Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Life - An Update

I’ve been in Glasgow for a couple of weeks.  I should have been home last week.  I came down for routine scans and an appointment with the drug trial coordinator for my cancer treatment. Once more things have not turned out as planned: partly because of the snowy weather and partly because I’m back in hospital with an infection again. One of the problems of being in hospital is that I’m separated from my laptop. This makes Blogland laborious using my iPhone. 

All my British readers will likely have seen plenty of pictures of snow much worse that the snow we’ve had in Glasgow but the chaos here has been considerable with trains cancelled en masse and general transport disruption. At Anna’s where I’m staying the road was totally blocked for cars except a few 4x4s for several days. I eventually got to The Beatson on Friday by walking out to the main road 25 minutes away on foot and getting a bus. In places the snow was over the top of my wellingtons.

I had planned this post with photos but despite all my efforts I cannot find a way that Blogger will post the photos from my phone. The original Blogger app was discontinued long ago and using Google’s Chrome app on my iPhone as my browser elicits the same message as do all the other browsers ie that it is not a Google supported browser for Google Blogger. How strange.

So that’s all folks: for now.


  1. Prayers continue for your good health
    and higher boots. :)

    1. Thanks Maywyn. Next time I’ll put waders in the car.

  2. Oh dear! That sounds like an adventure you could have gladly done without.

    1. Thanks Meike. Yes it would have been nice not to spend another spell in hospital being pumped full of antibiotics.

  3. Thanks for the update Graham. As there are no references to nasty health surprises, I am assuming that all is well and that you will soon be back at "Chez Edwards" sleeping in your own bed, listening to the waves crashing on the shore and dreaming of Napier.

    1. Thanks Neil. I managed into hospital before the infection got bad enough to be sepsis. I’ve learned the signs although this time (the third) it came on very quickly indeed. I shall go to sleep tonight with your last sentence firmly implanted in my mind.

  4. I can barely imagine tramping twenty minutes in the snow and with an infection. You are made of stern stuff indeed. I hope things are soon easier!

    1. Thanks for the comment Kylie. I have now been discharged and driven up to Lewis and am safely ensconced at home and getting back to normality.

  5. Gosh, you are having a tough winter, aren't you? And there I was hoping to see some photos of Eagleton under snow. I do hope you are healed again soon and don't have any more traipsing around in the snow.

    1. Pauline I would have loved to have been here in Eagleton but, as it happens, there was no snow on Lewis. It was one of the few places in the UK to escape The Beast From The East.

  6. I'm sorry to hear that you have been hospitalized. I hope everything goes well. It's frustrating to be away from the internet.

    1. Thanks Red. Hopefully normal service will now be resumed.

  7. Every time we have bad weather here, I always think of people who have to get to medical appointments and treatments. Looks like you are one of them! Sure you have a whole new set of doctors and nurses who are in love with you.

    1. Kay I have to admit that I have a whole new set of doctors and nurses with whom I have fallen in love.

  8. Good to hear you are still getting about. Good luck.

    1. You can't keep an old dog down Adrian. You know that!

  9. I’ve been watching for your update and fully expecting that you had managed to get home on Monday. I’m sorry you are having to be in hospital again but sending big Yorkshire hugs to go along with the antibiotics. That should do the trick, you will be rushing back to your island home very soon I’m sure. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Bev.

    1. Thanks Bev. Yorkshire hugs are always very welcome. Well, perhaps there are exceptions YP.

  10. Oh dear, poor you. You have had tough time recently. Lets hope the March winds blow in some better health for you and that you are back home soon. Take care and keep warm.

    1. Thanks Cath after 6 months of this I'm hoping that the March winds do their magic.

  11. Hey there, Graham...sorry to hear about your infection and that you're in hospital, but it is the best place for you to be until it's cleared away. I wish you only the best of everything.

    I was just watching a show on TV where they were shoveling snow in an effort to uncover a well-hidden car. As I've said often in the past...snow looks so pretty in postcards etc., but I don't know how people deal with it...particularly the big beast that's been hitting you guys from the east!

    Take good care, Graham...I hope you've back home again soon.

    1. Lee it's all been like a rather odd dream. If I'd been at home on Lewis I'd not have seen any snow at all.

  12. Oh dear ... I'm away for a short while and come back to find you in hospital again. This isn't going well for you and I'm very concerned. Hope, hope, hope you will recover, go home, and not be bothered again for a good long time

    1. Thanks Jill. It's a good job I don't have the aversion to hospitals that some people have.

  13. Oh no. Get back to full health again soon

    1. Thanks Andrea. I'm back on my beloved Lewis. For how long though is in the lap of the medics.


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