Thursday, 30 November 2017

Cal : RIP

I confess to having been a tiny bit apprehensive this morning first thing. However the brilliant staff in the Bruce Day Care Unit at Ayr Hospital and visits from the anaesthetist and the consultant surgeon soon had my mind at rest and I drifted off to sleep without even having time to wonder what was happening.

When I came to I was back in the Day Care unit and in a much more bleary state than usual. Of course my first question was whether the procedure had been a success to which the answer was in the affirmative, so I just drifted in and out of a blissful haze for a while until they brought me black coffee and toast (why does that first piece off toast when one comes round taste sooooo good?) and I regained full consciousness.

After more tests and so on the consultant surgeon came and had a look, explained all that he had done and decided I was well enough to go back to my friend's for the night and come in again tomorrow morning for a check-up and some tuition by the nurses on how to cope with some of the procedures I might have to perform for a while. It would appear that Cal had not been the only problem and there were complications caused by the radio-therapy that I had 10 years ago.

All being well I shall be on the plane home on Saturday morning and life will return to normal.


  1. That's wonderful news GB. Glad you're finally rid of Cal, xx

  2. That is really good news Graham and am so pleased for you.

  3. Congratulations on the "breakup", and I wish you a speedy recovery! ♥

  4. Whew! glad Cal is gone, never liked Cal, and hope Cal has been blown to bits!

  5. Good to hear. Onward and upward !

  6. All's well that end well, then, as Mr. Shakespeare once observed.

  7. Good news; you must feel elated.

  8. Yay!!! You and Cal have finally separated :-) I hope you can go home tomorrow, but if you're still a little unsteady (who wouldn't be, after what your body went through), maybe you should stay just one or two more days with your friends.

  9. Good news! Take care of yourself and keep spreading those positive vibes. :-)

  10. Oh, that is good news, Graham. I'm so pleased. I do hope you're more comfortable now.

  11. Prayers continue for your good health

  12. I am delighted that Cal has departed but sorry to hear about the "complications" you mentioned. The wind forecast for Lewis tomorrow (Saturday) doesn't look too bad for flights. I guess there are many days when safe flying in and out of Lewis is impossible.

  13. Great news that you are healing and I am hoping for a complete recovery for you. Toast and coffee you mentioned always hit the spot.

  14. Great news. You are now promoted to the pigeon.

  15. I hope Cal left nothing behind, and that's the last of him! Continue taking good care...and good riddance to Cal, I say. He won't be missed!

  16. That is wonderful to hear Graham. I am so pleased.

  17. Be good to see you around again !

  18. WOOHOO! Hope you're sipping wine and noshing smoked salmon and crackers in your conservatory again soon!

  19. Thank you everyone for your good wishes and comments. The plane from Glasgow was rather late yesterday which was a shame but it was nothing to do with the weather which was just the usual Lewis dreich. It was good to be home. I now have another few days with my almost-lifelong friend from Canada before she returns to the Land of the Maple Leaf. I then have a visit to The Beatson in Glasgow for Phase 2 of my Cancer Drug Trial before a few days R and R in Glasgow and then a return to Lewis and, hopefully, normality, Blogland and Christmas.

  20. Glad you are home and glad your Canadian friend is with you for a few more days. Rest and build your strength for the next round!

    1. Thanks Jill. We managed a trip round Harris in Volvo yesterday.


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