Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Oh How The Gods Did Smile

It rained the day before The Wedding.  The Scottish Highlands saw some of their worst floods the day after and yesterday.  The Day started a bit dubiously too but by the time of The Wedding the sun shone out of a clear blue sky and those men dressed in full Highland Dress and the Bride and Bridesmaids were definitely not cold! 

Frances, having just posted on a very pertinent subject, might have had quite a lot to say about what was by far the most photographed wedding that I have ever been to.  There was a photographer and a videographer and their two assistants and the day was photographed from beginning to end.  I, on the other hand, took a couple of photos at the start of the day (because, with a female stranger in the room that Gaz and I shared on the eve of his marriage photographing every move, I felt disinclined to get changed) and one much later on in the day.  I probably took fewer photos than I've taken on any day that I've actually used my camera in the last 10 years.  I should add that it was organised in such a way that none was just hanging around waiting as you can tell from the background of the last photo.

I'm now down staying with a friend near Glasgow.  There will doubtless be more posts but this is a start.

The Photographer starts her day
Abandoned by a Bridesmaid
The Father of The Groom having a relaxing moment during the formal photographs


  1. I am glad the Gods smiled upon you but remember the Devil looks after his own.
    You were all just lucky.

    1. Absolutely Adrian and I'm not one to eschew good luck when it presents itself.

  2. Looking very smart in your traditional dress. Good news about the weather.

    1. Thank you Carol. It could not have been more fortuitous.

  3. Oh my goodness that portrait is impressive!

  4. What a lovely photo of you.

    I'm so relieved that the day wasn't a washout. Looking forward to seeing more photos soon.

    1. Thanks Helen. I'll post as much as I can but your Dad took hundreds - perhaps thousands!

    2. I am not at all surprised!

  5. Wow, you look wonderful! And I'm also very pleased the weather was kind.

  6. It was an excellent day, and I'll post some photos at some point as well -- there are lots more of you propping up that particular piece of Scottish stonework!

    1. I'm so glad that you could both make it and it was very good to catch up. I hope that Bryony has fully recovered.

    2. Catching up was great, I can't remember the last time we got to sit and chat for so long. Bryony has recovered a bit, although the return journey wasn't much better than the trip up (about forty minutes less even though there was less traffic). On the downside, sitting in a car with her for almost 20 hours over three days and I now definitely have her cold :(

      And for those of you wanting to see more photos of men, and specifically GB, in kilts then I've just posted some photos over on my blog.

    3. I hope that by now, Mark, you have recovered. Thanks for the photos. I've been showing here and sorting.

  7. Graham, you look stunning! I'm so glad it went well. We too went to a family wedding, which was wonderful apart from....the awful photographer. He was everywhere, all the time. Oh well. It was a great day, and like you, we had wonderful weather.

    1. Gosh. Thank you Frances. The photographer was there the whole day but she did manage to orchestrate things in such a way that she wasn't (in my view at least) too intrusive. I'm glad that you, too, had a good day.

  8. Very nice - you should wear the kilt more often!

    1. I shall Pat. I shall. I have another wedding in three weeks apart from high days and holidays to come.

    2. I agree! xoxox (another Carol, aka as DeeDee)

  9. Great shots! You should really wear the kilt more. :D

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. I'm so glad that you got a fine day for the wedding celebrations. Glad to finally get to see you in a kilt! - good photo of the proud Father of the Groom! :) You look very stylish, and I like the blue colour. Is the tartan pattern connected to any special clan? (wondering as I know you were not born in Scotland)

    1. Thank you Monica. The Edwards Tartan (the Welsh wear kilts as well as the Scots) is not to my liking at all so I decided upon the Western Isles Tartan to which forty years residence does, I think, give me an entitlement. Actually anyone can. if they wish, wear any tartan. Gareth's tartan is the Macrae Modern Dress. He is following the old Scots tradition of joining the bride's family in that respect: she is a Macrae.

  11. hey cove you look amazing - very much at home wearing it. Seriously Graham you look very dapper - just as good if not better than in your Bond Street suit!

    1. Thank you Carol. I don't think that it would have been quite the same if I was cross-examining in a public inquiry or clerking a committee though!

  12. weddings go to the extreme with photography. I'm not for it. A few good shots that's it. Now a good wedding reception...that's fine.

    1. To be honest I don't mind Red. The whole weekend was absolutely wonderful and an escape from reality where everyone got to know each other over three days.

  13. Looks like a wonderful day. We shall look forward to more info later. xoxox

  14. Not an outfit for gardening (think of midges) but very dapper. You'll have to wear it when you go to vote Aye. I'll wear my dungarees and vote Naw.

    1. I had this discussion yesterday with Anna. She claims that if you wear the Highland Dress you must vote Aye. My response was that if you wear trousers you should vote Nay. Of course, being female, Anna said that was a non sequitur. Why is it that we men see such logic that females cannot see. And, having read read this to her, she says that her view is non-negotiable.

    2. Non-negotiable? I'm not sure about men's logic, point of view yes, logic? maybe not.

      If the Aye camp had anything, with which to negotiate, I might listen. As it is, it's all coulds, mights, and maybes - oh, and we're Scottish - except for those, who have a vote, who are not. Interesting, my daughter-in-law, who is German, gets a vote in local government elections, but not in parliamentary elections. She does, however, get a vote in the referendum. Explain/discuss.

  15. You look smashing, Graham. And I love that pose, very dashing. Glad the weather held and that you had a great day. Look forward to more pics.

    1. Thank you Pauline. I would say that I was just resting my bad knee but in fact I'm actually standing on that one.

  16. "The Father of the Groom" picture was surely swiped from "Scotch It!" - the fashion catalogue for Caledonian over 50's. I wonder what that suave fellow was wearing under his kilt? Judging from his rather self-satisfied expression, I would say purple silk French knickers with lacy edging.

    1. YP you are the first person in my 70 years to suggest that I might be the sort to wear purple silk French knickers or indeed anything of that ilk. I'm not sure whether that says more about you or about me.

    2. Not me sir. My underpants are made from hessian.

  17. Love you in the kilt -but love you anyway! Even John said that you cut a fine figure. Wish you'd had it when we had our posh dinner parties in Lewis. So glad the weekend was all that they hoped it would be and looking forward to seeing loads more pics. x

    1. Thank you so much FIWTWML. Yes, I wish that I had bitten the bullet many years ago. All those who tried to persuade me for weddings past and I lacked the courage. C'est la vie. Jodi's wedding is at the beginning of September though so it will get another airing very soon.

  18. You could be painted in oil and be the crowning glory in any family portrait gallery of a proud Highland clan!
    Like your son's wedding, my Mum's 70th birthday had the gods smiling, too. It was a fantastic day and a great "do".

    1. Well thank you very kindly Meike. I'm so glad that all went well for your Mum'd Birthday.

  19. Good day to remember !! you'll look great with your outfit.
    a hug

  20. Wow, The Father of the Groom seems to have stolen the whole show!!! How handsome you look....glad you had a great time.

    1. Virginia I've only stolen the show on this post because I'm the only person shown on the post that anyone recognises.

  21. Very happy that the weather took a turn for the BETTER! I look forward to seeing more photos of the wedding party. Oh, I just read your comments, going over to Mark's to see more kilts! :-)


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