Thursday, 3 July 2014

Concreting: Day Three

Before breakfast and the weather forecast was for rain at 4pm.  "Let's start early."  said David.  So we did.  The Gazelle was brought into town by his Mum and I picked him up whilst David started making the concrete.  Half way through we realised that a ton of concrete mix was nowhere near enough.  I ordered some more.  Would it come this afternoon?  Possibly.  It didn't.  However The Gazelle wondered whether the pile of coarse sand and stones that I had inside my gate would do.  Duh.  How could I have forgotten about that?  So we used them but when we had used all the cement and mixture we were left with this tiny bit to do:


A phone call to a friend up the road and we were in business again.

I'd show you a picture of the final result but for the fact that at 4pm the rain started and we had hastily to cover all the new concrete up before the rain did too much damage. When the rain stops I'll show you.


  1. The Gazelle to the rescue again....great!!!
    What a sigh of relief to have it all finished in the's good to have great friends who are neighbours...yeah!!

    1. Actually Virginia David is no longer a neighbour. He lives in the Scottish Borders but he is a friend of forty years standing.

  2. The Gazelle? I am not familiar with your pseudonyms in the Northern Hemisphere.

    1. Carol I simply called him The Gazelle (which is a pretty fast animal by any standards) because he ran up and down the garden path with the loaded wheelbarrow on a sloping path that I struggle to walk up and down these days.

  3. Team work is great. Good job. Well done.

    1. Viv without their help I just couldn't have done the job.

  4. It looks like you guys really know what you're doing even if you're a little weak on the estimating

    1. Thanks Red. I was rather more than a little weak I'm afraid.

  5. That young gazelle must be worth his weight in gold. Nah, there's not much to him, a lot more than that. Well done, team.

    1. Yes, Pauline, he certainly earned his wages for the two days and, unlike many 13 year olds, he didn't have to be reminded what to do. When he saw a job to be done he got on and did it.

  6. Glad it's sorted........Had your search for cement failed then a trip to the Garden Centre for a planter would have finished the job of nicely.

    1. Yes the odd half barrel would have done the job Adrian.

  7. Phew! So the weather forecast was right on the spot... Amazing how precise they can be this day.
    When I saw the tiny bit that was left, my impulse was to say out loud "Oh no!". I am glad the Gazelle had the good idea of using what you already had, and that you managed then to find another source for the last remaining bit.

    1. I've been quite impressed this last week with the accuracy of the forecasts Meike.

  8. Was looking at the white socks without shoes and thinking "uh oh - what will Leanne say!" Looking good though. x

    1. Sue he's just taken his wellington boots off and David his big working boots. We were having a cuppa before we suddenly had the idea of seeing if Iain had some materials for the last bit.


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