Sunday, 5 October 2014

A Journey Home

I was in Glasgow last week.  I had intended to return on Friday but the storms forecast for Friday and Sunday and the likely resulting ferry disruptions meant that I made a dash for home yesterday (on Saturday).  It turned out to be a good move.  I left Glasgow at 9am and arrived home via Skye and the Uig to Tarbert ferry at 9pm.  On the whole the weather was good and the driving conditions excellent and, as always through the Highlands, hugely enjoyable.  When I got to Rannoch Moor I took some photos but also tried a Photosphere (the view one can take with a smartphone which is essentially the same as a Google Streetview).  I'm not sure how to generate a URL for the public picture but if you want to have a look at it I think you will be able to see it here.  If you can't please let me know and I'll investigate further.

In the meantime here are some photos taken approaching and on Rannoch Moor and into Glencoe.

I love the Scottish Highlands


  1. You live in a beautiful land.It reminds me of when I lived in the Arctic.

  2. It would take me hours longer for that drive, what with so much stopping to gawk at the view... and waiting for the sky to change to see what came next...
    your link worked, beautifully, btw.

    1. Thanks VioletSky. I allowed myself a lot longer than a straight non-stopping drive. I love the journey.

  3. such a beautiful place and you've captured it well.

    1. Thanks Helsie. It's a wonderful drive through a wonderful country.

  4. Wonderful wonderful photos! Jean

  5. My sister has that dilemma where she lives ~ head home before in there case the rain cuts them off.

    1. It's quite strange Carol is the human mind. I kept reading your first sentence and every time I saw what I expected to see (their) and not what was actually there (there).

  6. It's no surprise you love that area, there certainly is a lot to love. Glad you made it home safely.

    1. Thanks Pauline. We share a love of so many things.

  7. It doesn't get better than this. The spinning round link works and was well worth clicking.

    1. Adrian I think that the Google Photosphere is a wonderful app and so relatively low tech.

  8. I can see why, Graham! (In response to the last sentence of your post.)
    These are fantastic pictures. And the panoramic view works. If you click on the arrows underneath the map to the right of the picture, you get to another picture you took on 25.08.2014, of a beach, and that makes it feel even more as if the viewer is actually there. I was waiting for the long grass to start moving in the wind!

    1. I'm glad, Meike, that you like the Photospheres. I find them a little difficult but I hope to do lots more.

  9. Glad you managed to find a nice-weather-slot for your drive home! And the highlands seem to have their own autumn colours in spite of the lack of trees... ;) The views are breathtaking.

    1. Monica the Highlands change from moment to moment never mind fro day to day and season to season.

  10. I am loving the mountains wreathed in wispy cloud. Great shots!

    1. Thanks YP you would love to be walking through that country. It has a true remoteness that is beyond my words.

  11. Stunning photos as ever. I especially loved the top ones.

  12. Frances used the word that occurred to me - stunning, GB. The panorama is magnificent. Despite its desolation Rannoch Moor is one of my favourite places. I may not have travelled outside the UK but I'm pretty well-travelled within it and there are few places I would rather be when the sun shines.

  13. I have the same pictures of Glencoe only when I went, it was the end of the January so it was frozen. It was when I fell in love with Scotland :))

    1. Ruby I don't think that I knew you'd been to Scotland. I'm so glad and I'm so glad that you liked it too.

  14. Lovely pics. Scotland is so beautiful. x

    1. Sue Scotland is everything a person could want.

  15. Wonderful ever changing views - because of the weather in part. The photosphere is fascinating. I hadn't heard of this. What a fantastic idea. I will investigate.

    1. Jenny a friend who visited from NZ recently introduced me to various Apps on my Macbook and iPhone/iPad. This was the most fascinating if perhaps not the most useful.

  16. Beautiful...just absolutely beautiful....I know you are thankful that you are surrounded by such beauty.
    Loved the photosphere view...ain't technology grand???

    1. The photosphere is wonderful. I must use it more often.


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