Wednesday, 1 February 2017

A Thank You To A (former) President

This post is plagiarised from (or written with apologies to) Mrs Slapthing at Mental Meatloaf.  

Until relatively recently no one at all knew anything about my politics. I am not, and never have been a person who has been involved in Politics although I worked in a 'political' (but not party political) environment all my bureaucratic life. Theses days I still avoid politics whenever possible. Listening to people argue about politics makes me switch of the radio or the television assuming that I hadn't switched off before the programme.

That being said, I just wanted to thank the former President of the United States, Barak Obama,  for his service to the world. He and his family have been an inspiration to many.  Listening to him speak has been as positive as politics-related experiences get.  He has shown the best combination of patience and power that I have seen at the helm of any country in a very long time.

The fact that President Obama and Michelle have been such real, warm, and accessible people has made many people all over the world happy that that family was in the White House. 

It's so easy to think of the ruler of a country as some cold, tense person "up there" - but President Obama made it seem like having a family, a real life, and a wife that he loved was also possible while taking on the problems of a nation. He could walk with kings but not lose the common touch.

So many of us around the world thank him for that, and for all he has done to help not only the USA but people all over the world.

Many are afraid that the USA and, therefore, inevitable the world, is heading for a huge disaster. I would love to believe that is not the case but I'm not holding my breath.

In days to come, I think the rest of the world will be though.


  1. The vileness of Trump comes into much sharper relief because of the great man who preceded him. Where Obama was cultured and compassionate, Trump is ignorant and self-obsessed. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

    1. I have formed the same impression YP. Of course I also have Trump's (pre-president) behaviour here in Scotland to colour my views of him.

  2. I concur with all you have said! Obama was a great leader. Heaven help the US now!!

  3. I liked Obama and appreciated his use of the language. It was great to listen to him.

  4. I doubt if we'll see much change. Obama deported 2 million people, and also continued with the fence between Mexico and the US. Trump (as crazy as he seems) is just continuing the policies, but trying to avoid the illegals getting in in the first place; although I doubt if he'll succeed.

    1. On this point, Cro, I both agree in part and and disagree in part with you. This post was actually in praise of President Obama. Whether or not 2 million people were deported under his watch I don't know (but the figure does not seem realistic to me) however his approach was a continuation of established policies and President Trump is proudly proposing a quite different approach. Scotland and its former leader have already seen his bullying ways and I don't admire them one little bit.

  5. Obama was far from perfect, for he had his down side too. On the other hand he did display a sense of intellect, humanity and warmth. Whereas Trump displays every quality of Mammon that exists and I fear that there is nothing endearing about him at all.

    1. Heron all politicians have their imperfections because they are, after all, not only human but also trying to square circles all the time. It is the intellect, humanity and warmth that I admire though.

  6. Like A Heron's View says, Obama was not perfect - he was human, like the rest of us. But he had a lot more going for him in terms of qualities than Trump ever will. I really can not think of anything nice I've ever heard about Trump. I wish the Obamas all the best for this new chapter in their lives. They are lovely people, judging from the glimpses we were getting of them from our outsiders' perspectives, and they always came across as real, not just acting the part.

    1. Meike, as so often, I concur with every word of your comment.

  7. Well said Graham, I thought the Obama's were very warm and charismatic and he was a good leader. I have friends in the US who are fearful for the future.

    1. Thank you Cath. I agree and I, too , have such friends.

  8. Obama was all class. I thank him, too

    1. Thank you Kylie. I agree. I'm not sure what Obama's religion is but I should think that he was sincere in his belief. I can admire that.

  9. I said "amen" to this on FB and can't think of anything better to say now :)

  10. I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions. I was extremely sad to see Obama go, though.

    1. I'd like to think, Jenny, that I'm not jumping to conclusions but I ask myself whether I would have written this post if a more rational person had become president.

  11. And so say all of us!
    My sentiments exactly Graham.
    Obama was an engaging person, a man of the people.
    His speeches will go down in history with the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and the
    God help America now.
    Life feels safe where I live in New Zealand but who knows?

    1. Many apologies Roses, Lace and Brocante. I have only just seen a number of comments in the moderation folder. I always felt safe when I lived in New Zealand too. The UK seems a less safe place at the moment too.


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