Friday, 15 April 2016

Thankful Thursday and The Glad Game

Who knows what The Fates decree? By now I should have been back home from surgery and on the road to recovery. It was not to be. However it has, so far, been a wonderful week and David and I have taken full advantage of the dry windy weather and achieved a great deal in the garden: the area between the house and the road has been resurfaced (not, I hasten to add, by us but by a craftsman with a large digger); the grass has all been scarified and several cubic metres of moss removed (having a heavy duty electric scarifier was essential for the task); a new path has been laid replacing part of the decorative pebble path (which is far easier to walk on and maintain); and many other jobs which I could not have easily achieved alone and which would have remained undone until my knee has healed.

As a bonus today the wonderfully helpful secretary from the hospital's orthopaedic department phoned me to tell me that the second of the two tests (it's a long story) that I had done this week has shown that the infection has cleared up. She uttered the words "It's all systems go." and made my day.

So, if The Fates don't intervene again I shall be getting a new knee next Monday and for that I am thankful. The Glad Game? Out of a delay came the opportunity to do a great deal which will make life a lot easier when I am fit again.



  1. It looks like you had a win-win situation as you got lots of jobs done, your infection is gone and you're off to get the new knee.

  2. I think you should throw a party this weekend for your old knee, Graham!!! All the best! :)

    1. Lee I'm afraid that a party without a glass of wine* would be a bit disappointing so I shall celebrate afterwards. [* No wine from Friday evening - I go in Sunday]

  3. At my people's home in Sussex, they had a lawn that was 99% moss; it was beautiful, and oh so soft to walk on.

    All the best for next week.

    1. Thanks Cro. I suppose there is something to be said for a moss lawn provided it really is that and not 50% grass.

  4. Loving the positive attitude!

    1. Thank you Jaz. It's something you, too, have in abundance. Enjoy the school holidays with the girls.

  5. The estate is looking very smart. Good luck Monday.

    1. Thanks Adrian. It's a bit better than it was.

  6. I like Lee's idea of a bye-bye party for your old knee, Graham!
    Good news from the hospital, it must have been nice for the secretary to be able to pass them on.
    It does not happen that often, but I had to look up a word on your blog - I didn't know what "to scarify" is. Of course it was clear from the context, but I wanted to know the exact term. Thank you for making me learn a new word!

    1. Gosh Meike given your vocabulary I'm surprised but then it's not a word in general use unless you have a grass patch.

  7. Happy you got good news from the doctor. And that's a gorgeous piece of land. I can only imagine standing there, gazing into the distance.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Mersad the view from my kitchen and study is even more spectacular. Having said that the countryside and the old towns in your photos are just outstanding.

  8. Wow that's one big project taken care of....good for you...thank goodness for David and his assistance.
    I have to resurface my driveway and I'm dreading the entire process...should be highlighted in my summer projects later this year hopefully.

    1. Yes Virginia it's been a good week for projects.

  9. Gosh, you have been busy. A mini transformation - and the daffodils are out!! I want to come back in spring. And then I hear about the snow squalls and I'm not so sure. Enjoy the improvements!

  10. Like Meike I had to check up on 'scarify' even if I understood the meaning from the context. I just can't help associating it with scare and scary, so I get these images in my head of it being a "hair-raising" experience for your lawn... ;)


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