Thursday, 29 January 2015

Thankful Thursday

Despite hurricane force winds, torrential rains and even some frosts (unusual for this house because it's so close to the sea) these two Snowdrops have decided that it is spring.  Such optimism and such a positive attitude reminded me that it's been a while since I wrote a Thankful Thursday post. 

To be honest I've found it very hard in the moments (and there are many of them) when my mind finds itself on the other side of the world: I miss The Family and my friends and croquet and The Handbag. So much is happening there but perhaps most of all I miss seeing Catriona and Fraser grow from childhood through their early teenage years.

At Seilabost 2010 - Fraser doing what Fraser does!
Catriona being Catriona - 2010
Fun in the Lews Castle grounds - 2010
Catriona being impish - 2010
So I concentrate on the Good Things I have experienced this winter: seeing more of my friends here  on Lewis and in Scotland; going to concerts in Glasgow (something I haven't done regularly since I left Cheshire in the early '70s); seeing my garden through the winter and knowing that I will be able to do things in the garden in the early spring that I haven't done for a decade.

And I will see daffodils: mine are already showing their shoots through the ground all over the garden.


  1. Snowdrops! Who does not love them?

    I can only try to imagine how much you miss your NZ life and all that entails. Maybe you did not imagine it was going to be that hard.

    Great pictures as usual, especially the one with "Fraser doing what Fraser does".

    1. Meike because I didn't really have any choice I tried not to consider how hard it would be. Sometimes it's just a bit harder than other times. Then when I'm enjoying the company of friends here I just concentrate on my good fortune at having more time with those friends.

  2. Fraser doing what Fraser does? You mean divebombing into the ground headfirst and being rushed to hospital with a broken neck?

    1. YP Fraser is a natural gymnast and a triple summersault is just the norm for him. He seems to have no fear but, in actual fact, calculates very carefully what he can do and works to achieve the things he aims for. As I am physically incapable of turning upside down without passing out or vomiting, his antics are beyond my comprehension.

  3. What beautiful children! And was Fraser ok after that.....fall? I think of you when I buy my £1 bunches of daffodils in the supermarket

    1. Thank you Frances. Fraser does that sort of thing all the time (or did when he was that age and hadn't changed when I last saw him when I left NZ last May). I haven't seen any £1 daffodils in our supermarkets.

  4. Miss seeing your posts on NZ but glad you are ok. Seeing spring will be a bonus :)

  5. What great photos! I missed your post on why you chose Lewis this winter, and with hurricane force winds, torrential rains, and frost, you may be wondering about that decision, lol.

    1. Thanks Lisa. I didn't actually have a choice. The blood counts indicated that my cancer was showing its head again and the doctors wanted to keep an eye on me. As it happens I started treatment again just after I would have normally been back in New Zealand.

    2. I'm sorry to hear that, GB. Prayers and healthy vibes coming your way. Stupid cancer.

  6. Oooh, snowdrops :) ... I've not heard of any of those popping their heads out here yet. Today it snowed all morning (wet, slushy stuff), then the sun almost broke through the clouds for about five minutes, but then back to snow again, and still snowing tonight...

    1. Well Monica last night I went out to dinner and the car was frozen over as I left. Four hours later all the snow and ice had gone and been replaced by torrential rain.

  7. I think many in NZ, me included, have missed you this summer, too, GB. Can't imagine how much The Family must be missing you. Snowdrops are a delightful sign of change ahead!

    1. Aw. That was nice Pauline. Thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing you later in the year - I hope you achieve your aims!

  8. About time we caught up with a coffee soon too :-)

  9. You certainly have found some things to be positive about. Daffodils showing up mean that better things are ahead.

    1. Red, like you, I can always find positive things to be thankful about.

  10. It's probably no coincidence that Aftermas hasn't even been pencilled in yet.

    1. Hmmm. Aftermas wouldn't have quite been the same.

    2. Exactly. You wouldn't be there.

  11. There is so very much to be thankful for and it's always nice to take a step back and appreciate the goodness around us.
    The Family must be missing you, but I won't put it past them to surprise you with a visit sometime.
    It's a good thing you have such lovely photos to bring a smile to your face.

    1. Virginia I consider myself exceptionally fortunate . I have so many irritations at the moment but when I look at the serious matters facing some of my family and friends I just feel so very grateful for my lot. The family would love to surprise me but I think it will be a year or two yet before they do.

  12. I know exactly what you mean by pining for the people who are so far away. I often feel that way too. Many of my nearest and dearest are in the UK, and there are times when Essex seems like the other side of the moon. We've been fortunate over the years to be able to come over to the UK every year or two, but the stretches between sometimes seem very long. Sending hugs to you, DeeDee

    1. Thank you DeeDee. I hope that your absences are not too long in the future.


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