Sunday, 8 March 2015

Holidays in United Kingdom

I am puzzled. I am very puzzled. I have been puzzled for a long time.

All the mail that comes to my Eagleton Notes account come from the email address which is set in my blog settings. However all of them come addressed to 'HOLIDAYS IN UNITED KINGDOM'.

I have been into ever conceivable Google+ setting, blogger setting and email account setting and cannot find out why.

If I send myself an email to that address from another address without going through blogger then it come from Graham Edwards which is what the account is called in my Apple Mail accounts.

Does anyone else have a strange name attached to their emails from blogger?

Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting that or how I can stop it?


  1. All I can suggest from a position of ignorance is to change you passwords.

    1. I do that frequently Adrian and use 1Password to generate secure 12 digit random passwords.

  2. Do you by any chance use Google calendar and subscribe to the UK public holiday calendar? If so then this forum post might help, as it looks like this might be a bug with Apple Mail grabbing the calendar title for some weird reason. There seems to be a lot more people with the same problem although most of them live in America so get "Holidays in United States" instead. There seems to be some more workaround suggestions here. At least it doesn't look like a problem with account security or passwords, just some weird Apple Mail bug.

    1. Mark I don't used Google calendar however I have just been in to it and I see that the public holidays one is set so I have unset it. The reply to Adrian above still shows it but I shall sign out and in again and then look at the suggestions if it persists. I've lived with it for a while but it is irritating. I shall let you know how things go.

    2. Thanks Mark. Problem solved. I found the opt-out for the calendars and unsubscribed. That didn't work even after logging out of the Google account. However when I rebooted the computer it did work and it's now gone. I should add that before I had written this post I had removed the words from the Apple Mail account but it does look like it's an Apple Mail bug. I can now delete the test comments.

    3. I should probably refrain from my usual comment regarding Apple and people paying way over the odds for their kit in the hope that it will "just work" only to find that more often than not it doesn't. Oh, I was going to refrain from saying that, never mind :)

    4. Glad it's fixed though. It really is an odd seeming bug.

    5. Mark I take your point about it being overpriced etc but I find it exceptionally user-friendly (whereas I can't even begin to get to grips with Windows 8) and most of the time it does everything I ask of it including seamlessly updating any data I input on one device to my other devices (i.e. my iPhone, iPad and MacBooks).

    6. Yeah I was being little tongue in cheek. The iPod classic I owned was by far the best MP3 player I've ever had (the hard drive eventually died otherwise I'd still be using it), and their main desktop OS seems a lot more intuitive than any of the recent versions of Windows. In all honesty, if I was ever going to buy a complete desktop system (rather than building my own) I'd probably buy a mac.

    7. That's strange. I was talking to Wendy (in NZ) this morning. The original iPod Classic that I had in 2005 and which she has because it didn't have enough memory for me is still going strong. When the 120Gb version appeared a couple of years later I bought one. I used them to transport my music to NZ because 6 months without it all was just too much. Mine died a few weeks ago and of course can't replace it (I'm not even sure whether it can be repaired). Fortunately my phone has 120 Gb of memory so I've been transferring a lot of my music to it. So all of a sudden I can play things on my main speakers through the iPlayer module or the AppleTV module or via bluetooth without using one of the laptops. A whole new world.

    8. Still got my first iPod touch going well... And my 2006 iMac. Love the transfer between machines and to tv and speakers etc. Really had no problems but many people are struggling with windows 8. Not looking forward to the next work upgrade with windows.....

    9. I do have a new MacBook Pro and iPad and phone...I'm not still using the iMac but it's a good TV and stereo!

  3. I had the same thing happening for a while except it was Holidays in Australia. I can't remember how I fixed it sorry. It might have been a combination of clearing cookies and deleting my email account on the iPad and creating it again. It was frightening when it happened I must admit, but all is good now (touch wood).

    1. Thanks Carol. It's good at least to know that I'm not alone.

  4. That's one problem I haven't encountered- knock on wood! My youngest would blame it on Apple!

    1. Well Norma I hope it isn't an Apple problem but, hopefully, it will soon be solved.

    2. Norma if you read my last comment to Mark you'll see that you're youngest may well have been correct!

  5. Maybe they've heard about your hospitality !

    1. Thank Marcel but the answer was, of course, much more mundane.

  6. I see from the comments that you got it sorted. I've never had that particular problem but I've been frustrated for a while about some of my own comments being rejected by certain mail-servers - including my own (yahoo). The comments still appear on blogger, I just don't get email copies of my own comments (which doesn't matter much). It's just annoying to receive all those "failure" messages... I think it's something to do with my using a sub-address to my main address for the blog. I just haven't been brave enough yet to look into the possibility of changing that... (and maybe have my whole blog disappear...)

    1. You can change the e-mail notification address without changing the address used for actually administering the blog. If you go to the "mobile and e-mail" part of the settings you can, according to the tooltip, "enter up to ten email addresses, separated by commas. We will email these addresses when someone leaves a comment on your blog".

  7. Dear Mr. Holidays .... I sympathise. Not that I have a name like that but because when i fill out forms the auto-fill ALWAYS puts my phone number with a (44) prefix, which means it is almost never recognised as a proper phone number. So I have to change it by hand which is really fiddly.
    Oh the ways of these machines....

    1. Yes Jenny the problem is that it can take so long to sort out these irritations. Autofill can usually be altered. If it is in a specific programme such as Firefox it's quite simple. I think, from memory, you can remove the entry you don't like by pressing shift+delete and then if you type in the one you want it will remember that. I think......!

  8. Interesting glitch.
    I'm glad it's all sorted. Thank goodness for Mark.

    1. Absolutely Kate. Mark has provided many useful tools and much useful help and guidance.

  9. How good blog friends suggested the way to fix your problem.

  10. Upon reading your problem I immediately thought the same as Marcel. Thank heavens it's not a problem I have had. That Mark is a clever young man, isn't he?

    1. When it comes to hospitality Pauline you're a hard act to follow. Mark is a remarkably clever chap. Sorry.


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