Thursday, 5 June 2014

Thankful Thursday

I have now been on this earth in this life for 70 years.  I was born two days before D-Day (the Normandy Landings on the 6 June 1944) and nearly a year before VE Day (the Allied victory in Europe on the 8 May 1945).

I don't remember much about that first year.  I do remember, though, growing up in a city which had been ravaged by war.  Being a major port (particularly for the West African and Trans-Atlanic trades) Liverpool suffered greatly.  Large tracts of the city were wasteland where once the great buildings of commerce had stood.  I should, however, be thankful.  I could have been born in Dresden.

I think I am correct in saying that those of us who were born around that time have lived in the only period of 70 years when we might not have been conscripted to fight for our country or for one part of these islands against another part since the Hundred Years War (which ended around 1453) or the Wars of The Roses (1455 to 1487 between the houses of Lancaster and York).  Actually some might argue that that war still goes on 450 years later. 

Jaz, who started me on Thankful Thursday and my journey of prosletising my belief in being thankful and playing the Glad Game once commented on this blog  "Feeling young is fabulous but growing old is a blessing!!!"  Well I'm still feeling young and I'm looking forward to being old.  In the meantime I shall be very very thankful that I have reached this far and am living a life that I could only at one time have dreamed of.

I wish you all happy hearts.


  1. Happy Birthday GB!
    A mate of mine from Brisbane has just come back from visiting the Hebrides, and in fact his surname is Lewis!
    Had great delight in having his photo taken with the Butt of Lewis sign - if I've recalled correctly....

    1. How amusing is that Craft. A long way from Brisbane (and Puketapu). I hope your mate manages to get lots of laughs out of his escapade.

  2. I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday sure deserve it....continue to be always thankful.
    You've got a long long way to go.

    1. I had a lovely and very full-on birthday thank you Virginia.

  3. At age 74 I remember some of the war. It's only memories through the eyes of a four year old. However, I am thankful that the last 70 years have been mostly peaceful.

    1. Red at least we haven't had to go and fight - it's been left to volunteer professionals. It's just a pity that the wars themselves haven't become fewer in the world.

  4. I always enjoy your Thankful Thursday posts, GB. They are so typical of your positive attitude and joyful approach to life. Long may they continue.

    1. Thank you Pauline. I feed off the positive attitudes of those around me. It's so much more enjoyable than negativity.

  5. I would never have thought...
    Hope you had a fine day Sir

    1. I had a wonderful day thank you Andrea. I feel younger (mentally) than ever I did.

  6. Have a great Happy Birthday week GB! Being thankful is a good approach indeed.

    1. Thank you Serenata. It keeps one younger as well.

  7. Happy birthday Graham :)

    1. Thanks Carol. I was wondering this morning how you are.

  8. May the Celebrations (of Thursdays and other days) long continue! :)

    1. Monica they have now reached a respite. They will start again when Pat and Dave return.

  9. Oh, I am late wishing you a happy birthday! Hope it was a good day, celebrate the whole month why don't you, no law says you can't!
    I have seen photos of England and it looked as if the kids just played in the bombed out areas and didn't think much about it, it was normal for them. (I think this was shown very well in the movie "Land of Hope and Glory".)

    1. Thank you Kay. It was a lovely day. The trauma was for the people who lived through the destruction. Those born when I was just lived with the results.

  10. Happy birthday - now belated. I should say that I hope it was very happy, and see from your comment above that indeed it was. That is good!


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