Friday, 16 January 2015

Lightbulb Moment Went!

Blogger doesn't often confound and defeat me these days but it did about an hour ago when I went to reply to the comments on my Lightbulb Moment post. The comments were there but the post wasn't! Eh? Eventually it occurred to me that if I went to Networked Blogs there might be a copy there. There was. So I have managed to reconstruct the post. As to how it disappeared in the first place though is a complete mystery.  Now all I have to do is replace the header photos which disappeared a while ago. 


  1. Having difficulty myself commenting here using my iPad. Must.not.make.a.single.mistake. My end, not yours.

    1. Kate iPad's and Blogger don't really get on unless.... Unfortunately someone did explain and I sorted the mistake problem but I can't remember how. I think it went with IOS 8 as well.

  2. How weird. (And even more so that you manged to keep the comments in spite of losing the post itself?)

    1. That, Monica, was the really weird bit. I recreated the post and the comments just appeared. Perhaps it was something to do with the heading.

  3. So I have to be prepared for more blogger glitches? I', too old for that!


Comment moderation is activated 14 days after the post to minimise unwanted comments and, hopefully, make sure that I see and reply to wanted comments.