photo is of a very young me on my little three wheel tricycle. I seem to recall that it was red and green. What has struck me more than anything is how similar my grandson at 2 is to me at, I suppose about 3. We have the same sort of laugh with the eyes partially closed and a similar shape of face.

A little later on I had a red pedal car. This is me sitting on the bonnet with Keith (who Keith was I cannot recall but he wasn't on of the neighbouring children with whom I grew up).

After that I had Triang Tricycle. It had a bin on the back. It was red and cream. I can't find a photo so I have borrowed one from Google. Oddly I can't find a red and cream one. Red ones and cream ones but no hybrids.
Image result for triang 1950s tricycle with breadbin

Thank you for awakening my memories.


  1. I had No 3, with the boot for sandwiches, lemonaid, etc. Mine was red too, maybe it was the only colour?

    1. Cro, mine was red and cream so far as I can recall although it may be that the tricycle was red and the 'boot' was cream with a red lid?). If I can find a photo it will be in black and white but might be good enough to show the different shades.

  2. Well, you just awakening my own memory. I had one of those red Triang trikes, too, but without a boot. My dad got a bicycle basket for my handlebars.

    1. Mary, I think the ones with boots were very much the exception. I don't know why mine had a boot when no one else in the road had a boot. My Mum and Dad were definitely not ostentatious or showy - quite the reverse. It was possibly a present from my maternal Uncle.

  3. Oh, I had a little pedal car too, when I was about 3 years old. One of my favourite photos is of me in the car with my little sister sitting on the bonnet, very much like your photo. My car was red I think. So long ago now. Thanks for the memory!

    1. Yes, JayCee, it was all so long ago. It's very pleasant to do a little bit of remembering of times very long past.

  4. Wonderful old photos, Graham.

    I should spend some time and go through all the old family photos I have day soon, perhaps. :)

    1. Lee, I've been trawling through old photos for a while now. It's very enjoyable and very rewarding on occasion too.

  5. I had forgotten that there were trikes like the one you're on in the first photo.

    1. Well, Red, for us it was so long ago. I bought a similar one for my grandson a while ago. It was, of course, plastic but it was also fitted with a pole at the back so that it could be controlled and steered by the person walking behind.

  6. I remember those peddle cars, my cousin had one and I was quite jealous because his parents could afford more than mine could, these days I'm glad I didn't get everything given to me because I appreciate my life now.

    1. Interestingly, Amy, my parents weren't well off either but, and this is the strange thing, rationing was still in force when I was that age and buying things was very difficult. I'd be very surprised if it was new.

  7. Your grandson does look like you! I loved riding my tricycle, although I think calling it "mine" is a bit of a stretch, I am sure it was the same one for my older sister, me, and two younger brothers! Younger sister got all new stuff!

    1. It's strange, Kay, because this is the first time I've realised there is a likeness between the two of us. I assume that the tricycle was still around for my brother but by that time I'd have well grown out of it.

  8. You know I honestly always thought those little three wheelers hadn't been invented when I was a child, no-one in our neighbourhood must have had them for me to think that. I thought my kids were so lucky to have them.

    1. Pauline, I have a feeling the three-wheelers have been around since Victorian times although the one I had was probably designed post First World War.

  9. Particularly in the first picture, I can see "you" in that little boy's face; you may be several decades older, but still look like you! Your grandson looking so similar; I find that is often the case with grandparents and grandchildren, something to do with genetics often skipping one generation.
    My sister and I shared a tricycle that was kept at our grandparents' place. There is one photo where my sister sits on it with a triumphant smile (she as the older and stronger one often got there first) and me standing at the side, looking somewhat disappointed. But I did get to use it, I know that for sure! It was blue metal with a red seat.

    1. You said what I was going to say regarding GB's baby pictures - I can so see him now!

    2. Meike, thank you for the 'several decades'. Three quarters of a century to be precise. I was really thinking of me at a similar age. Others have agreed with you but I've never seen it myself. Blue with a red seat? Now you've made me wonder.

  10. I never had a tricycle I must have been brought up in poverty.
    If you want to increase your post hits amend the title to Transporting Children.

    1. Adrian, I'm surprised that by the age of three you hadn't made one.

      I'm getting enough spam as it is thanks!

  11. I don't recall a tricycle in my past, though there must have been one. I recall my first two-wheeler, though. As a little kid, my favorite "transport" was a "Sit 'N Spin" - this disc thing you sat on and spun yourself around until you couldn't see or walk straight. Probably has a lot to do with how I turned out, now that I think of it...

    There was also this "inchworm" thing - with a saddle on its back - and wheels under it. The idea was you were supposed to bounce up and down on the inchworm, and it was supposed to move forward bit by bit. But since there were no mechanisms in the wheels to keep them from rolling backward, it basically just stayed in place unless you put your feet on the floor and forced it forward. A huge disappointment, that toy...

    1. Marcheline, you forget that my childhood was in a country wracked by rationing and a massive shortage of any 'luxury' goods and that included many toys. You were also young many decades after I was. I'm saying that simply because I've never even heard of the toys you've mentioned.

  12. Keith may have been your alter ego - something like an imaginary friend. Admittedly, you don't see many photos of imaginary friends.

    1. YP, you've made me wonder about imaginary friends. I don't think I ever had one. I was brought up in a road with quite a few children of my age so I wasn't short of friends at that age.

    2. For a brief period - when he was three or four years old - my son had an imaginary friend. He was called The Master and he lived in our attic. It was quite spooky but after a few weeks The Master simply went away.

    3. YP, the imagination, like dreams, are part of a weird and wonderful and sometimes scary phenomenon that I, for one, have never understood.

  13. I suppose I may have had a tricycle too, but I can't say I remember it. The bike I recall from when I was around five was a bicycle, but with the pedals on the front wheel (and no chain). I shall have to search my photo albums for evidence (and post it on my own blog if I find it)

    1. Monica, I am fascinated by that. I do hope that you find a photo.

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