Tuesday, 9 September 2014

With Friends

I spent Friday night with friends in Callander.  It's a lovely little town which holds some very happy memories for me.  In fact, outside of Lewis, it's a place I could settle and feel at home.

There are several 'traditions' associated with my visits.  One is an evening visit to The Waverley on the main street for a wee libation with friends and acquaintances.  The other is the tradition that the same friends have of meeting for breakfast each day.  On Saturday it is usually at Dun Whinny's: which is where it was on Saturday.

The beautiful little Dun Whinny's Café  
It's very welcoming but hard to photograph because there is usually a car parked in front.


  1. ...and a good time was had by all. It's very pleasant to spend time with good friends and all the other stuff.

  2. Interestingly (or not, take your pick) Callander looked lovely as we slowly drove through on our mammoth diversion due to the A9 being shut on our way back from Skye. While the weather was excellent it was extremelly busy looking for a Sunday. Do they have some form of festival/event at the end of August?

    1. Gosh that was a mammoth diversion Mark. Callander is a very busy place in the summer - on the main street in particular. I'm not aware of any particular event or festival at the end of August that would swell numbers but it doesn't take too many cars and coaches to make the place look exceedingly busy.

    2. Yeah a ridiculously long diversion to get from Dalwhinnie back to Sterling so we could head down the east coast from Edinburgh back to Sheffield.

  3. If the food inside is as good as the outside appearance even I would get out of bed early for breakfast. It does look very welcoming.

    1. Pauline you'd love it particularly given that breakfast is at 10am!

  4. They meet for breakfast EVERY DAY?! Wow, you know some very rich people, don't you! If I think of the prices in cafés around here, having breakfast anywhere else than in my kitchen (or, rather, a bowl of muesli in front of my computer) every day would soon drain my financial resources.
    But it's a good way of making sure one stays close to one's friends. Meeting my girlfriends once a month for a meal is enough for me, though ;-) (I honestly don't think I'd like to see them all every day...)

    1. Actually Meike they are mostly retired people but breakfast is a fixed price of £2.50 including coffee/tea. Not everyone meets every day, of course nor everyone at the pub every Thursday.

  5. A charming looking cafe...I think I would enjoy a meal there too...loved the flowers on the outside.

    1. I'm sure that you'd have enjoyed a meal there Virginia.


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