Saturday, 6 January 2018

Snail Mail

On 2 January I decided not to turn on my laptop until the evening. Given that it's usually the first thing I do after I've had my shower in the morning that was quite a big decision for me. Of course for WhatsApp etc I still had my iPhone but I tried to keep away from emails etc. What was the reason for this decision? I wanted a whole day to write letters, cards and billydos. Well perhaps not really billydos as that term comes from billet doux (literally, in French, sweet or soft ticket but translated as  a mild love letter) but you probably get my drift.

In fact I did spend a most enjoyable day with a fountain pen in hand writing to friends in various parts of the world. 

I have become a devotee of Moo who, amongst many other things, will custom print greeting cards, post cards and books of stickers. They featured amongst many 'ordinary' letters.

PS.  If you want to use Moo please let me know and I'll recommend you to our mutual benefit (Love MOO? Refer your friends and you’ll get a £10 Referral Gift Card when they place their first orders. And they’ll get 20% off, too! High fives all round.)


  1. What a lovely way to spend a day, writing cards with a fountain card, which is a must, to friends. I need to do this very same thing. I will have a look at Moo, I usually use a different company to print my photos into cards...

    1. Serenata your cards are quite different: larger and with a gloss finish. The Moo cards have a matt finish. They call them greeting cards but I use them more as note cards.

  2. I love it, I haven't written a letter to anyone in quite some time. But it's a nice way to spend a day.

    1. Amy I re-started writing letters and cards some years ago because a number of my friends do not use computers. Now I do it out of sheer enjoyment.

  3. It's a good idea to break a habit or pattern once in a while.

  4. Advanced stuff. I am still using crayons.

    1. Gosh, Adrian, different colours. Now that is advanced.

  5. I have to admit that I have not owned a fountain pen in many many years. Writing by hand is rather difficult for me, especially when I want the recipient to be able to read it...
    Tonight, I will be travelling home from O.K.'s where I have spent all week. On Friday, it rained all day and I spent all afternoon under a fluffy blanket on the sette, reading - that was so relaxing, something I had not done in a very long time.

    Fresh cherries? Where did you get these from?

    1. Meike by now you'll be well settled into the new week. I'm not sure where the start of it went. The fresh cherries were photographed in New Zealand where fruit like that is only eaten in season (in most areas anyway) and I used to buy them from the roadside farm shops on the way home and by the time I arrived home the punnet would be gone.

  6. I participated in a bloggers Christmas Card swap just this past Christmas. I haven't sent a Christmas card in years and it reminded me of how lovely a handwritten note is.
    May your moo days continue!

    1. Thank you Kylie. I just love sending and receiving snail mail.

  7. It is nice to change the routine and ditch technology for a little while. I hope your day was very fruitful. I love your greeting cards, and the stickers look pretty cute too. Must go check out Moo.

    1. I think that it's an English company Lynda but I'm pretty sure that they operate all over the world.


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