Friday, 27 June 2014

Soon Be Home, DV NP.

You may not have noticed (though some of you have - thank you for your enquiries) I've been away.   I went down to Ayrshire (south and west of Glasgow for the non-Scots amongst my readers) for a cancer consultation and, whilst I was at it, I spent a few days visiting friends.  Everything was very positive.  Now I'm on my way home again sitting in bed on a beautiful sunny morning before breakfast which is served at 8am where I am staying.  Hopefully I'll be returning to Blogland tonight or tomorrow.  However David (of David and Molly the Dog) is returning to stay as well and there are more projects planned.  David likes projects.  Actually David just likes work and being busy so long as it's outdoors.  It could be a very busy ten days. 

The reason I have time to type this is that I have just had a long and solid sleep and woke at several hours later than I usually do.  Or so I thought.  In fact instead of my usual summer getting up time of around 6.30 or earlier I thought I had woken at 7.50.  I was up and showered and dressed in a flash (we Edwardses could never stand the stigma of being late even for breakfast) and as I put my watch on I realised that it was 7am on the dot and not 8am.  So I had a whole hour 'free'.  

After breakfast there will be a leisurely morning through Skye until we have to be at the ferry at 1300.


  1. I'm happy that all is well. It looks as if it could be a bumpy ride across the Minch.

    1. Home! David's brought dinner in a cool-box - spag bol the ultimate comfort food - so I can concentrate on my glass of wine while he heats it.

    2. Such responsibility, but I think I can cope

  2. Lucky you! We have loads of projects just waiting for David here - can you please email him to me! Have a good time. x

  3. I read up on everything that happened to you a while back and was actually looking forward to read from you again. I hope the consultations went well and that you can get some rest.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. No rest Mersad but lots of hard work which will keep me occupied and achieve some of the things I've had on my list for ages.

  4. Glad to hear that you will soon be home and back in Blogland....things were a bit quiet around here.
    I love that "all is well"....and it's all good....yeah!!

    1. Thanks Virginia. I woke up this morning. That makes it a Good Day. And it didn't stop there.

  5. Good to hear from you :). Love Skye... Have a good trip home

    1. I hope that you'll visit Skye and Lewis again Fiona. I'm sure you'd enjoy it.

  6. Delighted that the news is good, and that you'll soon be back with us.

  7. I can understand that your attention was somewhere else. It's good that you had positive news. Yes, I kept saying,"Why doesn't he post?"

    1. Thanks Red. My mind just couldn't get into posting mode.

  8. Glad to see you back in blogging mode! Hope you get a Good Week for all the projects :)

    1. Thanks Monica. Good weather with a decent breeze would be ideal because midges are hell when you are working outside doing something like concreting.

    2. Well it's not started off well this morning (Saturday) Monica but there's lots of inside jobs to be done.

  9. welcome home Graham. Looking forward to catching up with you both tomorrow x

    1. I hope, Carol, that you will be fit tomorrow. It sounds like you've had a bad time over the last few days.

  10. Nice to hear your cancer consultation was positive. I bet you'll be happy to get back home. Did you install the poly-tunnel or are you leaving it till next year now?

    1. I think, YP, that it's going to have to wait until next year. There is just too much happening this year. Mind you autumn might be a good time because that would give me an early start next spring.

  11. Glad to hear you've had positive news, GB. I had such a chuckle imagining the consternation if you appeared late for breakfast. Hope you enjoy your projects with David.

    1. Thanks Pauline. I'm not sure whether I will actually enjoy concreting but I shall certainly enjoy the result. This particular job has been waiting to be done for many years.

  12. OK Graham ~ I will be the one to ask ~ what does DV NP mean?

    1. Thank you so much Carol! "DV" is Latin for Deo Volente, God being willing. It used to be a common saying here but you never hear it theses days. Possibly too many atheists! When I was a child the lady next door succumbed to what was then known as senile dementia and life became very difficult at times for her husband (she had been his housekeeper and he had married her for the sake of propriety after his wife had died some years earlier). She also made life quite difficult for our family occasionally in many ways: one being that her husband was in his 90s and couldn't cope and we did a lot for him. Her name was Nellie. So our family always added NP (Nellie Permitting) onto the DV. DV NP: God willing, Nellie permitting.

    2. What a lovely story GB ~ I am so glad I asked now. You could have done a whole blog post about that given it's such a great story. Have a wonderful weekend. We have moved now and on holidays. Time permitting I might be inclined to start blogging again soon.

  13. It was great to hear your news from the hospital was so positive (or at least as positive as it can be in such circumstances). Hopefully you can relax now and prepare for the wedding.

    p.s. how is your eye?

    1. Thanks Helen. It's been an encouraging week. I've emailed you this morning.

  14. As I was away myself and have only returned home yesterday afternoon, I never noticed your absence. But I am glad to read that everything went well and you'll have a friend staying with many projects lined up. (I, for once, am glad that my final exam is done and over with and I do not have any other projects than work and the usual round of events and festivities lined up for the next few months.)

    1. I assume, Meike, that all went well with the exam. Hopefully I'll manage to read some blogs today and catch up with all the news.

  15. I had noticed you were not around but hoped that meant you were having a good time. From the sound of it things went well - I am glad.

    1. Thanks Jenny. I was having a good time and things did go well.

  16. Glad that the news was mostly positive. We've missed you. Loved the DV NP story. Reminds me of Beverly Nicolls who used to put NWH as the return address on his letters to indicate, "Nothing Wrong Here." Hugs to you, xoxox DeeDee

    1. Thanks DeeDee. I think I shall try and make up a few more. Perhaps I could get them to become the family sayings of the future.


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