Sunday, 18 January 2015


Our first son Andrew (who preferred to be called Andy) would have been 42 today.  He made it to 33.


  1. I am sorry for your loss. Your Andy looks like one adorable, well-loved little boy.

  2. Happy Birthday Andy! He had your eyes Geeb...

    1. Kate a lot of people said he was like me and perhaps he was when I was that age. I'd like to think that he did have my eyes.

  3. Birthdays always bring back our sense of loss and a chance to remember. Your photos show the joy Andy brought to your life.

  4. Such lovely pictures and memories. Thank you GB and yes, Happy Birthday Andy.

  5. I can see a lot of you in Andy, Graham. Love the beach picture. We are able to enjoy a moment with such abandon when we are kids, don't we.

    1. I'm glad that you can see some of me in Andy Meike. Ah the joys of youth.

  6. Smiles mixed with sadness when looking back and remembering both good times and bad, I imagine... Thanks for sharing! ♥

  7. The natural order of life and death is hard enough to bear. My sympathy is with you.

    1. Yes Adrian death is rarely pleasant and I appreciate your sympathy.

  8. How sad . To lose your child must be so hard. Hope your lovely photos bring some comfort.

    1. Helsie I am always conscious of how many people went through that hell during the wars. The photos are reminders of wonderful times.

  9. Through the mysteries of the internet, my hand is reaching out to gently rub your shoulder.

  10. Oh, Graham - I do hope that the happy memories compensate just a little for the sadness. Those photos are lovely. He looks so happy.

    Aren't anniversaries hard?

    1. Frances the photos do bring remembrance of lovely times. Andy was generally a very happy child. Yes anniversaries are hard although I see no logic in that.

  11. Lovely photos. Such happy memories. X

    1. Thank you Sue. They were good times with so many memories shared by our families.

  12. I find myself being warmed and the feeling of almost being hugged when I view pictures of my loved ones. However, the sorrow of the loss of a child, I have not experienced, but my sister-inlaw has. Anniversaries associated with a loved one can be both heart-wrenching yet buoyed with memories of events shared with them.

  13. Great memories....the photos warmed my heart as I'm sure they did yours too....even if it was with a little sadness.
    GB he was a cutie and I just loved the "Little Men" snowman photo.

    1. Virginia thank you and, yes, I thought the snowman picture was rather apt just at this moment.

  14. What a happy little tyke he was! I bet he enjoyed his short least I hope he did. He would be a year younger than my own son, Mr. GB. You are, as I have found, a very strong man. I cannot imagine loosing one of my children. I don't think I would want to go on. I don't think I could.

    1. Absolutely Peace he was a happy little tyke. You would surprise yourself in adversity I'm sure. Most of us do.

  15. I was born in 1975, and those photos from the late 70's and early 80's look like the ones my parents took in my childhood. The clothes, the colors, even little Andy's haircut look familiar. What a happy looking boy he was! I'm so sorry for your loss....33 is far too young. I wish I could say something better. There are no words for such a tragic loss.

    1. Jennifer you said all that I needed to hear. Thanks.

  16. He resembled you, quite a bit, Graham. I didn't realize that he was just a year younger than me.
    Thinking of you today, and lifting a prayer for happiness as you remember your time with him.

  17. Aw. Such an adorable lad. Thank you for sharing your pictures of him. I love his smile and I want to reach out and gently squeeze that face. (I don't do cheek pinching!)

  18. That cheeky grin remains whenever I think of him! Love, CJ

    1. Thanks Bruv. Yes, he had a very cheeky smile. I'd like to say that that was because he took after his Dad at that age but he managed a far better balance of fun and seriousness than I did at that age.

  19. What a sweet little boy he looks. So sad that he was only 33. I guess we just have to remember the good times when we've lost someone so dear to us. xoxox DeeDee

    1. I know that I'm very biased DeeDee but he was a lovely child. I'm fortunate that I am able to concentrate on the good things.

  20. I didn't know. But now I do know I don't know what to say.
    I will send you some positive energy anyway.

    1. Thanks Andrea. I rarely know what to say when I am faced with that situation.

  21. I didn't know this Graham. There really is never the right thing to say. I cannot imagine your pain... But I have seen what it has done to one of my best friends, who lost her second eldest son 3 years ago at age 20. He was also my youngest son's best friend. I can't imagine you ever "recover" but I'm glad to read that you are another who concentrates on the positives. He looks like a gorgeous little boy.

    1. Liz we (and you know this better than most) need to concentrate on the positives or we go under and take others with us at the same time.


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