Wednesday, 25 September 2013

They Haven't Read The Book

I always used to be a little sceptical about the 'fact' that if one bas one's feet off the ground a bull will not attack.  So the advice, if being pursued, was always climb up the nearest thing however low it is.  I was never sure that I'd trust the bull to have read the same book and conform.

Likewise primroses are flowers that bloom in the Spring tra la.  Leastways they are supposed to.  However in my last garden years ago there were always primroses poking their heads out of a grassy bank somewhere whatever the time of year.  In this garden I have had a distinct lack of success in establishing primroses although this year I am making a BIG effort.  However last year I planted a couple and over the last few days they have started to flower and it's Autumn.  They obviously haven't read the label on the pot they came in.


  1. Maybe they worried that if they waited until spring you'd not be home yet to see them :)

    1. I like that Monica. I wonder if the daffodils will do that for me one day.

  2. Maybe they are confused with the different zones you live in; it is spring in NZ now after all, isn't it?
    As for the bull - I have never heard of this method and don't think I'd want to test it, unless there was a really convenient tree near enough for me to climb on, and high enough to be truly out of the bull's reach.

    1. I'm with you there Meike as regards getting out of the way of the bull.

  3. Bulls are usually too lazy to bother attacking. They do not in my experience respect one levitating. Ican't comment on flowers as I know next to nothing about them.

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmm, don't think I would atually put the bull hint to the test!

  5. Apparently your primroses have a mind of their own. They obviously did not get the memo
    As for the trivia info on bulls, I never knew this, so I will store that piece of information, I may need it one day.
    I do know that they say if ever you're cornered by a bear that it's best to jump up and down and wave your arms, grunt loudly and make yourself look bigger than the bear, and they "should" leave you alone...emphasis here on should.

    1. If I were cornered by a bear Virginia I think I would probably try anything 'cos the outcome of a contest would be inevitably unpleasant - and not for the bear.


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