Sunday, 3 November 2013

A Sudden Realisation

Yesterday was an Interesting Day (with apologies to Sellars and Yeatman).  It was to be a simple day.  I wanted a polarising filter for the new camera and a new camera case (I'm keeping the Sony for the time being) and some Guerlin Lilia Bella perfume for Wendy in NZ.

I got the perfect camera bag in Merchant City Cameras - a wonderful and unassuming camera emporium - but no converter needed for the camera to take a polarising filter.  It has come to something, though, when all the rest of the photography shops I went into suggested I buy one from Amazon.  The perfume has been discontinued.  We met various friends for 'farewell' coffees though.

I was looking at the television news recently when the UK's Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Education and Childcare was speaking.  I thought how young she looked.  Policemen have looked young for decades but somehow I still except members of the Government to appear a little older  than someone not long out of uni (even Merton College, Oxford).  In reality she's not that far off 40.  Several years ago my brother pointed out that I was not that far off my allotted three score years and ten.  Suddenly I am realising how correct he is.  However I'm firmly of the view that 70 is the new 55.   Good job really given that future generations may well not be retiring until the age I am now.

I am now sitting airside in Glasgow Airport with about 20 minutes to the flight being called.  It's been a full and enjoyable few days with a golden wedding thrown in for good measure. What has suddenly become scary though - harking back to the last paragraph - is that it's my generation that is celebrating its golden weddings.

The Emirates route is Dubai, Melbourne and then Auckland where I should arrive 1400 hours local time Tuesday.  Then it's just a short hop to Napier where I should arrive 'home' 1745 hours Tuesday.

And then my Kiwi resumes.

Bye for now: see you in a couple of days.

In the meantime this is what I will be doing a lot of:


  1. I think with all your travels across the globe you're probably getting at least double time out of every year. Wishing you another safe journey and happy arrival to your other home! :)

    1. Thanks Monica. The first seven hours from Glasgow flew by and I'm now in Dubai airport waiting for the Auckland flight.

  2. You'll never forgive me for that comment, will you? Never mind, enjoy bring 54 as long as you can...

    1. Of course you are forgiven Bruv but that won't stop me milking it for the next few months till I get to that ripe old age.

    2. Hmmm... (makes mental note of the month he reaches ripeness....)

  3. Have a safe trip! Looking forward to your posts from down under.

    1. I have arrived safely Mersad and had my first night of sleep since Saturday night.

  4. Which one is you, GB? Bon voyage (again!).

  5. I hope none of these fllights will be as bumpy as the first leg of your long journey!

    Saturday, I was at a Golden Wedding, too (my Godmother's), it was a nice gathering with plenty of good food and many people to talk to I had not seen in 20 years or so.

    1. The rest of the journey was perfect thanks Meike. Another Golden Wedding celebration. I'm glad you enjoyed the one you went to.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Carol (Canadian Chickadee not Carleo!). I'm not sure why you removed it but I'd already read it anyway.

    2. I started to feel guilty about having written something rather negative! :0) xoxox

    3. PS - I'm glad you read it, GB, it was really just directed to you personally and not for global consumption anyway. And I do think you're amazing! :)

  7. safe journey Graham. Tell Wendy to have a look on ebay for her perfume xx

    1. I'd looked on eBay but it's been out of production for quite a while. The other problem is that perfume is a banned substance for posting.

  8. Hope you get the direct flight from Auck to Napier. I took the long way home from New Plymouth and it took 10.5 hours to get to Auckland. Enjoyed every minute though. Sleep well in your own (other) bed tonight!

    1. Pauline it was a very speedy trip: all of 50 minutes. Did you go via Oz or just every airport in the North Island? You could have walked faster!

  9. I love the two photos....very well know how I make stories up from photos.....I believe these two guys were banned to the outdoors after being in the way of some ladies group activity of some kind...a book club meeting perhaps? "Go sit outside and don't get in the way for heaven's sake Harold!!!"
    I am so glad that you have made it back safely.
    The camera thingy, did you find it on EBay? Keep me posted.

    1. You made me laugh Virginia. It was a lovely warm afternoon and I rather assumed that the first chap had been banned from smoking indoors and the second just wanted to soak up the seafront warmth. I bought the camera thingy from Amazon.


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