Thursday, 26 March 2015

In Praise of Good Service

This post was scheduled for tomorrow and I something else in mind for today but it can wait. I have just read Virginia's post on appalling customer service so I am now posting this one today.

How often these days do we complain about poor or bad service?  Too often. Why? Because poor service has become the norm much of the time. Now I have to admit that I'm speaking for the UK when I say that. Mind you I haven't found France to be any better. New Zealand has, in my experience, higher standards than we have in the UK.  It's many years since I was in the USA or Canada but my recollection is that, once one had managed to get through the unbelievably horrible  and unfriendly border control, service was pretty good and friendly. But then I was a tourist and the system of tipping in the US definitely encourages good service. Mind you heaven help you if you get bad service and try to leave without tipping. I once saw someone pursued out of a café with considerable venom because he hadn't left a tip.

So today I want to praise some good service.

A few days ago I was having a problem upgrading the maps on my Garmin satnav. I've not had a problem updating this satnav before. After an afternoon of abortive attempts I rang the helpline. I got straight through (no hanging on being told how important my call was to Garmin: this time I was actually made to feel as though my call was important to them!) to Mark who, in 36 minutes of patience and an obvious knowledge of his subject, sorted out the problem. 

On the Island I often go to The Maybury Garden Centre. If ever there was a firm which makes me feel like going back even if I don't need something then this is the place! Nothing - whether it be advice or any assistance whatsoever - is never too much trouble for them. The young couple who have come into the business with her Mum and Dad have brought the dynamism of youth and continued the friendliness of the business. I actually had a phone call from Spesh yesterday just to tell me what wonderful service she had just received from them. Now if only every business did that I'd have real difficulty choosing where to shop.


  1. Helpful staff and smooth routines does make a difference in the "customer experience"... My favourite service this winter has been the home deliveries from my supermarket (a service not previously existing around here). Still feels like Christmas every time (even if of course I have to pay for it).

    1. I was astounded to learn, Monica, the scale of home deliveries here on the Island. I think it will be a lifeline to many elderly people and people without cars living outwith the town and, indeed, even in the town.

  2. The most recent experience of good service RJ and I had was last night. We went to one of our favourite restaurants after work, an Italian (not a pizzeria). They always put a small glass caraffe of olive oil on your table, and RJ always makes generous use of it. Last night, when he was trying to sprinkle some oil on top of his Linguine al modo mio, only a drop at a time came out of the caraffe. He tried for half a minute or so. One of the waiters (who had NOT been hovering around us all the time) came up and replaced our "stuck" caraffe with a new one. We appreciated how observant and quick he was, without us having to ask for a different caraffe.
    Also, I experienced good and quick service - much friendlier and faster than I expected - two weeks ago in Ludwigsburg's town hall. I needed to renew my ID card (and had the most ugly pictures taken for that - never mind!) and expected to spend half the afternoon there, but I was in and out in less than 10 minutes, served by a friendly young woman who answered the few questions I had in a competent manner.

    1. Personalausweis is a German word that I am unlikely ever to forget. The strange thing is that I can't recall the incident that first made me aware of it. What it boiled down to was the fact that someone in Berlin demanded to see my Personalausweis and, of course, I didn't have one. Nor, for some reason, did I have my passport with me. As for good service in a café I could have mentioned an incident in my favourite one in Stornoway, The Woodlands, where I recently tipped a cup of coffee over my phone and the table and whilst I was making sure my phone was okay (one has to get one's priorities right) one of the staff was over and had the whole mess cleaned up and a new cup of coffee in front of me in einem Augenblick (another word I remember for some inexplicable reason).

  3. You are so right about Maybury Gardens Graham. Allison took ages trying to find a harness for Briagha - one that would avoid all the bite wounds she had received. The harness is a huge success, allowing her to go out for a walk without a collar rubbing on the neck wound. Allison then gave her three large chew bones for a treat. How she made any profit on that day beats me. Sensible lady though, 'cos I shall go back time and time again.

    1. And you'll not be alone Spesh.

    2. Hi Spesh, I hope Briagha will be okay soon...give her a careful hug from me.

  4. So glad that you have "good service" stories to report...does that even out the score with the bad service I received....maybe it always the universe knows about keeping the score even.
    Good to read something good....where service is concerned.

    1. Based on your Universal Law of Consequences Virginia they probably balance each other.

  5. Hurting too much right now to read, but here's a link for Workshop Way- Hopefully this was not the link to which you went. Stop by if this doesn't help and when I'm feeling better, I'll get back to you..

    1. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling good Norma. Yes I understand it better now. Thanks.

  6. Nice to hear about your two reports of wonderful customer service. I think people tend to complain rather than praise so we hear more complaints.


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