Monday, 17 July 2017

The Thinker

I've titled this 'The Thinker'. It was taken at Brunch where CJ and I sometimes have our coffee and a bacon roll. CJ wasn't sleeping. We were having problems with the last crossword clue. We spend a lot of time doing crosswords with our coffee.

I'm home. In fact I've been home since Friday evening. CJ and I arrived after a week's journeying from his home on The Wirral, via his daughter, son-in-law and grand-daughter in Exeter, thence to the Lake District, Anna's in Bishopbriggs (Glasgow) for a couple of nights and a night almost on Skye. 

Since then we've been catching up with some relaxation, coffees and crosswords at The Woodlands and I've nearly filled a wheelie bin with weeds from the garden. 

Before all that I spent some time in Glasgow and then a week with CJ and Jo when we went into Wales and Chester.

Three weeks. Such a long time. Such a short time.

However I'm hoping to be back in Blogland more now that the dust has settled. After all there's certainly plenty to write about as well as catching up with your blogs.


  1. Good for your brain. Looking forward to hearing about your travels.

    1. I hope it's good for the brain Diane. I keep trying to blog but 'real' life keep getting in the way.

  2. So happy the Liverpool lads had such a good time together! John does look like he is really concentrating!

  3. It's always good to get away for a while.

    1. Red it's good to get away and it's good to get home again.

  4. I know the feeling; I have those books too. My goodness you've been busy, my title of 'hermit' must be well merited. I stay put.

    1. Cro there are moments in my life when I can see the benefits of being a hermit. Then I realise that it might not be too far away when I have no choice. At the moment so long as I can get home again (and don't have to spend much time in a city) I'm happy.

  5. Good title for a good photo.
    Busy is nice. You have lots to look back on. What is the clue?

    1. Maywyn CJ and I have been trying to remember which one but as we do at least two a day going back that far is a bit hard.

  6. I miss the Telegraph crossword. I stopped bothering with the paper as it now costs £2.00p and I am not really interested in the doings of the royals and Pippa. I'll get one of those books.

    1. Adrian, I have the Telegraph General Knowledge Crossword book but not the cryptic one that you do. I'm afraid that cryptic has alluded me so far.

  7. Welcome back home, Graham, and lovely to have your brother with you!
    So, what was the clue, and did you find the solution?

    1. Thanks Meike. We probably eventually found it although it might have been a bit later. Today for the first time ever we have three clues we haven't managed by the (almost) end of the day. One is 'One possible order (11)' The letters we have are P-R-U-A-I-N.

    2. Well, Meike, I'd not have got that one. I'll see what CJ says in the morning!

  8. Yes, welcome back. And we loved the postcard! Very happy memories.

    1. Thank you Frances. Very happy memories indeed.

  9. Don't do it CJ! You may be down in the dumps right now but there will be sunnier, happier days ahead. It's not your fault that Graham is cleverer at crosswords than you are! You have probably got talents of your own though Lord knows what they are.

    1. YP unfortunately, for me, quite the reverse is true. I'm not bad at non-cryptic crosswords but, when the chips are down and serious thinking needs to be done, it is CJ who methodically works his way through the problem and almost always eventually solves it.

    2. I bet you used to stick up for your kid brother in the mean playgrounds of Liverpool too! Or Liverpool 2?

    3. YP e were never in the same school at the same time so the situation never arose but if it had, yes, I would have.

  10. Crosswords can do that to you! They're a great pastime, one of which I'm quite partial! :)

    1. Yes Lee they can pass the time whilst exercising the mind and giving enjoyment. That's probably why I like them. And I can drink coffee at the same time. Who says men can't multi-task?

  11. I love solving the last few difficult crosswords with a friend. Great minds usually triumph !
    Your holiday sounds terrific, I look forward to hearing more.

    1. Thanks Helsie. The holiday was good. I hope my posts won't disappoint you.


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