Sunday, 15 April 2018

It's Spring Again

I was in Glasgow, Ayr and Callander this week. I didn't see the sun at all. However the Isle of Lewis basked in the sun whilst I was away.  I arrived back late last night and spent a good bit of today settling back in. I also spent some time in the garden. I had made sure that the lawnmower was emptied of petrol and cleaned when it retired for the winter so today I decided to see if it would come back to life. It did, so I cut the grass. I also adjusted the water in the pond and cleaned out lots of pondweed which had suddenly been activated by the sunny weather. It must, therefore, be Spring. 

Just a few of the hundreds of daffodils in the garden
The first batch of tadpoles have left their spawn embryos and are now a writhing mass.

What really struck me today, though, was the fact that it was still light at 9pm. In two months on a night like tonight (ie cloudless) there will be no night-time.  How fast the seasons come and go.


  1. Good to hear that somebody has spring and it might as well be you!

  2. I planted lots of Daffs around the bases of the fruit trees, but every year they produce leaves but no flowers. I suppose it has something to do with the soil. Yours are just how I imagined ours would be.

    1. Cro my garden has daffodils all over the place and I am enjoying them immensely. When I lived her and in New Zealand I rarely saw daffodils because I missed the spring in both countries.

  3. Daffodils are such a cheery vibrant way to welcome Spring.

  4. What beautiful daffodils you have. Mine are a bit sporadic...I may have missed some while away. As for the tadpole, WOW. We haven't had any here for a couple of years now disappointingly. I am always hopeful, but nada. There haven't been any since the year they never changed into frogs, just stayed tadpoles. I have since cleaned the pond out thinking perhaps that is the problem, but still nothing.

    1. Serenata, there must be thousands of tadpoles in the pond. Some frogs spawned very early and there was another batch spawned last week when I was away.

  5. Hell's bells! All those tadpoles! But whose foreboding shadow is lurking over the pond? It is like a screenshot from a horror movie..."The Tadpole Man".

    1. The looming body loomed and then moved on. 'Twas me, of course, YP. There was too much glare on the pond and the phone camera doesn't have a polarising filter.

  6. The daffs are glorious! and in their own way, the tadpoles are as well.

    You got through a good few chores, time for a cuppa and a biscuit :)

    1. Kylie, I wanted to make the most of the sunny weather. We've had another beautiful day today and another good session in the garden.

  7. How lovely that you get to spend some time with your daffodils! :) (I seem to recall you used to miss those when you spent half the year in NZ...) Enoy!

    1. You are absolutely correct Monica. I missed them for nearly 10 years.

  8. I'd love to have hundreds of daffodils. I'm always sad when they give way to other plants.

    1. Jenny, most of my daffodils are in areas where they are the only flower and the leaves are allowed to die back into the bulb.

  9. We're still experiencing summer/spring-like weather here at the moment. It's a glorious sunny day today. Thankfully, it's not too hot, though.

    And thankfully, throughout the Commonwealth Games that just finished on Sunday, most of the time the weather behaved itself during the many events.

    I loved watching all the Games events, and binged on the Games over the couple of weeks they were on - but -like thousands and thousands of others, I thought the Closing Ceremony was a debacle...a disgrace. It was so insult to all the athletes who competed, win, place or otherwise.

    The so-called "organisers" of the Opening and the Closing Ceremony couldn't organise a bun fight in a bakery!

    1. Lee, I didn't see any of the Games: just the reports on the news programmes. It's a shame the ceremonies were not up to scratch though.

  10. The daffodils are fabulous. Glad Spring has arrived for you. Well done having the energy to mow the grass.

    1. Thanks Diane. Needless to say my mower is motorised.

  11. Your daffys are wonderful. They are my all time favourite flower. I love to see them in the woods under trees. The bluebells will be next. Pity I can’t flipping well walk in the wood these days. I’m no further forward on reducing the pain unfortunately.
    Glad you have managed to get a bit of the sunshine back on the island. We are supposed to be having a mini heatwave starting tomorrow, I’ll believe it when it happens.
    Happy mowing... it will be an ongoing process for the next 6 months.
    Regards Bev.

    1. Beverley, as yellow is one of my favourite colours I, of course, also love daffodils. We are having the most glorious weather (although some rain is forecast for tomorrow) with lots of opportunities to get into the garden. That's good because my garden is pretty high maintenance. Ironically we've also had some strong winds disrupting the Uig to Tarbert ferry.

  12. Great galloping gardens! We have daffodils, but it's more like a bunch here, and a bunch there... you have a veritable riotous mass of them! So glad you're out enjoying the Spring! If I can ever get rid of this damn flu, I will be doing the same... then again, they're calling for snow again here in NY...

    1. Mrs S, I do have a veritable riotous mass of daffy dills and if you were rather more conveniently placed I would bring you a huge bunch to help happify you in your flueyness.

    2. Just knowing you are feeling better, and out enjoying the Spring beauty of Scotland, is all the happifying I could ask for!


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