Sunday, 15 February 2015

18 Hours

is all it takes for the Island to be transformed from this:

to this:

Yesterday was a beautiful, still, if fairly cold day: wonderful for working in the garden. So I built a raised bed for vegetables and gave it it's first coat of preservative. A few days previously I had built the large composter to take the contents of my plastic ones which were full.

The first thing I had to do was gather the old plastic composers and put some very heavy bags of peat and so on inside them to stop them blowing away. When the wave photos were taken the wind was only gusting at about 46 mph (74kph, 40 knots, Beaufort 8). 

Now it's way past that.

Ho hum.


  1. Even here in the shelter of the ancient pines I have recorded a gust of 64mph. Many of the half term campers have left the site. It's Scotland in winter and summer but I wouldn't want it to change.

    1. Adrian I keep thinking that I wouldn't want it to change (for all sorts of reasons) but then just occasionally........

  2. Not windy at all here today. It was much colder than I expected, but mostly sunny, and completely dry. So I was out and about for 3 hours or so, and feel all the better for it.

    1. Meike I wouldn't have lasted 30 minutes in that yesterday - in fact 3 minutes might have been pushing it.

  3. Oh wow. That's a huge change in weather. Stay safe.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Thanks Mersad. The sun's shining again today and it's reached a dizzy 6 ºC in the sun (and out of the wind).

  4. The joys of living on an island close to the cost - getting the best and worst of the weather extremes. The raised bed and compost 'bin' look great.

    1. True Serenata. The bed will have to be well protected by wind breaks if I am to produce anything though.

  5. I love when you post pictures of the sea! It has such a wild look to it! Monterey Bay is incredibly mild in comparison!

    1. Lisa I can't imagine not living by the sea in all its different moods. I like it to be a bit quieter when I'm on a boat though. Actually yesterday the ferries were cancelled.

  6. I had a raised garden bed on my Christmas Wish List. Of course, Dan had to go one better and get me a little shade house. It's still here, would last less than a minute where you are. Nothing beats fresh veggies. Good luck with your new venture.

    1. Thanks Puline. Hopefully you'll see the fruits of my labour later in the year.

  7. How exciting! Wish I was there. We only got one of them old sunny days here without a breath of wind.

  8. Ps the bed surround looks great!

    1. Thanks Kate. It had it's second coat of preservative today.

  9. I hope the wind did not do any damage to your constructions! (So annoying if you put a lot of work into something and then Nature decides to have its own way with it!)

  10. Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky
    Stormy weather
    Since my man and I ain't together,
    Keeps rainin' all of the time

    Oh, yeah
    Life is bare, gloom and mis'ry everywhere
    Stormy weather
    And I just can't get my poorself together,
    I'm weary all the time
    So weary all the time

    1. Ah yes YP. Today I'll go for Dinah Washington's version I think. She's been a favourite since my teens.

  11. That makes for very interesting weather. I like wind but not wind for days on end. When I was in northern Quebec the wind would blow for days on end. Of course that meant blowing snow.

    1. Red one of the things about storms here is that they usually pass through within a day - even though the next one may be right on its tail.

  12. Oh lord. It is when I see pictures like yours that I realise I am very glad to live here in London where the weather is not generally extreme!

    1. Sometimes Jenny I think that would agree with you but the vagaries of the weather are a small price to pay to the privilege of living here.

  13. Oh lord. It is when I see pictures like yours that I realise I am very glad to live here in London where the weather is not generally extreme!

    1. Sometimes Jenny I think that would agree with you but the vagaries of the weather are a small price to pay to the privilege of living here. I've got a feeling of déjà vu here!

  14. Do you ever take your beautiful surroundings for granted? I would imagine not. Just beautiful, even when stormy (or perhaps particularly when stormy).

    1. Frances I can't ever recall taking my surroundings for granted. It is a wonderful place to live in so many ways.

  15. The difference is astounding and it's good that that nasty weather did not stay around for too long.
    Love your raised garden's a great start to your bountiful harvest.

    1. I hope so Virginia. So far as the weather is concerned today it is found: cold, windy and wet. C'est la vie.


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