Sunday, 5 January 2020

It'll Soon Be Easter

Are we wishing our lives away? What happened to living for the moment?

Easter Day is the 12 April 2020: 97 days away.

I went into the Coop in Stornoway on the 2 January and was met guessed it, Easter eggs. Okay not a full blown display but enough to set the stage for things to come. Despite having a grandson I don't think I've bought an Easter egg for at least 4 decades. If ever there was a really silly way of buying chocolate it's in an Easter egg.

As a recovering chocoholic of 20 years who rarely eats more than two pieces of chocolate a day (one with each of two cups of coffee) I'm fairly immune to the constant availability of really good chocolates. However I have to admit that it has taken some willpower not to eat quickly chocolate gingers from Hotel Chocolat that I was given.

I used to be accused of being 'ya boo' in relation to Christmas but, with so many people on that bandwagon, I think I'll turn my efforts onto Easter. Except that, in reality, apart from the huge number of people making money out of it, few people will actually care.

Note: for those who care I used to get annoyed by the commercialisation of Christmas because it was supposed to be a Christian festival. Ditto Easter. Now I leave that to other people.


  1. Same in Muchty CO-OP. Worse if anything as the Cream Eggs are where they put the mince pies and I like Mince pies.

    1. The odd thing is, Adrian, that they sell cream eggs all your round but I'm not sure that mince pies appear all the time.

  2. Easter eggs aren't anywhere near as good as they were. There always used to be that part of the egg which was much thicker chocolate than the rest.

    1. I confess, Jules, that it's so long since I bought or tasted an Easter Egg that I can't recall anything about them although I seem to recall that some did have things inside them

  3. The small Cadbury's Easter eggs have traditionally been on sale straight after Christmas for many many years. I see it from a retailing and marketing point of view which is grab it while you can so I reached not blaming them for doing it also many years ago. I like Cadbury's eggs for a little bit of comfort eating sometimes in any case. It is nice to know that my birthday is 97 days away. I will start counting backwards from today. Thank you.

    1. Rachel, as I said to Adrian, I think that the Cadbury's cream eggs are available all year round now. I don't really think of them as Easter eggs. They are far too sweet for me now although I used to love them. It's amazing what one learns through serendipity.

  4. It must be something that happens as we grow older and wiser, Graham. I used to get really upset about all the commercialization of our holidays, but now I just let it go with a shake of my head at how gullible some people seem to be. Most just go along with it all, and never appear to stop and think about what they are actually doing and why.

    1. Margaret, I think you have hit the nail on the head.

  5. I'm happy to say I haven't been into a shop yet this year. That will have to change soon as I'm expecting two of my sisters to visit in the next few days. But they won't be getting any Easter eggs although I no longer get my knickers in a knot about what those retailers have done to Christmas and Easter.

    1. Well, Pauline, as I'm in Glasgow at the moment, I've been in more shops than you can shake a stick at. Once I return to the Island I think I'll be happy if I don't see another shop for months. Unfortunately I have to eat.

  6. Right now the shelves are blooming with hearts and other stuff. I expect the Easter stuff will appear in a few weeks.

    1. Susan, I was wondering why on earth hearts should be featuring. Then I remembered my youth. And it's Leap Year this year too!

  7. Similar is happening here in some supermarkets. Coles supposedly had Hot Cross Buns on their shelves on Boxing Day!!!

    How ridiculous! I think it's crazy...and in poor pun intended.

    1. Well, Lee, intended or not the pun amused me.

  8. Marketing has taken over our world.

  9. I don't bother with Easter, but I do wish that Christmas wouldn't start in October.

    1. Cro, it starts late in France then. Here it starts when the children go back after the summer holidays.

  10. Last week, O.K. and I went to a big supermarket to stock up on basics and buy extra for a bring-in party we were invited to on Saturday, but I could not see anything Easter-themed, just plenty of Christmas stuff at reduced prices (we didn't buy any of that).
    With the sun shining most days and some rather mild temperatures, I was not too surprised to note some trees already with their buds emerging as if it was March! We have not had many really cold nights or days yet, so I'm afraid those over-optimistic trees will suffer when winter eventually arrives.

    1. Meike, the warm spell in Spring last year caused chaos with the poor bees who came out early with the early spring flowers and then perished in the cold and wet that followed.

  11. Oh good. We are going away over Easter so if the countdown has already begun I can start to get excited. I may even be tempted by some chocolate.

    1. JayCee, there's nothing like excitement and temptation. Good luck!

  12. As Brodie grows older you will be able to do finger painting with him - make mud pies too and when you are down on all fours he can ride on your back - just like a jockey on Red Rum. You will have to learn how to neigh. It's not all about the chocolate.

    1. Being a grampa can be such fun, YP. With my own children it was sandcastles and damming streams because we always lived near the beach.

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