Friday, 12 December 2014

Back to My View

I used to entitle my posts when I arrived home simply "Home" or "Home Again" but this causes Blogger all sorts of problems.  Well it causes Blogger to act in a way which causes me problems to be precise.

We set sail last evening at 1745 from Ullapool.  ETA Stornoway 2h 40mins later.  However the freight ferry which had also not sailed since Monday was just ahead of us and had to unload at the same berth in Stornoway.  It had 38 commercial vehicles from Transits to huge artics on board and the shops and hauliers were set up to work through the night to get shelves filled and things sorted.  

The skipper said that we should be careful because the swell left from the storms would likely cause a less-than-pleasant crossing.  As it was he managed to read the seas perfectly and the journey was very pleasant.  Unfortunately we had to wait a long time wandering around outside the harbour for the freight ferry to unload and leave the berth and I eventually arrived home somewhere just before 11pm.  I unloaded everything from the car and apart from putting a few perishables in the fridge was in bed and fast asleep by 2340.  I slept until 0813 without as much as an opened eye during the previous 9½ hours.

I've woken to 40 mph gales and more cancelled ferries and an intermittent internet showing a download speed of 0.02 which is next to useless even for emails on the iPhone never mind blogging.  I shall seriously start looking at satellite broadband I think.

I've spent the morning with all the usual chores and the enjoyable catching up and after a bite to eat I shall catch up with Gaz in town and then pop in for coffee and catch-up at Pat and Dave's.

As I never tire of saying it's a hard life but somebody has to do it.


  1. Glad you made it. Just a gentle breeze here.

    1. If you are thinking of satellite then my sister
      got it six months ago. It is a humongous improvement on her previous BT connection but far from perfect. She is on 9GB a month but is for ever having to pay extra. Atmospheric conditions seem to affect it a bit as it drops the connection in hail and snow. It soon comes back. I can get details if you like.

      PS Humongous must be a technical word to do with satellite broadband.

  2. Good to know you made it back home safe & sound! (Or should that be safely & soundly?) And you're in time to see your son before he leaves.
    Strange that blogger should cause problems because of a post title such as "Home" or "Home Again".

    1. I'm not sure what kind of trouble GB is referring to but I have some words of my own I now avoid in titles. Like one old post with "shopping" in the title still keeps generating lots of commercial spam comments...

    2. Meike and Monica the problem is simply that once a title is used all the comments and so on for that title appear in the email in box together regardless of which of the posts they belong to so that it gets confusing as to which comments are relevant to the current post without checking the dates. It's a very minor irritation but before I realised it it caused some confusion.

  3. Glad you got home safe even if late! Sorry about the low broadband capacity, good to see you managed to get this post off anyway. The storm (or a storm) is supposed to come in over Sweden tonight, warnings issued for the coast I think. How much trouble it might be f further inland probably depends on whether it brings rain or snow. Well I'm not going out anyway...

    1. Monica I hope that you managed to avoid the storm or at least having to go out in it. I've spent that part of the day when I have been in with little or no internet and am trying at this late hour to get comments done before the morning rush for the internet started again.

  4. That sounds like quite a ferry ride. Funny how blogger reacts to the word "home", I hadn't noticed that.

    1. Sorry Terra the problem is not the word 'home' but using the same title for more than one post. Blogger gets confused and that, in turn, confuses me.

  5. How does it cause problems with home?
    I loathe ferries and high seas... I admire your sea legs...
    Glad you got back despite the storms.

    1. I'm sorry Fiona I seem to have cause some confusion. I should have been more clear. It's the duplication of titles rather than any particular word which causes problems. I'm fortunate that I am a good sailor and I was also fortunate to choose just the right moment to make a run for the ferry.

  6. Glad you made it back home safe and sound.....good thing the skipper read the seas perfectly and was able to make it across in an open window of fairly calm seas.

    1. Virginia the skippers are pretty good at avoiding the potholes when they can. We are fortunate in that way.

  7. Well done. I'm glad you reached home safely.

  8. I always say it's a hard life when you're retired as you never get a day off.

  9. My that was a good sleep. It is so refreshing when you can sleep right through the night. I hope you weren't having erotic dreams about Bessie Braddock or Edwina Currie.

    1. YP erotic dreams and the people you mentioned are oxymorons I think but then I get a bit confused these days with long words.

  10. I felt quite relieved that you finally got home. I don't suppose I was as glad as you were though. :)

    1. Correct, Jenny. I was very glad to get home even though I had been having a good time with friends in the Big Wide World.


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