Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Six Quick Weeks

It is just over six weeks since I left Scotland. It's been six strange weeks. Very little has gone to plan: Pauline and I didn't have our planned safari and other visits I'd planned for last week were cancelled because I ended up in the Emergency Ward about 10 days ago with an infection and some other odds and ends I won't bore you with. The last week has had its ups and downs but I'm now feeling okay and the doc has pronounced me fit to fly. In a few hours I will leave Napier and by 2100 hours I should be in the air on the way back to Scotland via Dubai and a short stop in Australia. I arrive back in Scotland on Thursday (UK time) and on Lewis on Tuesday the 22nd.

Please don't think I've not had an great time. I have. It's just not been the time I intended. Instead I fell back into my usual life here. It has been good. I've cemented some friendships and, because I've been staying with The Family, my time with them has been wonderful.

I had intended to do almost daily blog posts but, despite masses of material, that just hasn't happened and I seem to have spent very little time in Blogland. Ironically last week when I cancelled travel plans and therefore had more time to blog, the infection and the cure (which of the two was worse I'm not sure) left me nauseous and lethargic.

So you may be getting posts about New Zealand for a while to come.

In the meantime I'll leave you with Max Patte's Solace in the Wind on the Wellington waterfront. Somehow that wasn't the title I had in mind (the significance of 'wind' by the way is, I assume, because Wellington is known as The Windy City).


  1. Oh, Graham -Im SO sorry you've had such rotten luck. I do hope you're well on the mend by now. In the meantime, bon voyage, and welcome home. Thd daffodils are still out...

    1. Ah, Frances, the daffodils. I suspect that mine haven't even poked their heads through sufficiently to flower. The crocuses have though. I'm feeling good now thanks and am writing this from the Emirates Lounge in Auckland before the stages two of the Long Journey.

  2. I look forward to future posts about your sojourn, and sorry to hear you were so ill. Being ill should be against the law while on vacation, I have always thought. I like the mood the sculpture evokes.

    1. I agree Terra. I am so rarely unwell and on a relatively short visit it was most unwelcome.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you ended up with a miserable flu. It's very frustrating when you have to cancel plans. However, I wish you a safe trip home and look forward to your posts.

    1. Red it wasn't flu but an infection in a specific internal organ but I'm recovering nicely and on my journey home. Thanks for your good wishes.

  4. I'm sorry to learn that you've been unwell, Graham; but glad to learn that you are now well again. What a bummer!!

    I look forward to your posts once you're back home again with your feet on the ground and have rid yourself of jet lag. Take care.

    1. Lee I am one of the world's fortunate people and I never take it for granted but in all my years of long-haul travel I've never suffered from jet lag.

  5. So sorry to hear you were unwell and couldn't do your safari with Pauline! I know you would have had a wonderful time. I'm glad to hear that you have improved and able to fly home. How long will you be in Australia and which city?

    1. Liz I'll be in Melbourne for about 90 minutes! The plane simply deposits some passengers and takes on new ones and re-fuels.

  6. I really hope you are feeling better. I guess there is always risk of infection when flying!!! Take care :-)

    1. Thank you Jaz. I think that the infection may have been due to a little careless stupidity (although I'd like to think that I'm wrong) and that I may have got a little dehydrated one particularly hot day in the 30s when I was playing croquet.

  7. Safe travels home again GB - I'm glad you got to catch up with Napier again - and the people you love :)

    1. Thanks Fi. Yet another visit when I didn't manage Christchurch. I'll just have to organise thing very differently next time.

  8. Safe journey and good luck.

  9. Sorry to hear things didn't go as planned. Have a safe trip home and then tell us about the good things that happened.

  10. Oh no! So sorry to hear you were ill, but good to know you are much better now. I am sure it was still a great time, all things considered. And now we have plenty of NZ posts to look forward to! (Not that we wouldn't enjoy your "home" posts!)

    1. Meike I'm now in Melbourne and in an hour or so we set off for Dubai. It's a long haul. I'm hoping for a good sleep. I'll make do with a mediocre one if that's all that I get!

  11. Only just got your message Graham. Sorry things didn't go as planned and you have been unwell that is not much fun. Hope your trip home is stress free. Will look forward to catching up with your posts when I am home as have very little opportunity for Internet access. Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet up this time.

    1. That's OK Lorraine. I'm sure life will go on long enough for further opportunities.

  12. Sorry to hear you've been ill GB. Hope you get some rest on the flights home, xx

    1. Thanks Helen. I've arrived in Glasgow safe and well having slept more on the plane than ever before.

  13. Oh, my! As you know, I've not had much time for visiting Blogland, either. I do check in on you, though. I just can't get over all of the traveling that you do, Graham! A free spirit, for sure. I would be exhausted with just the thought of it. I'm pleased to hear that you leaped the obstacle and healed well. Sorry to hear that you weren't well for awhile. We all know that our best plans can change in an instant, there's always SO much we'd like to accomplish. Blessings continue when we're grateful for the moment, regardless of it being planned or unexpected. Travel on, dear friend. Be well. Keep sharing with us when you're able. Love to you, everywhere you step! :)

    1. Thanks for your visit Heather. It's always good to know you are there.

  14. Double drat...what a terrible time for a sickness to occur.
    If it's one thing I don't like is to be sick while travelling away from home.
    So glad that you're feeling better.

    1. Thanks Virginia. Yes I'm now home and fully recovered.


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