Wednesday, 12 November 2014

A Heavy Heart

Yesterday I did something I thought I would never have to do and I did it with a very heavy heart:  I removed a comment from this blog. 

Of course we all remove spam and such like but on this occasion the post contained the apparent views of one of our community: a friend in Blogland.

The person concerned is well known to many of us for his unusual approach to lots of subjects and is generally very entertaining and, yes, often controversial.  Whilst having a deep intake of breath when I first read the comment I decided that free speech overruled my desire to delete it immediately.   I prevaricated.  Then a very close friend who to whom fairness is absolute and injustice anathema pointed out that it crossed the boundaries by any standards.  So I removed it.

I can't express how sad I feel.

Will it matter a couple go days from now?  Of course not.  But at this moment it weighs heavily upon me.


  1. I think that as bloggers we do also have an editorial responsibility for our comment sections, and moreover have no obligation to keep comments that seem inappropriate or offensive to ourselves or to others. Sometimes we might ignore something stupid that someone says in passing, but when put down in writing it gets a bigger impact. You did the right thing.

  2. I agree with Dawn Treader. Monica, is it? xoxox DeeDee

  3. I also think you did the right thing. Be at peace about it and hope it doesn't happen again!

  4. Things that cross the line reflect badly on us. Yes , take the thing of. I've taken things off and one guy challenged me.

    1. Red I notice that in this case the recipient of my actions has graciously accepted what I did.

  5. Have you heard of the term "keyboard warrior"? It's the idea that people can mouth off at a keyboard because they are in a bubble - a little remote from reality. This can apply to blog comments too. I know that I have sometimes overstepped the mark. But you are the owner of "Eagleton Notes" Graham and we must respect your house-keeping.

  6. The bloggers conscience huh :-)

  7. I have to say that I have "hidden" family members comments because I don't really want to hear the F bomb first thing in the morning. Yes, I have missed many comments, but I am happier in the long run. It is your page after all, right???

    1. It's good to see you Lisa. You haven't blogged in ages. Thanks for your support. I'm quite thrilled to know that you are still in Blogland.

  8. Quite right too. We are all free to edit comments, just as we are all free to write them.

    1. I wonder, Oh how I wonder who the naughty blogger could be. I bet it was that Yorkshire Pudding............I'm racking my brains to think of another culprit............Perchance I ought to look closer to home.
      I'M SORRY.

    2. How dare you point a finger at me Adrian! You bounder! I have never been so insulted in my life nor have I brimmed with so much unbridled wrath! Make sure you park your camper van on level ground from now on!

  9. I can't add anything to the above, Graham. You did the right thing. Your bog comments can't always reflect your views, but it's you who must be willing to have them published. I can totally understand how you feel. You're a kind man and don't want to cause offense. But you feel responsible for your blog and its contents. Put it behind you now.

    1. Thanks Frances. It's not just causing offence, of course, because I do feel strongly about free speech but there comes a point....


  10. I have absolutely no idea what you are all talking about. P'raps it is because I have been in Sussex - but I am sure you are right Graham - whatever it is all about. x

    1. Being in Sussex is something I'd rather keep quiet about Spesh but you'll soon be back in civilisation (if the storms abate and the ferries start running again).

  11. GB, you did the right thing, after all Eagleton Notes is your baby and it must be taken care of to the best of your ability.
    I think the commenter will understand how you feel and respect your feelings.
    Thankfully I have never been in a situation where I had to delete a comment except spam.
    Don't worry about it any more, it's done with.

    1. Yes Virginia it's all in the past. As, indeed, is almost everything that's happened!

  12. So far, the only comments on my blog I have removed were the spam kind that really had nothing to do with my blog. But a few years ago, I wrote a comment that never made it through the moderating process on someone else's blog. They wrote to me very kindly, explaining why they had decided not to publish my comment. I understood their reason and still read that blog, occasionally leaving comments. Knowing now that the blog owner is very sensitive about certain matters, I simply avoid expressing any thoughts I may have on that matter. And - regardless of whose blog it is - I sometimes rather refrain from commenting at all than saying something that could be misunderstood.


Comment moderation is activated 14 days after the post to minimise unwanted comments and, hopefully, make sure that I see and reply to wanted comments.