Monday, 1 February 2016


will always make itself felt. Recently I was at the Waitrose store in Milnegarvie and was trying to buy some unusual and different wines for a gift. I was beginning to exhaust my knowledge when an assistant asked if she could help. I've never really thought about supermarkets employing wine experts in the store but this lady (who wasn't the store's main wine person - he was away learning about new wines) certainly knew her stuff. I can't imagine Tesco stores providing that service.

Yesterday Anna wanted to take me for lunch at one of her 'finds': The Côte Brasserie in Glasgow's West Nile Street. Good choice! I have to say that it was one of the most contented lunches I have had: quality company, quality service, quality food and wine. For what more can a person ask? I shall be on the other side of the globe for six weeks but when I return and pass through Glasgow for a few days I expect to have more meals here. I was, I have to admit, astonished to find that it's a chain restaurant.

I think even Cro would have enjoyed it.

Talking of Cro here's a picture I took yesterday in Glasgow's Buchanan Gallery which you/he might appreciate

Ah well. In a little over an hour the car comes to collect me and I shall be Emirates' problem. Storm Henry may rage but, hopefully, I shall be on my way to the other side of the world.


  1. Must try this next time I'm in Glasgow. Safe at now with big fire on with Henry raging away. Safe trip x

  2. Have a lovely time over the "other side of the world". I hope you get off ok and the flight is uneventful until you arrive at your final destination.

    1. Thank you Liz. Hopefully by Tuesday Ill be in Melbourne Airport and then Wednesday in New Zealand.

  3. Quality is always better than quantity! As a non alcohol drinker, I would be completely hopeless at buying wines! Glad you had an enjoyable time. Safe travels and hope to catch up with you 'Down Under'

    1. Serenata I will email you. My plans have altered but I'm not sure whether that makes things better or worse until I check our respective dates.

  4. If that restaurant is one of a chain of similar ones, it's the one my daughter and I favour on our shopping trips. Excellent food and service.
    I hope by now you are well on your way (and out of Henry's).

    1. Apparently it is Frances. It didn't feel like a chain restaurant though. Their staff were superb. I've got as far as the Emirates Lounge in Glasgow. About 2h 30m to takeoff - I hope!

  5. Have you see this Graham?,-6.2140932,3a,75y,310.92h,82.95t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-jxAgU_llF7M%2FU_dhX_cI4VI%2FAAAAAAAAAPU%2Fk8C9MkyYlxo!2e4!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120!6m1!1e1

    1. Oh and I hope you have a lovely time in NZ. However it is sad that you will miss the last weeks of wintertime in the northern hemisphere.

    2. Thanks YP. I hadn't seen that but it was done by James (Kate's son I assume you realised) when he was staying with me. It's taken at the bottom of the track down to the shore from my house (although I would usually walk out of my garden and down the croft). I'm devastated about missing six weeks of winter but I'll get over it.

    3. I hope you realise it's a photo sphere - drag your cursor over it to move it 360 degrees,

    4. Yes, YP, I did realise it was a photo-sphere. It was James who introduced them to me. Since Google altered the set-up for them I've not used it much. I musy give it another go.

  6. Safe journey! Enjoy the lovely weather and the beautiful countryside. Take care and God bless, DeeDee xoxo

    1. Thanks DeeDee: very much appreciated. I'm writing this in Melbourne Airport and it's 20 degc outside but cloudy. Hopefully Auckland will be different.

  7. That's one long trip! I hope you find more good places to eat.

    1. It is a long trip Red and there's no shortage of good food on the trip either but I eat little when I'm flying.

  8. I've not eaten at Cote myself (I've not been back to the UK for decades), but I have friends who eat there regularly, at the Brighton branch. They ALWAYS give a good account of their fare. Yup, love that VW Camper; there seems to be end to their uses, or to people's ingenuity.

    1. Cro I'm glad that I'm not alone nor too enthusiastic. I really did think everything about the place was fist class (and I'm quite hard to please to that extent). Yes I couldn't help thinking of you when I saw the VW.

  9. Good quality in goods and services certainly does exist, it's just not always that easy to find. Therefore, once we come across it, we should stick to it and keep that particular business running, so that efforts to achieve good quality are rewarded.

    What is it about the VW bus/camper/van? I noticed it last summer in England: the VW bus was everywhere - it came printed on tea towels and aprons, pictured on mugs and calendars, and as ornaments for bookshelves etc. In Germany (where of course it is originally from - my Dad drove an orange one in the 1970s) it has nearly disappeared. Most people now go for ridiculously oversized SUVs and drive them only in town. We call them "Mutti-Panzer", "Mommy Tanks", because it's mainly young mothers who live in the suburbs who drive SUVs to take their offspring to kindergarden, elementary school and ballet lessons.

    1. Meike SUVs are taking over the world! There is such a wonderful charm about the VW bus. At least the later ones had some power the ones in the '70s had difficulties on motorways and hills or with a headwind.


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