Friday, 19 January 2018


Heron of A Heron's View posted recently on the problems of commenting on Blogger recently. From the comments he is obviously not alone. As it happens I had already started to draft one on the inordinate time it takes for comments to publish I recently timed some comments that I made and the fastest to appear after I'd clicked 'publish' was 17 seconds. That's not a lot if you are waiting for a bus (whatever a bus is) but it is if you are commenting on blogs and responding to comments on your own. Just for the record I have super-fast broadband

On the other hand if you want real slowness hard to bear the Royal Mail with this one. I received on the 7th January a Christmas card which had been posted on the 2nd December (sic) so had taken over 5 weeks to travel from Sheffield. It was designed (possibly not intending it to be a Christmas card!) by my great nephew Toby (aged 1) which I thought showed a remarkable talent for colour and composition. 


  1. Yes, blogger has been infuriating by the speed at which comments are published.

    1. Well, Red, Adrian has commented that the problem has disappeared this morning. It has for me too so hopefully it has for everyone.

  2. No doubt the person who juggles the speed of commenting chez blogger is away on holiday. Lets just hope he's not on the ski slopes, and returns with a broken arm or two!

    1. Problem solved in Scotland, Cro, so presumably it's solved everywhere. I hope.

  3. Yes it happens to me as well. I wonder if Blogger is about to get a Disqus type comment engine. Be good as one could then add pictures to comments.

    1. Graham, speed back to normal now.

    2. Yes. Wonderful Adrian. By that I mean "Yes, Adrian, wonderful."

  4. Why are you complaining about the late delivery of that Christmas card? After all, it didn't even have your address on the envelope. I guess it's the same with The Queen and The Prime Minister - no address required.

    1. YP when you are notorious as I am who needs an address?

  5. Yorkshire Pudding is joking about exactly what I was thinking when I saw that envelope - then realized the address portion had been redacted... 8-)

    Love the painting of the angel - lovely!

    1. Mrs S given the size of Eagleton it's a bit silly redacting the address if someone wants to come and do me harm or give me a bunch of flowers. However it might stop silly mail.

  6. Wow, you have a little artist in the family! (remarkable indeed at that age, I would say)
    I too have noticed a delay in publishing comments lately. I have been blaming it on my backup/antivirus software... (Only in my own mind, though, so I won't have to make any official apologies.)

    1. It does look like he has a certain talent for colour Monica. The Blogger problem seems to have been solved.

  7. Oh Graham, life just goes past too fast for me so a delay suits me just fine. Unless of course I need a fast answer!! 🙃

    1. Well, Spesh, you can get your fast answer now.

  8. I thought it was just me that was having problems with the delay in commenting! It is driving me nuts.

    1. Lynda I hope that the problem has gone in your neck of the woods. It has here.

  9. I've noticed blogger has been a bit slow lately especially in publishing comments but as for the artwork your received- I like it - must've been a good surprise to receive.

    1. It was a surprise Amy. And a very pleasant one too.

  10. Hello Graham, lovely picture you received even though it was late arriving. I can almost beat that but not in distance travelled. A friend rang me up to thank me for her Handmade by me Christmas card. It arrived at their house only 4 miles from mine, on 8th January. The post mark on the envelope showed as 10 December! At least they could see that I had posted it in good time. I was tempted to ring a few other friends who I had sent cards to at the same to ask when they had received theirs but just couldn’t be bothered.

    Keep safe, it’s snowing here in West Yorkshire again this morning. We had about 15 feet of our substantial Yorkshire stone wall demolished on Friday evening by a car. Driver going way too fast on a bend on a country road that hadn’t been salted at all.
    Lucky for us she couldn’t drive her almost new Audi Quattro away so we have insurance details and photos plus neighbours as witnesses and no one was hurt.
    Keep safe and warm up there.

    1. Well, Beverley, we are safe and, today, all the snow has gone and been replaced by a very stiff breeze. So far no rain this morning but I'm sure that will change.

  11. I find I have to tap "publish" multiple times before a comment is actually published - is that what you mean, Graham? Love the card. Did he have just a tiny bit of help??

    1. Frances the problem has gone but actually all you did by pressing publish many times was start the waiting process all over again each time.

  12. Aha! I'm glad I read this (I'm glad I read all your posts, Graham), but I'm glad about this particular one because I, too, have been dealing with slowness regarding the publishing of comments on blogs. I thought it was just my computer...but obviously, it is not.

    1. I'm assuming. Lee, that the problem has gone everywhere but I'd be interested to know if it hasn't.

  13. I still can't believe how long it took for that card to be delivered; I'm guessing it got stuck in the bottom of a mail bag somewhere and eventually got shook loose.

    As for the drawing, Toby did it at nursery so the artwork was a surprise to us too when we first saw it. With what looks like a pumpkin for a head I'm wondering if someone was channelling a Nightmare Before Christmas that day!

    1. Your theory about the mailbag may be correct Mark because I was speaking to a friend on the Island with a similar experience about the same time. However it was achieved I think the artwork is lovely and remarkable.


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