Friday, 17 August 2018

Er, Pardon?

I'm not sure how many posts I've started over the last however many days since the last post. I never managed to finish any of them. However I'm now back home from my 'three days away'. And therein lies the tale and (with apologies to John Steinbeck) the fact that the best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley.

I've learned one thing, though: never travel light. I always take the kitchen sink: two if available. Twelve days ago on the Monday when I left on the ferry I knew that I would be back after my pre-op check on the Tuesday and a service for the Volvo. Apart from anything else my accommodation was only available for a few nights. So I travelled very light (by my standards).

At the pre-op the nurse practitioner said that the consultant surgeon wanted to see me.  He did and we had a chat. He then casually said "Right. I'll see you on Monday." Er, pardon? 

Apparently when the pre-op had been moved because of my visitors the operation had not but the letter hadn't arrived before I left home. 

The ferry was fully booked and I couldn't get back to Glasgow if I returned home. So I had to find alternative accommodation and get additional 'supplies'. Fortunately I do keep some necessities and clothes at my friend, Anna's.

So on Sunday night I found myself, once more, in Ayr Hospital and on Monday I had my kidney stent renewed and some radio therapy damage tidied up again. I was out on Tuesday and home on Wednesday night. Yesterday I was shattered despite a good night's sleep but by this morning after 8½ hours without moving a muscle I was alive again.

I've no plans to be away from the Island again until September so, hopefully, I'll be back in Blogland and catching up with what has been happening in my absence.


  1. Medical issues can keep you busy.

  2. Good to hear your operation went well. Lucky for you there was that casual comment!

    1. Yes, Pipistrello, I hadn't really thought how fortunate I'd been that the casual comment had been made. I'd have got home and found the letter and possibly been unable to get back in time.

    2. Gosh. I'm so glad that didn't happen!

  3. You seem to brush-off your op' as almost commonplace. I'm sure it can't have been that simple. Good to hear you're OK.

    1. Cro, I'm not sure how common kidney stents are but I'm likely to have to go through this every 3 or 4 months for the foreseeable (and possibly the unforeseeable) future. The whole thing has been made necessary by collateral damage caused by radio therapy 10 years ago. I was told there would be collateral damage but as the alternative was probable death it was worth it. I think it's relatively simple operation when there is good access to the kidney. My problem is that access is restricted by the damage.

  4. That is a draw back when you live on an island some way from Hospitals. It sounds like an awful trek for you and having to rely on ferries and accommodation. Hopefully you won't need a hospital in a long while now. I have been away from bogland too but only because of other events getting in the way.

    1. Diane, living on an Island definitely has the drawback of remoteness especially when the ferry journey is 2½ hours to the Mainland and then another 60 miles to the nearest large town. However there are lots of benefits too and we do have a good hospital for general procedures and emergencies.

  5. This is good news to start Saturday. I was starting to wonder if you were okay. I suspect it is a bit much for the NHS to text. Not to worry as it seems to have ended well. Good luck for September.

    1. Thanks Adrian. Yes, all's wee that ends well as they say. I'm certainly happy to be home though.

  6. Still ticking over then? It's not long until September now, I hope whatever it is will be a treat rather than not.

    1. Potty, I'm hoping to go and spend time with my brother and sister-in-law and see various friends including my longest-standing friend of 70 years and her daughter (my God-daughter) and her family. Whether I'll get very much further south to see my nieces and families is in the lap of the gods.

  7. Just as well you were prepared wow. I've done the living in a small town thing where you have to travel a distance to any civilization, loved it - it truly feels like home to me even though I grew up in the city, I can't wait to get home again just like you will.

    1. Yes, Amy, I, too, grew up in a city but I could never go back.

  8. Dear Mr Edwards,
    I must protest in the strongest possible terms about this blogpost! Currently, it does not possess a title and thereby is in contravention of "The International Blogging Code of Practice", page 423, section b. May I suggest that you attend to this oversight forthwith and may I further suggest this title that I found in the middle of your latest outpouring - "Er, pardon?"
    Yours pedantically,
    Y. Pudding (Esq.)

    1. Dear Mr Pudding

      Many thanks for pointing out my transgression
      And suggesting a remedy. The transgression is no more.

      Yours gratefully

      Graham Edwards (Mr)

  9. You must keep up with your blog because you may live on an island but remember, "no man is an island".
    Wish I had written that! Take care

    1. Thanks Kay. I do try and keep up with my blog and keep up with my Blogland plas too. Without you all I would, indeed, feel rather isolated.

    2. I love the sentiments of this Kay. Nicely said...even if it wasn't you who originally wrote it.
      Wishing you well Graham. xx

    3. Thank you Lynda. All's good now and back on track. I'll soon catch up in Blogland too.

  10. Speaking of pedantically, the editor in me wants to tell you that your first-paragraph apologies should not be to John Steinbeck but to Bobby Burns. Indeed, you used his own words "gang aft agley" instead of the more modern "go oft awry" (which is what me sainted mother always said).

    I wondered why you hadn't posted in a spell and now I know why. I am glad things turned out well for you, and I hope they will continue to do so in the foreseeable or even unforeseeable future.

    1. Of course, Robert, if I were attributing the whole quote (which I'm sure I have used before) to it's originator then it would, of course, be to Burns. I have attended enough Burns' Suppers and listened to many renditions of to a wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie never to forget. However I have been hoist with mine own petard in trying to be clever and allude to the fact that it was the where Steinbeck got the title of his book 'Of Mice And Men'.

      Thank you, too, for your hopes for the foreseeable or unforeseeable future.

  11. Graham, I'm so sorry you've had yet more medical problems/interventions, and hope you are now recoverin. Please do look after yourself.

    1. Frances they are going to continue to be part of my life and whilst they continue to keep me alive and functioning as well and as happily as they do then I'm delighted with the odd minor inconvenience.

  12. It's good to see you post! I saw on my blog that you had a new post but without a title I thought you must have started a post and then deleted so I didn't actually click over here!

    1. Kylie, I just managed to have a senior moment or brainfart and forgot to write a heading.

  13. Prayers continue for your good health
    What an ordeal to pack not enough. Travel light is a nice thought, but not practical.

    1. Thanks, Maywyn, back on track now and just about to do a spot of Grandson minding. As for travelling light - never again!

  14. Glad you got it sorted even if not quite according to plan. I hope there will be nothing else going agley now for a good while! Take care. (And welcome back to Blogland!) ♥

    1. Thanks Monica. Hopefully that's the kidney back on track for another wee while.

  15. I wish you well, Graham. Take things easy...and we will "see" you when we "see" you, and enjoy doing so. Best wishes to you. :)

    1. Thanks, Lee. I'm back in harness and will soon have caught up in Blogland too,

  16. Phew - that was close! I suspect that things would have become a bit complicated, had you returned home without knowing about the operation on Monday. Good to know it all went well and you have had some rest.
    September is just round the corner, so I guess you'll just about finish catching up with things at home before you'll be off again.

    1. Meike, when I wrote the post I'd not really realised that September was quite so close - August seems to have hurtled by. I'm going down to see CJ in September but I've now discovered that it won't be until the second half because I have to be on the Island for an appointment mid September.

  17. I had a wonderful time visiting and didn't fully realise at the time (even tho' you did tell me) that you had changed so your appt to fit me in. Thank you Geeb. x

    1. Kate, fear not. The original appointment was for when Wendy and Martin were here and I put it off until after you'd left. A hospital appointment is the thing that has to be 'fitted in' never friends! Friends are welcome any time. In fact I wouldn't have missed your visit for the world. After all, apart from anything else, I'd never had 'met' that curious beetle.

  18. Graham, I'm glad you are home and mended. And survived yet another ordeal with your usual good humour. Make the most if your grandchild minding, and your brother time. And may you rest and sleep well. Do take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks, Pauline. Life's pretty good and it's even stopped raining this afternoon!

  19. SO glad you're home again. The world just ain't right if GB is not in his conservatory, overlooking the garden and the sea...

    1. Sorry, Mrs S, I read your message when it came in to my emails but omitted to come and respond. That you for your thought.

  20. Oh, how frustrating. I am glad that you feel okay again now and I imagine you're rather glad to be back....

    1. Again, Jenny, apologies for failing to come and respond to your comment. I was very glad to be back.


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