Wednesday, 4 March 2015

On What Day Were You Born?

A recent post by Red talked about the day on which he was born. Many of us know, and many of us don't know, the day of our birth. I was born two days before D-Day (which was Tuesday 6 June 1944) so it's easy for me to remember that I was born on a Sunday.

If you don't know the day on which you were born the you can find out on this website.

Whilst thinking about that the following ditty came to mind:
Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath day
Is fair and wise and good in every way.
Often the Friday and Saturday lines are switched so it's hardly a reliable indicator of character.
I wonder how many of us think that we conform to the rhyme (and how many of us are prepared to say so?).
I would like to think that I'm fair (minded) but wise and good would really be pushing things a bit far.


  1. LOL ~ well that would make me a Saturday child. I would have thought the day we were born is more memorable and significant for our mothers. I remember Brody was born on a Thursday and I have just verified that. My mother tells the story in our family that she always remembers where she was when my Dad came in to tell her that JFK was assassinated ~ she was in hospital waiting to have me :)

    1. Now that's a cool story. I was in Inuvik, NWT and had just come to the staffroom for lunch when we were told.about Kennedy's death.

    2. Well you certainly are a hard worker Carol. Oddly I cannot remember where I was when he was killed but I can remember the day after with remarkable clarity.

  2. Thursday. Far to go. Just as I thought ;(

    1. Ah Frances just think of how far you have already come though: far further than many will ever travel.

  3. I think I must have been lucky. I was born right bang on my birthday!

  4. I would have to look up the actual day I was born :) Never thought about it really until now :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Not many of us do Mersad. It's not usually of any importance to us once the event has happened.

  5. It seems I was born on a Monday. A look in the mirror now makes me say "hmm" and take out the baby photos instead. Okay, back then I may have got away with it...

    1. Oh Monica you are so humorous. I was trying to work out what 'fair of face' meant.

  6. Woe is me. Maybe it means as in 'horse' though. That's cheered me.

    1. As a horse lover Marcel you fit the bill obviously.

  7. I was born on a Saturday; thanks to Google I found that bit of info easily. Either Friday or Saturday fits me, I think. Even though i've known that verse forever, it never led to my knowing my own birth day. thanks for a fun post!

    1. It's funny Norma what odd thinks might suddenly make us look at something anew.

  8. Hey , thanks for looking this up. Yes , it's a ditty but it is interesting nevertheless. I will go over and find the day I was born. There are many more things I wish I would have asked my mother about my birth . Thanks for putting a link to my blog.

    1. Well, Red, it was your blog post that gave me the idea. I did hear a lot about my birth and the time around it from my Mum but I'm sad and ashamed to say that I've forgotten most of it. I should have written it down.

  9. I'm a Saturday's child - so true!!!

  10. I just can't believe that all of humanity - all 7 billions of us - can be so easily classified in just seven categories. Same goes for zodiac signs, that's 12 categories. True, many of us share similar characteristics, but I'm afraid I am not convinced these are due to the day of the week or the month and year in which we were born.

    1. I don't think many of us actually believe it Meike but it can be a bit of fun. Of course many people believe in astrology and I happen to fit many of the traits of a Geminian (which is what I am) but then I also demonstrate traits of other signs as well.

  11. I was born on a Wednesday in the wee hours of the morning and according to the ditty I am supposed to be full of woe...but I beg to differ since that couldn't be further from the truth.

    1. Virginia I can think of few less woeful people.

  12. I am a Thursday guy with far to go...but we all have far to go don't we Graham? Trouble is that most of us never reach our destinations.

    1. You've raised a very interesting point YP. I have thought that I had reached my destination on a number of occasions in my life but, of course, I never had. Now I'm not even sure of the direction I'm heading.

  13. I was born on a Sunday - nuff said!!

    1. Ah Spesh we have another thing in common then.

  14. I believe there are people with strange powers who can immediately calculate what day of the week you were born on if you give them your birthdate. Unfortunately I have never met any of them, and so far I have not managed to work it out myself!

    1. It's all a question of memory and technique Jenny. My Uncle had a photographic memory and at 93 could still read from memory pages of text books from school. It;'s one of the things I wish I had inherited: I have always had the most appalling memory. In fact I call it my forgetory.

  15. I believe I am a Friday's child, loving and giving. I hope that's true. xoxo DeeDee

    1. From that which I've seen DeeDee you fit the bill well.

    2. Thanks, GB, your kind words are much appreciated. xoxo DeeDee

  16. I can remember asking my mother what time I was born and her reply it didn't matter what the time was as it was the weekend. But then she added that she had missed breakfast, which narrowed it down a bit. Turns out it was a Saturday after all.

    1. As always Pauline a very apposite little story to go with the situation.


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