Thursday, 19 September 2013

Thankful Thursday

There was a discussion on the morning news programme yesterday about switching on the central heating.  The views varied from "we never switch the central heating on before the 1 December and then we might consider it" to "if I'm cold I put the heating on regardless".    Quite a few people said that if it got cold the simple and sensible thing to do was to put more clothes on.  My time spent in New Zealand has made me realise how places differ.  In NZ it is - or has been until recently - the norm to dress according to the weather and central heating is - or was - not the norm although heat pumps (ie air conditioning) are becoming the norm these days.

People differ too.  CJ's and my mother felt the cold very much indeed and always had the living room at a temperature the rest of us could barely tolerate.  Our father on the other hand couldn't stand the heat and seemed totally immune to the cold.  Now as we are older CJ has taken after Dad and I've taken after Mum.

Whatever the time of year it is I keep my house above 20℃ and preferably nearer 23℃.  If that means heating the house using the central heating then so be it.  Fortunately my house is very well insulated (apart from the conservatories which are largely doubled glazed and plastic) and heat loss is relatively low.

So today, when we have just endured almost a week of cold and windy weather, I am thankful, in fact I am more than thankful, for the fact that I am able to heat my house and be comfortable.  I am more and more conscious of how fortunate it is to have the luxury of warmth.


  1. Well you'd definitely be comfortable in our house then as Bryony also takes after your Mum so the house is always warm (one of the reasons I don't own many jumpers as it's usually too warm for me to be wearing anything but a t-shirt).

  2. The nights have been so cold here lately, that will have to close the window to be fully warm. Our nights are usually warmer, and I leave the window open a bit to get some fresh air. Central heating here starts in October.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. I do keep my bedroom cold, Mersad, so that I can be cosy under the duvet.

  3. no arguments there- heat pump running right now!

  4. Childhood memories of ice inmy hot water bottle when it fell on the floor....I'm with you, GB.

    1. Frances I recall ice on the insides of the bedroom window but in your hot water bottle - brrrrr.

  5. Mmmmm I loathe being cold. Mark is very warm and doesn't feel the cold easily at all. Our house is snuggly and warm. I love it!

    1. Snuggly, Jaz. What a perfect word. It's just been added to my vocabulary.

  6. AND many thanks to Bob the Plumber for sorting out your tetchy boiler problems too! x

  7. I don't tolerate cold very well. It makes me cranky. Hubby laughs at how many clothes I can put on just to be warm. He is in shorts almost all year round. Crazy man.

  8. Central heating has been a 'given' in Sweden all my life. Varies what temperature people choose though. And as a tenant one's choice is usually limited. I prefer around 22-23 in the daytime, just now I have it so no complaints. Just hoping for a not too cold winter...

    1. That's my temperature Monica. I can function at that.

  9. Same here, Graham. Central heating must be in working order all year round, even if I need it only for half an hour in the morning - I just HATE stepping out of a hot shower into a cold bathroom. The older I get, the less I can cope with the cold (and I was never quite good at that in the first place). So, yes, central heating and running hot water are two luxuries I am immensely grateful for.

    1. I'd certainly be struggling if I had to go back to the cold houses of my childhood Meike. When I think about it, though, I wonder whether future generations will be able to take this luxury for granted.

  10. I'm definitely not a lover of cold weather. I love a comfortable warm temperature.
    I was anxious to return home from this trip because the weather was turning fall-like in NYC, and I just had to get out of there. My friends were laughing at me with my layers of clothing. I hate being cold.


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