Saturday, 30 August 2014

My Last Climb of The Clisham

On a day in March 2004 Gaz and I had planned to climb The Clisham: the highest mountain in the Outer Hebrides, at 799 metres (2,621 ft) the archipelago's only Corbett  Not long previously we had climbed Ben Lomond: at 974 metres (3,196 ft) and situated on the eastern shore of Loch Lomond, it is the most southerly of the Munros.   My photos, however, show the former on one of the most glorious of days.  

For Gaz, who the previous week had climbed Mont Blanc, this was just a  stroll in the park. 


  1. Mont Blanc! right - a mere stroll for him but lovely views :)

    1. Fiona, Gaz was very mountain fit and I was certainly aware of my relatively aged body. The tramp is very boggy lower down and harder than it looks.

  2. Nice comparison of the two climbs. Your Isle of Harris mountains are very rugged.

    1. Red the largest overhang climb in the British Isles is in the Isle of Harris.

  3. Beautiful photos and lovely scenery.

  4. I'm too old to be envious but between the ages of twenty two to thirty two I had five goes at at the north face of Mont Blanc. Such a wonderful place. It didn't like me, it showered rock on ice on me. I was frightened and afeared. I decided it was not for me. at the age of forty years ago I failed again on the Eiger on a fast ascent. Boardman and Tasker who where just testing me? Glad I wasn't picked for Everest they are dead. I am alive but I remember after I'd done Zero gully on the Ben I shouted to the two shirt uppers That I'd heard a whistle to my right. They both came down an found a lass and a bloke. The bastards didn't even break the cornice or me.

  5. After your comment on my last post (with the apple trees) I looked at your pictures with that in mind and yes, it does now strike me as a very strange landscape, so treeless and rugged. If it wasn't for the grass and the blue sky, it could be just as well on the Moon... or tinge it with red hue and you get Mars. Brave explorers, you and your son!
    Mont Blanc is not for the likes of me. Too much snow there.

    1. Coincidentally, Meike, my Mum used to compare parts of Harris to her idea of the moon.

  6. Here I was thinking that I could conquer the Clisham quite easy like a stroll in the park, but seeing you and Gaz seriously suited up, I'm wondering about my first perception.

    1. No Virginia. I'm sure you would conquer it but it wouldn't be a stroll in the park.

  7. Wonderful pictures & memories well worth returning to. Like Virginia I suspect that it's a more difficult climb than it might seem from the first picture. I also have to admit that even in the past I would not have attempted it...!

    1. Thanks Monica. It's not a 'hard' climb in that there's very little scrambling but it's boggy at the bottom and quite steep at the top. It's not very high though so the ascent is over relatively quickly.

  8. You can keep the climb. But the views - I'm glad you shared them.

    1. Pauline I don't remember the climb but I remember the views and how hard it was getting down some places with a gammy knee.


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