Sunday, 5 April 2015

"Spring is Sprung"

Ma Bunny said "and now we should get out of bed." For many years I had it in my head that this was a quotation from some other source.  It would appear, however, that it is a figment of my own imagination. That's unusual because imagination is definitely not my strong point.  

Of course there is another poem that my brother and I learned as wee children:

Spring has sprung, the grass is ris, 
I wonder where the boidies is
The boid is on the wing,
But that’s absoid
The wing is on the boid!

Oddly enough when I did a brief Google search I got many and varied results including the easily verifiable statement that it was by Winnie the Pooh although I certainly don't recall it and, as I'm not at home, I can't verify that. One of you, my readers, will know though.
I've been in Glasgow - Bishopbriggs to be precise -  for most of the week and today it's been 20ºC.  Perfect for Anna to get into the garden and for me to be helping with a bit of labouring. However as it's Easter Day it's been a family day for Anna and we've enjoyed company instead. Now it's evening and quiet but it's still warm and the sun is thinking of dipping below the horizon.

It does make me feel that it's time to celebrate what feels like the first day of Spring.

If the bee had been less active or I had been more adept I might have got a decent photo of my first bee of the year. 
The camillias in Anna's garden are flowering
in fact some are in full bloom
On the washing there was a Seven Spot Ladybird. I had no idea they could be out so early.
Getting ready for flight


  1. It is lovely, when it's spring at last, isn't it? Happy Easter, GB. xoxo

    1. Thank you DeeDee. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the weekend holiday too.

  2. A 20 C day can make a big difference in our spirits.

  3. Nice warm weather for you, darn right hot for us yesterday. It must be lovely for you, though, to see flowers in bloom again.

    1. It is Pauline although a bit more heat for a few months would be a bonus.

  4. Spring is back – and all the bugs too. Winter was mild here, bugs will be plentiful.

    1. Yes Vagabonde. So long as the midges don't come yet I'll be content.

  5. 20 Celsius?! That is impressive, and considering Glasgow is so much more up North than Ludwigsburg, where our nights still get close to freezing point and it is still so cold during the day one needs a padded winter coat, scarf and gloves to leave the house!
    But we have plenty of flowers out, too, and on my walk Friday with my sister, I also spotted a ladybird.

    1. Meike yesterday was the warmest day for nearly six months. Glasgow, being on the coast and the Gulf Stream, rarely gets extremes of temperature.

  6. Excellent Ladybird. I saw my first of the year yesterday.

  7. Lovely springy images. I thought your opening quote may have been Mrs Floppsy Bunny so I went here :
    … but it wasn't.

    1. I read Beatrix Potter to my Godchildren and it could have wheedled its way into what passes for my brain but I don't think so.

    2. I have to confess Mrs Floppsy was my first thought too Kate

  8. Lovely blooms and ladybirds too...spring has definitely sprung for you.
    Glad you are enjoying your stay and that you had a wonderful Easter Day.
    (Sounds like a rhyme doesn't it?)

    1. Ah Virginia you're a poet and you didn't know it.

  9. Loving the ladybird pictures Graham. You have a great camera. Is it a box brownie?

    1. Oh Neil you would laugh. I didn't have any of my 'proper' cameras near at hand when I was taking the washing in so I used my cellphone! My first camera was my Mum's old box brownie when I was six.

  10. We had our warmest day since mid November (17C) last week. Then on Easter Sunday it snowed.
    That poem certainly doesn't sound like Winnie-the-Pooh. I believe it is by the ever talented Anonymous.

    1. VioletSky I think I've mentioned before my experiences of the huge temperature and weather variations in Ontario. They make our variations look very insignificant.

  11. I don't think it's Winnie the Pooh. Actually I think the only place I've seen it before was on your blog... Although I can't find any evidence of that now. Maybe it was on your brother's??

    1. I was convinced that I'd blogged about it before Monica. I didn't check my New Zealand blog though.

  12. Glad you had dome nice weather for Easter Graham. Hope the rest of the

  13. It feels like spring here in London too - if not, almost, summer! We have had ladybirds all year in our bedroom. Something clearly appeals to them there, but I cannot find where they are nesting. They're OK but not awfully nice when you find them crawling around the bed! :)

    1. Jenny back here on Lewis the wind is still strong and cold even when the sun is shining and the ambient temperature is a balmy 9ºC. I could just about cope with a ladybird or even a woodlouse but not an earwig or a spider in my bed. Irrational? Yes.

  14. I've been "blog absent" for a while, and on catching up read your second-to-last post on the other blog....Oh no! It was with held-breath that I clicked over to here and phew - there you are! It may not be Thursday, but I'm thankful to find you here nonetheless. :-)

    1. Hopefully my New Zealand blog will spring into life again one day but for now I'm 'stuck' in Europe. It's good to se you back and that you are once again returning to the Hebrides.

  15. Your Spring images a lovely. We are, of course, enjoying Autumn with it's break from the terrible humidity of Summer and it's stunning sunsets which I seem to miss with my camera most days!

    1. Thank you Liz. You have, however, had some spectacular sunset photos on your blog and I've enjoyed the fact that your posts recently have been a little more frequent. One day I hope to have photos of Stornoway (and perhaps even more exotic places) which can hold a candle to some of your spectacular nightscapes.


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