Thursday, 5 September 2013

Thankful Thursday

Last week Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers posted Friday at last. Fi started with the words "I love turning off my alarm clock on a Friday morning knowing it wont go off again tomorrow." Then Meike commented "I love my job, but I also love being master of my own time."

It made me realise how fortunate I am not to have to worry about when I get up or, for that matter, when I go to bed. As a general rule that is. When I have to catch an early ferry I have to be up at around 0445 and that is well before my natural waking time (which is usually between 0600 and 0700). On those rare days (which I have to say that I do not enjoy until I am actually up and out) I do set an alarm: in fact I set my bedside clock, my house phone and my cellphone. But then being an 'Edwards' it is very important not to be late. In fact if you are late for the ferry you've missed it anyway.

So today I am thankful, very thankful, that I am the master of my own time.


  1. It is a luxury being free from time. It also requires a little discipline or it's easy to waste a day. I am well aware that there are a finite number of days left to me.

    1. Rather how I felt about yesterday Adrian. So many plans; so few achievements. Now today......

  2. That is a very special thing, and you are truly lucky!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. I really am Mersad and I'm grateful for it too.

  3. What Adrian said.
    As a retiree, I too am thankful that I am Mistress of my own time.

    1. So you, too, Virginia are one of the Fortunate Ones.

  4. When booking our return from the Hebrides last time, we took the decision that the early ferry was simply TOO early, and took the decision to leave on the later one. When that was delayed by nearly 2 hours due to a mechanical fault on the way in to Lochboisdale, we briefly questioned the wisdom of that decision however!

    1. There can certainly be some inconveniences in Island life Robyn but leaves on the railway line never stopped me from getting to work.

  5. I, too, am thankful that I rarely have to be awakened so rudely by an alarm clock. It's just one of the worst sounds ever!

    1. Absolutely Lisa. Second only to the clunk of the car door shutting as you realise the key is still in the ignition.

  6. Did you know that Sept 5th is Be Late For Something Day -- sponsored by the Procrastinators' Club of America, Inc. (if they can get around to mentioning it in their newsletter, of course)

    1. I'm not sure what I find most amusing - the coincidence as such, or that Scriptor KNEW this and was able to make the comment... LOL

    2. Oddly enough CJ I didn't know that! Assuming, of course, that you are not pulling our legs. Now that's a very good point Monica.

  7. I am so glad to see you in print again John. Hope you are feeling better. xx

  8. That truly is something to be grateful for, Graham! I do cheat myself into believing I am master of my own time by not setting an alarm. I let the church bells do that job at 7.00 every workday, and enjoy very much being able to turn over in my cosy bed when I hear those bells on a Saturday and Sunday. Of course, when I have to get up earlier in order to catch a train or plane, I use my mobile phone as an alarm clock, but I very much dislike having to do that and avoid it as much as I can.

    1. Oh, and thank you for having mentioned me in this post! I always consider this an honour.

    2. I was fortunate when I worked Meike in that I never needed an alarm clock either. I just woke naturally. I always have done. It's by no means the first time that something you have said has been a catalyst for my thoughts or a post.


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