Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Life Update

After a week of intermittent internet which has curtailed my time in Blogland, it has been decided that the cable in the road verge has to be renewed which needs specialist equipment and possibly a road closure. So it’s not a straightforward half a day job. 

Anyway my blogging might be curtailed yet again for a short (hopefully) while.  I’m writing this on my mobile/cell phone but blogging on the phone isn’t easy nor fun. 

Yesterday morning I woke (I always say that that’s a good start to the day) early and was feeling A1+ which is generally speaking how I feel anyway. I went for my usual morning walk in the Castle Grounds and, having stopped and chatted to half of Stornoway, I went to The Woodlands for morning coffee. 

Within an hour I had all the signs of another bout of sepsis. Within another couple of hours I’d been admitted to hospital where I was pumped full of the appropriate antibiotics. Because it was caught early I’m hoping to be home on oral antibiotics within another day or so. 

Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. I miss you all.


  1. Life can be a bugger. I don't think I could cope as cheerfully as you do. Get better soon.

    1. Adrian, it's being so cheerful wot get's me through! Who said that?

  2. You are an expert at self diagnosing, I see. And it's a good thing you are. Get better, we miss you

    1. Kylie, thank you. Having had sepsis five times previously in the last 18 months I know the signs instantly now.

  3. I hope you're back at home and feeling much better very soon. Thank goodness you knew what symptoms to look out for. X

    1. Thanks, Jules. I'm back and in harness again.

  4. Sepsis is not good. Glad you caught it quickly. Hurray for hospitals! Hope the cable digging does not cause you internet disruption for too long.

    1. You're absolutely right about sepsis, Lucy. However so far I've managed to avoid the worst it can mete out and I live to tell the tale. Thank you for visiting. I don't think we've met so I shall pop over to 'Halifax' for a visit.

  5. Oh dear, when you feel like A1, life comes right at you! Hope you will be better soon and won't be too long without internet access. Flowers 💐 for you.

    1. Thank you Kay. All back to what passes for 'normal' again.

  6. Oh no... How scary that it just sometimes seem to come from "nowhere" like that? Good that your recognize the symptoms though and don't live very far from the hospital... Hope you'll feel better soon - and your Internet connection gets repaired as well!! ❤

    1. Monica, whilst it comes from 'nowhere, so suddenly I assume there is a latent source somewhere within me - probably related to the bits of plastic keeping my insides working. C'est la vie.

  7. How on earth did that happen - did you stay out for too long or is it just one of those things? Whatever I wish you a speedy recoverery.

    1. Heron, as I said in my response to Monica it's probably related to my kidney stent or similar. The body doesn't like foreign objects in the urinary tract etc.

  8. gosh. hope one is bouncing around again soon

  9. Glad you were on the ball so quickly .... we miss you too xx

  10. Glad they caught it early GB. Hope the antibiotics are kicking in and that you'll be home soon, xx

    1. Thank you Helen. All's well again now. I just have to catch up with life again.

  11. We miss you Graham. Wishing you a rapid recovery.

  12. Get better soon, Graham - see you soon!

  13. Oh, lucky you know what to look for! Get well soon, Graham.

    1. Yes, Pipistrello, I'm well versed in the symptoms and the medics are happy with that because it's easier for them to treat when they catch it early.

  14. How dreadful, but good that you can spot your own symptoms. We'll wait for your return!

    1. Thank you, Cro. I have actually read your posts on my phone but not commented.

  15. Early treatment might keep the worst away, best wishes for your speedy recovery to A1 status (and Internet).

    1. Thank you, Potty. With sepsis the worst is life-ending so I sincerly hope that it does keep that away. There are too many blogs to read and write to pop of this mortal coil yet.

  16. Thank you for letting us know, and like everyone else here, I hope you get well and back to A1+ soon. I must admit I don't quite know what sepsis is and where it comes from, but it sounds very scary.

    1. I was unsure too, so Googled sepsis and am horrified!

  17. I'm so sorry about your sepsis, Graham. I am always in fear of Keith getting that as he has a predisposition to cellulitis when his legs are particularly bad, and then the race is on to get it treated before it deteriorates. Hope you'll soon be clear and enjoying life again.

    1. Jenny when I read your blog it put my sepsis into context. Sepsis is life-threatening and can be life-altering but, generally, if caught early is not successful at either. I do hope that Keith keeps the cellulitis at bay.

  18. Dear GB, hoping you feel better and are up walking the woods again soon!! I love to think of you out chatting to half of Stornoway. Lucky, lucky Stornoway...

    1. Dear Marcheline, all is now back to normal - the chatting has re-commenced (actually with one thing and another it never really stopped. Hospitals are full of chatty people (well, sometimes) the problem is that one cannot always be bothered chatting.

  19. I’m SO sorry, Graham. You really don’t need another stay In hospital. Do get well very soon.

    1. Frances, I've got well very quickly. Thanks. I really could do with staying out of hospital. At least, fortunately, I'm not one of those people with a loathing of them.

  20. Sorry to read you have been unwell again. Do they know why you keep getting this? I hope you are starting to improve.

    1. Serenata, I'm good now ta. I think they are coming to the conclusion that it's there inside me and exercebated erey now and then by the fact that I've got a stent in my kidney. On the whole the body doesn't like things inside the urinary tract that wouldn't naturally be there.

  21. oh you poor thing, I wondered why you'd been quiet. I hope you're on the mend in no time, as for the internet details I know what you're talking about. My other half fixes internet and phone issues for his job.

    1. Amy, your other half will have sympathy for the engineers struggling to fine spare lines within unprotected cables burried over 40 years ago.

  22. You are a tough guy - as I think I have said before - you take it all in your stride. Fingers crossed your internet connection will be made better than before and you can tell all your blogging friends about your life, your health and your raunchy nights in Stornoway's red light district.

    1. YP I'm not really tough I just have an incurably positive outlook on health matters. I'm hoping, as they have to replace the cable, that they will put a fibre one in. That would be a massive bonus. I think the nearest Stornoway got to a red light district was someone putting a boc of OMO in the kitchen window.

    2. I guess that was a dyslexic homosexual fisherman.

  23. Heck, that's not funny. Sorry I am late to this, hope you are on the road to recovery.

    1. Thank's Jayne. I'm fully recovered now. I've been over to Bag End (being a Tolkein fan, who wouldn't be tempted) but haven't managed yet to work out what's what so will return.

    2. Good to know you are OK now.
      Sorry if "Bag End" is a little confusing - I guess that's the problem with a long-running blog, so many things now that it would not occur to me to explain. Management is the recently retired Spousal-Unit, Daisy was our beloved rescue four-paws who died at the end of February, "Bill" is a campervan/panel van conversion, LP was a good friend and incredibly hard worker who was my labourer for many years. Any questions, there's a 'contact me' gadget you can bung an email through 🙂

    3. Yes, Jayne, catching up with a blog is just like catching up with someone to whom you have just been introduced in any social scenario> We eventually put all the pieces of the jigsaw together (well we try anyway).

  24. I'm running so far behind...I've only just this morning begun catching up on blog posts...sorry Graham. I'm sorry for missing this post until now. However, I am glad to learn all has been sorted out with you...and you're on the "feeling good" list, once again. Take good care. :)

    1. Lee, don't worry! I'm only just catching up on responding 😂


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