Saturday, 28 July 2018

A Short Walk

A couple of weeks ago I went for a walk to Pat and Dave's across the valley. I decided to go via the beach below the house and back via the road.

           There                                                                                                          and back again
The track from my house to the beach.

Looking across to Upper Bayble
One of a myriad of wild flowers - a particularly beautiful marsh orchid (I think)
The 'small' hidden beach below my house. The sand has largely temporarily disappeared. It always comes back.
Bayble Pier
The road to (and from) the pier.
An example of a modern humble croft house.
On the way home. A steep climb up from the junction with the road to the beach and pier.
Looking back from the top of the hill towards Upper Bayble.


  1. Nice walk and a good description of the area.

    1. Yes, Red, I often wonder what ideas people have about the area.

  2. That little bay looks really beautiful. I'd be very tempted to throw a few Lobster pots in there. Ever since I was a child I've loved finding things in rock pools; that bay looks perfect.

    1. Cro, there are certainly a few pots around in the bay and the boats are out most days. I'm not sure what they catch.

  3. You picked a good day for it. I am grateful for the vile weather as without it the area would be like the Costas in Spain.

    1. Absolutely, Adrian. We have beaches and scenery to rival the best in the world but you have to be very enthusiastic to come and see it. There is always the danger, though, that if more people come that destroys what they have come to experience.

  4. Please forgive me for being nosey and looking to see which part of Lewis you are on. From the humble croft to the little bay it looks idyllic in the sunshine.

    1. Lesley, you are very welcome. I should have put a little pointer on a map. For me it is idyllic most of the time. You don't live on Lewis for the great weather. However constant light at midsummer compensated for the 6 or 7 hours of true daylight in midwinter.

  5. Was it safe to come back via the road as there was so much traffic around? You should wear a day-glo jerkin just in case.

    1. You'd be quite surprised by the amount of traffic YP. The road down to my house is a bus route even though it's only just wide enough for a bus. Most of the many dog walkers do wear day-glow in the winter

  6. Lucky lucky you to live in such a gorgeous spot and to have good friends to visit who close by! Lucky!

  7. Oh! This is all so beautiful. Wonderful photos, Graham...thanks for sharing. What a stunningly beautiful area.

    1. Lee, there are many worse places to live. I love it here.

  8. A lovely walk. The sea must sometimes seem like a very emotional neighbour, and so I am glad that it has been so benign and calm for you lately. The little beach looks a lovely place to sit with a book - unless it is windy I suppose.

    1. You would not believe, Jenny, that the heavy winds today sent waves and a swell over the deck of the pier and the ferry was delayed. That is unknown in July. Now, six hourse later, the sun is shining and all is good again. That's the Hebrides for you.

  9. Wow! That is a beautiful walk. The orchid is magnificent. It must have been a lovely, not much I don't think I would ever tire of the short walk to the beach. It is a beautiful sight.

    1. It was a very pleasant day, Mrs Thyme, and there was just a gentle breeze. I don't do the walk anywhere near as often as I should. Most of my 'daily' walks are done in the relative shelter of the Castle Grounds in Stornoway (where I can reward myself at the end with a coffee in The Woodlands).

  10. Ash. I wish... The walk into Heswall won't seem quite so exciting this week.

    1. I wish too Bruv. September isn't too far away when we should be getting some walks together.

  11. It looks a great place for walks - unless the midges are out. Of everything I know about the Hebrides (most of it through your blog), the midges are what puts me off the most.

    1. Meike, it is very strange but there have been hardly any midges this year. Not a single bowls game has been affected which is, apparently, unprecedented. I've been hearing words I never thought I would hear on Lewis such as "Where are all the midges this year?" It would be bliss if it stayed like that. Perhaps it will.

  12. Lovely pictures and beautiful weather - it reminds me to enjoy the simple things. I walk regularly with Poppy and always try to make it near water as it satisfies my soul better than inland areas..... I feel lucky to have a choice of river and beach so close - but not the views like you have as its so flat around me.... which I am not complaining about as hills and knees don't work so well together but I can at least enjoy a brisk 5km flat river walk just fine.

    Im glad you have had a lovely summer with visitors and your family - and midge free sounds wonderful!

    1. Fi, I would be hard pressed to live away from water. Being able to see it every day I'm at home is a huge bonus.

  13. How wonderful! With chagrin, I realize that you walked more in one day than I do in many, many days put together... but then again I don't have the inspiration that you have. I figure the carbon dioxide I would inhale from traffic, walking where I live, would totally counteract any physical benefits gained by the actual walking. 8-)

    1. I'm fortunate, Mrs S, in having lots of short and medium (2 to 6 mile) walks easily accessible. Air pollution is, of course, not an issue here.

  14. I never tire of the sea! Of course I don't see it every day as you do.

    What a great walk, I hope you get to do it loads more times.

    The road to the pier looked "different" to me and I finally realised that I have never before seen road with grass growing right to the edge, there is always some kind of gravel or tarmac shoulder here

    1. The thing about the sea, Kylie, is that it is always different: a never-ending visual story. Many, if not most, of our rural roads have grass growing right up to the tarmac.

  15. Wow thats a lovely rural area with a beach as well. How far is the walk? I would love to do that walk in summer.

    1. I'm fortunate, Diane, to live in a very rural area but near to most facilities that I may need.

  16. oh what a beautiful spot, those lucky people living there.

  17. Thanks for sharing the pics of down near the beach Graham! My health prevents me from being able to walk down there. We have lived here for over 3 years and I haven’t been able to get down there yet! Maybe I will one day, but for now I enjoyed looking at it from your pics.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that you've never been down there Debbie. I do hope that you manage it soon. It has also reminded me just how little I know about some of my neighbours.

  18. A post I missed because the email notification went into my Spam folder... Glad I happened to find it! Thanks for taking us along on this walk. While I've seen many views from your house, not so many from down below, or the road!

    1. Thanks, Monica, I didn't pick this up either because it was in my comments folder in the Dashboard but I missed it coming in as an email (which I assume it must have done).


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