Sunday, 10 May 2015

Bottoms Up

I'm not sure how universal the expression "Bottoms Up" is but it's used frequently as a toast in the UK when pals are having a drink together.  The bottoms referred to are the bottoms of the glasses which have to be raised in order to pour the drink of choice into mouths.

Yesterday I was in the garden shed when I realised there was a fieldmouse in the shed too. Now I like mice but I prefer not to share my space with them because they make a terrible mess. Once when I came back from 6 months in NZ they had completely over-run the shed: there were hundreds of them. They had made nests in all the wellington boots with seed storage in the toes and lots of bedroom and breeding accommodation up the legs.  Even the bags of compressed peat had been hollowed out and were veritable warrens. Of course the entire contents of the shed had to be taken out and the place cleaned from top to bottom.  Since then I've taken steps to discourage them and have had no problems. However all the birdseed is a bit of a draw even though it's in large containers. The top of one large one was slightly off allowing access. I watched the mouse make its escape until it disappeared down behind one of the shelves. 

Then it turned into an ostrich.  Having made sure that it's head couldn't be seen it obviously failed to realise that it's rear end was far from hidden. So I'm afraid that I took advantage. As soon as I'd taken the photos I tickled it's read end and it disappeared with incredible speed out of the open door.


  1. Great shots.....silly mouse.

    1. I wonder if it read about ostriches Adrian.

  2. Ha ha ha, I could not have resisted tickling the mouse's furry little botty, either!

  3. We do have the equivalent expression to "bottoms up" connected to drinking; but translating this post into Swedish would be a tricky job. (It would be impossible to get the pun across, as we'd use different words for the bottom of a glass vs the bottom of a mouse!) I hope your teasing of the mouse was enough to keep it away! :)

    1. That's interesting Monica. Language is fascinating. The mouse was off like a rocket. I'm sure that it will pay another visit but it won't get into the bird food again.

  4. There are horror stories about mice taking over a place.

    1. Well Red it was an irritation but, perhaps as it was only the garden shed, it wasn't a horror story this time.

  5. Cute. But I'd rather the bird seed went to the birds. Has it been brave enough to return? They don't usually lack courage.

    1. Pauline I've not seen it again but I'm sure that it will pay another visit.

  6. Mice, rats, rodents ~ no thank you.

    1. Carol, mice are cute and rats are intelligent. I have a soft spot for rodents. Providing, that is, they don't try and occupy my space.

  7. Men who tickle the rear ends of innocent mice are known as musophiles. If caught in the act, the maximum sentence is eleven years in prison with an eighteen stone docker called Bert.

    1. BTW...At night-time, he likes to be called Roberta.

    2. How, YP, do you know that the mouse was innocent?

  8. Aaaaaaah! (Second photo. I had to enlarge it to see that little pink nose.) I think it was a girl. As a child, I learnt to tell the hard way, but not before I had accumulated 49 pet mice. Who all escaped and interbred with the house mice, who invited them indoors to stay. My poor mother spent hours trying to catch them with a sieve and string, and cheese. It wasn't terribly successful.

    1. Oh dear Frances that's a pretty sorry tale. Peanut butter is much preferred over cheese by mice in my experience.

  9. I'd like to think mice are good for something, but apart from being a delicious snack for cats, I come up empty. Yours has a cute bottom.

    1. Oh dear Violet Sky. I've been trying to think of something but can't come up with anything. But then I could say the same about many creatures (possibly even some two-legged ones). I like mice anyway.

  10. "Does this shelf make my bum look big"? Your mouse should have a speech bubble with that over it! HA!

  11. A mouse pretending to be an ostrich...what next...and you tickling his bum?'re a good soul GB.

    1. Virginia, as I replied to your later comment, I'm just a softie at heart.


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