Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Age Doesn't Matter

Unless you are a cheese. 

On the other hand there are advantages to being a senior citizen or and old age pensioner: you can get free bus transport throughout Scotland (if you are a Scottish resident) and you pay less for a haircut!  So today, mindful of our son's wedding at the end of the week I went in for a haircut.  The (23 year old) hairdresser, whom I had not met before this morning, was very chatty and pleasant and when it came to pay said something like "I'm terribly sorry and I hope you won't be offended but I didn't manage enough clues during our chat.  Are you over 60?"  Given that I'm 70 I was pretty chuffed.  

It reminded me of a day many years ago (I was around 50 at the time) when a barber in Liverpool where I was visiting my parents assumed that I was an old age pensioner (at the time 65) and I was so taken aback that I just accepted the insult, paid the reduced charge, and left.

Overall it's been a Very Good Day.  It's a shame that the two 'contestants' in the Scottish independence debate this evening are doing the usual debating thing and making complete arses of themselves.  Whatever else they are doing they are not increasing my knowledge.  They are, however, confirming my despair at the politicians that govern us.  There was a great deal of heat and very little light.


  1. Debate? Yadda yadda.

    Beam me up.

    1. Marcel it wasn't even that illuminating..

    2. Sorry to disagree. It was very illuminating, just not instructive.

      King Eck hasn't a clue. He might be OK, when he is in control, but his performance was poor. Given that he is often referred to as Scotland's best politician, we're doomed. As for the political advisor, who suggested that he move from behind the lectern in order to be seen to be reaching out to 'ra peepel', he/she should be sacked. It looked contrived (because it was), and it was as subtle as a brick but more transparent.

      However, I recently heard the best argument (perhaps the only one) for voting Yes.

      The Loyal Orange Institution, or Orange Order, is supporting the No campaign. For those of Graham’s readers not familiar with the Orange Order, they are a bunch of catholic-hating neanderthals, bound together by a desire to achieve a collective IQ in double figures.

      OK, now I'll stop. Is it any wonder I have high blood pressure?

    3. I have to agree that my choice of the word 'illuminating' was incorrect. There were other things and the advisor (assuming he didn't do it off his own bat) who suggested the topics of driving on the 'wrong' side of the road and aliens needs sacking.

  2. Now you know why I don't "do" politics.

    Why can men get cheap haircuts after 60 and women cannot? Is it something to do with quantity? I'm just saying!!

    1. Pat I can well understand why you don't "do" politics. I think you are very wise. It takes a hairdresser about 7 minutes to cut my hair. I probably pay more per minute than you do. You are correct though. In my case there is precious little up top to do anything with.

  3. In England we weren't even allowed to see the debate (which presumably shows which side the broadcaster is on).

    1. Well it was broadcast by Scottish Television and I suppose it's a question of whether an English broadcaster was prepared to buy it in. To be frank Helen it wasn't worth the airtime and the follow-up programmes all seem to be making that point regardless of the views of the people speaking..

    2. STV have just announced the debate's availability on line.

    3. Thanks GB. The BBC actually did ask to be able to stream it and STV refused. The STV online streaming also failed during the debate, but it sounds like they've got it sorted now.

    4. Helen STV presumably refused streaming to BBC because it would have lessened their coverage and revenue from adverts. It's on the BBC Parliament programme tonight.

    5. Please don't watch it. You won't get those two hours back.

    6. Thank you both. The general opinion online agrees with you that it is indeed not worth watching.

  4. What debate? He said, showing how deep his interest is in politics nowadays.
    As for haircuts mine are even cheaper than yours GB - I simply don;t have them. My last haircut was before Helen's wedding and I have my nephew's permission to wear it long for the wedding. Hooray. Only problem. There ain't much left of it to grow long.... So sad.

    1. CJ, oddly enough someone commented that there was more debate here in Scotland a year ago about independence than there is now. As for your hair just make sure it's in a bun when operating machinery!

  5. The last time I had the advantage of something being reduced in price for me was when I was still studying at Librarian School. On rare occasions, you would get reduced entry if you could produce proof that you were a student. It was in England that I saw for the first time reduced prices in clothes shops and elsewhere for students; only a few years ago, this has started in Germany, too. For the next 20 years or so, I'll still be working and won't be benefiting from any of the reduced prices for OAP (which does not stop me from getting my roots done at the hairdresser's every four weeks).

    1. Meike one of the benefits of you working is that we oldies get our pensions so please keep at it!

  6. It is something I can't quite grasp is Scottish Independence, A year ago it seemed everyone was talking about it and now no-one seems interested.
    Have a good wedding.

    1. Thanks Adrian. I'm sure that we will have a great weekend. As for Scottish Independence I think you are correct. Those who have decided on the whole are keeping their own counsel and the undecided will doubtless take a decision (or not) on the day. The Debate seems to have gone down like a lead balloon and I suspect all it did was confirm people's views of politicians in general.

  7. You can get pensioners rates at hairdressers in Glasgow Pat! As for the debate - glad I didn't miss anything.

    1. I wonder if Glasgow rates are overall higher Sue. The views this morning on the debate seem very downbeat and the great majority seem disappointed in Alex Salmond's very surprisingly poor performance.

  8. Políticos ...mucho bla bla bla y solucionan poco :(
    Si tengo más 60, 63 en España también hay beneficios para pensionistas.
    Buen miércoles.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Laura gracias por su visita. Estoy de acuerdo con usted. En Gran Bretaña, la edad varía. Recuerdo que en Singapur que era 50 o 55 para los beneficios de transporte. [Laura thank you for visiting. I agree with you. In Britain the age varies. I remember that in Singapore it was 50 or 55 for transport benefits.]

  9. I take it you are now wandering around with a nice haircut and feeling quite chuffed....good for you.
    My despair at the politicians that govern us has been confirmed a long long long long time ago.

    1. Virginia I worked with politicians all my professional life. I have a healthy scepticism of them.

  10. A subtle compliment can make one's day sometimes :) (something worth keeping in mind... to remember to give them to others every now and then as well) I hope you'll all have a wonderful time at the wedding!

    1. Thank you Monica. I always try and pay compliments when they are deserved. I'll let you know how we get on.

  11. I am in your ranks of senior and it rather puzzles me but we seniors get many discounts here in the USA since in many instances the young people need the discounts more. Oh well, it is nice for my hubby and I. Movie theater tickets, hair cuts, some grocery stores give nice discounts.

    1. In a funny sort of way, Terra, it's the oldies that the stores want because they often have more spare cash than the youngsters. Of course in some cases it's a way of getting people in out of peak times. In some cases it's simply a social service.


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