Wednesday, 27 December 2017


The King is dead. Long live the King. 

Christmas is over. Only 363 days to go until Christmas.

One of my Christmas presents was a book.

Another was The Real Thing. I am now a Grandpa.

I'm not sure yet what the 'official' social media policy is to be but pictures and details are unlikely to feature on this blog and certainly not on any of my other social media platforms.


  1. Congratulations grandad, how’s that for a title. How lovely that a little person has arrived in all your lives.

    1. Thanks Beverley. It's taken a little while to sink in but it feels pretty good.

  2. That's awesome, congrats. I fully understand you not putting any pictures on the internet, it's not the most safest place.

    1. Thanks Amy. When I posted pictures of my New Zealand Family on my blog they were old enough to understand and enjoy it (and their parents didn't mind). I think with a baby it's just something he may not appreciate in later life.

  3. How lovely!
    I hope mum and baby are doing well and continue that way!

    1. Thanks Kylie. All's well so far and he seems to be a very contented sleeper.

  4. Congratulations! I was able to hold a 4 week old baby on Christmas Eve day. I sang "O Holy Night" to her. She listened to every word. She wanted to applaud at the end, I could tell. HA!
    Very happy for you, Graham for your son and wife. (I think it would be your son and his wife, right?) Could be wrong, it has happened before. Whatever, happy for the new parent too!

    1. Thanks Kay. You are correct it is Gaz and his wife, Carol. I don't think I'll be singing to my grandson. I wouldn't want to scare him.

  5. Congratulations on the grandchild. Go ahead and brag. It's allowed. I bragged!

    1. I confess, Red, that I am very proud even though the small part I played was long ago.

  6. Grandparenting comes naturally; when you've had enough, you hand back the child and have a nap.

    1. Cro, I'm sure you are absolutely correct: for the next few years anyway!

  7. Congratulations to you and the new parents!

    Yes, another 11 months and it'll be time to get a new Advent wreath...
    The days after Christmas always leave me in a strange mood. I am happy but sad at the same time. There's plenty to look forward to - New Year's Eve, a whole week off work with O.K., New Year's Day at his parents', my sister's and my father's birthdays in January, a "kick-off" meal with my boss and colleagues during the first week back at work, to name but a few. But right now, I am enjoying a few days at home alone, with nothing more important to do than a bit of ironing and groceries shopping.

    1. Thanks Meike. I wish you hadn't mentioned ironing. You've reminded me that I have rather let mine mount up. Perhaps that should be my first job this morning.

  8. Many congratulations Grandpa and I completely agree with you on not posting photos on blogs or social media sites
    as it can attract the wrong attention.

    1. Thank you Heron. It's also there as a very permanent record for all to see.

  9. A very special Christmas Gift! (meaning the baby) ... Congratulations! Was there a corresponding book for the parents?? No doubt it will be an exciting new year with lots to learn for everyone! ;)

    1. Thank you Monica. At least as a grandparent one has had experience of babies and children. Quite a lot of the advice centres around how to cope with the parents!

  10. Congratulations on becoming a grandfather Graham! What has Gaz been up to in his spare time? Is your grandchild going to be called Jesus? That would make you the father of God.

    1. Thanks YP. Well I suspect we can all surmise that Gaz wasn't on the other side of the world 9 months ago.

    2. Better take a good look at Gaz's postman.

  11. Hey GB - congrats on the new grandbaby! As for posting photos on your blog... there are a million blogs out there with photos of babies, and as long as you don't post the baby's home address or surname, and don't post any naked baby photos, and you're not a millionaire, no one "out there" is going to give a hoot about it.

    Obviously if you don't want to post photos, then don't - but there is no more danger in posting a photo on your blog than there is saying "I have a grandbaby" on your blog. So long as you don't provide personally identifiying/location information, it's the same thing. Unless your grandbaby is a dead ringer for Mick Jagger, or looks wildly different from the other eight million babies online, it's just a drop in the progenitive ocean.

    P.S. @ Yorkshire Pudding: "What has Gaz been up to in his spare time?" Seems fairly obvious, eh? *wink* 8-)

    1. Thanks Mrs S. I'm really more concerned with his privacy than his safety because, as you say, the latter is unlikely to be a problem particularly so far as my blog is concerned.

  12. Totally respect the no pictures/details policy. You'll notice that although Toby is now 14 months I think I've blogged a single photo of him, and that was almost completely obscured by the clothing he was wrapped up warm in (although a few have appeared on his Grandpa's blog). As you say it's more of a privacy thing than anything else as once the photos are out there it's impossible to take them back. It should be up to him (when he's old enough) to make those decisions, rather than being lumbered for the rest of his life with whatever potentially embarrassing (and we have no way of knowing what they will find embarrassing) photos we might otherwise post.

    Of course, I expect you to share lots of lovely photos privately with the more southern portions of the family, hint hint ;)

    1. Surely it would be okay to post a picture of the lovely grandchild wearing a Donald Trump mask? Failing that you could sketch the baby and post that. It's so sad when we anticipate wrongdoing at every corner. In my ever so humble opinion, this is great news that should be trumpeted to all and sundry - proudly and boldly. Two fingers to the lurking ne'er-do-wells!

  13. Excellent news. I'm happy all is well. Congratulations all round.

  14. Congratulations Graham, such good news after your difficult year. The book looks fun, I become a grandparent for the first time in March, so will look out for a copy. May your little one bring you and your family much happiness. Best Wishes for 2018 ....

    1. Thanks Cath. Congratulations to you too - if a little late. I am certainly looking forward to seeing more of him! May 2018 be a Good Year for you too.

  15. Great news, Graham.

    And may 2018 treat you best wishes to you for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year...right through until it becomes an old year!

    Enjoy every moment of being a grandpa. :)

    1. Thank you Lee. I hope that your year fulfils all your expectations and aspirations too.


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