Friday, 19 September 2014

Historic Vote Says Yes

by a massive 85% to 15% to admitting women members in the 260 year old Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.  

Of course that's only a part of the serious issue of single sex golf clubs.  Many are female only.  Hopefully for those who see this as an anachronism or, as one commentator said recently: "A club that doesn’t allow men is just as contemptible as a club that doesn’t allow women. You can’t be offended by one and not the other and still expect to be a credible voice on the matter."

Oh and by the way as everyone now knows the UK is intact.  55% voted in favour of retaining the Union and 45% in favour of an Independent Scotland.  The turnout was astonishing with a record-breaking  84.6% of registered voters casting a vote.

I hope that everyone will accept the result without recriminations and without gloating.  

I have always said that after the vote, whatever the result, nothing will ever be the same again in the UK.  I maintain that stance.  The question of 'the English question' is, at this very moment being debated on the television.  The Prime Minister has put it firmly on the agenda. 


  1. It was the result I was hoping for. Of course nothing will be the same. It shouldn't be, change is long overdue but this result will give politicians of all persuasions time to adjust without loss of face and I hope with wisdom. Politicians, wisdom, not much chance is there. It's another oxymoron.

  2. After the St Andrews voting will we men now be able to join the Women's Institute? Perhaps they will make us dress up as women and at Stornoway they'll secretly refer to you as "Tootsie" when you claim your rosettes for prize winning jams and chutneys.

    1. I'm afraid YP that the only prizes I ever won were for beer making and I'm not sure the WI do that. How did you know my nickname by the way?

  3. An event such as this referendum shakes a country to the core and if they have any brains they will make some very basic changes and yes the country will never be the same. We still haven't done anything substantial with the separation issue here.

    1. I think very substantial changes will be felt in the whole of the UK Red.

  4. Why do things have to be so complicated? When it comes to a club - any club - they should be allowed to make their own rules as to who their members are. If there are men-only and women-only clubs, so what? There are plenty of other clubs, associations and institutes where men, women and anyone in between can freely mix.
    When my girlfriends and I meet for a girls' night out, it is not that men are not "allowed" to join us - it's simply that they probably would not enjoy themselves very much, and for those of our group who are married or in a relationship, it is nice to go out on their own every now and then.

    1. Many of your gender Meike seem to hold rather less accepting views on the subject. Oddly I have spent quite a lot of my life being an 'honorary female' (despite being absolutely male) . I'm not quite sure what that signifies.

    2. It signifies that you like to wear high heels.

  5. Its a golf club or generally put sports club. Why have a single sex club?? All you need is passion for the sport. Never understood the reasoning.
    Great news on the voting turn out. Looks like people in democratic parts of the world are voting for change. Same thing happened in Indian elections - at least the corrupt govt was removed and did not have another chance to loot.

    1. I've never understood single-sex clubs either Ruby (although I was a member of one years ago but 'Gentlemen's Clubs' were common in Britain then). This referendum debate certainly got the population of Scotland motivated.

  6. It's always some thing or the other for folks to get upset about....single sex what?
    People make so much ado about nothing sometimes. I agree wholeheartedly with Meike above.
    I'm glad that Scotland is still Scotland...I guess it will take a while before all the backlash settles down. You still need to be careful with your views, some of the worst arguments occur after a loss.

    1. Virginia, the aftermath - regardless of the outcome - has always been a concern of mine.

  7. 84.6 percent, that is astonishing and something to be proud of.

  8. I wonder if England gets the offer to take part in a similar referendum...
    Fat chance.
    Would be interesting though.

    1. Avalon it would indeed be interesting but the difference is that England is by far the largest part of the UK from the point of view of GDP and population. Of course as you will know there are many other more complicated reasons why England is primarily 'Britain' in its mindset whereas Wales and Scotland are secondarily 'Britain' in theirs. I enjoyed your blog by the way.


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