Thursday, 26 September 2013

Thankful Thursday: A Toast

For the last few hours I have been sitting with my laptop on my knee trying to think of something original to say for Thankful Thursday.  I've been going through the things for which I am thankful and although they are many and varied I just couldn't get any ideas to put on paper (so to speak).  Then I read Jaz's post.  Immediately it occurred to me that I didn't need to think so much and look too far.  The obvious is all around me.

I have just poured a wee cognac and I have raised my glass to Jaz who, today, wrote this: (sorry Jaz for the appalling breach of copyright)

I had a particularly thankful day today.

I love Thursdays.
I teach music all day on a Thursday.

I watched kids perform music better than they thought they would/could. Despite technical difficulties and very little practice time. They did it. 
They all smiled.
Never underestimate the greatness within any child.

I am thankful for the hugs I gave and received today.
I never underestimate the power of a hug.

I am especially thankful for the courage Anne Spensley brought me up with............and to have found within myself. I looked at my music exam certificates today and smiled.
Never underestimate yourself.

Do you hear that Jaz?...............................never underestimate yourself.

You have nearly made it through another year.
Another year alive.
If I had a glass I'd probably drink to that!

Jaz xx


  1. even though they aren't your original thoughts, I'm glad you shared them with us!

  2. That was really special. Thanks GB and thank you Jaz.

    1. Thank you Carol. Jaz was the inspiration behind Thankful Thursday.

  3. I certainly drank to it for Jaz - I know how much it means to her to be able to do this - to be here, as well as a capable and very musical teacher with the exceptional skills she has learned. :)

    1. Fiona, a toast, 'May we raise many more glasses to Jaz'.

  4. Thank you GB!!! So very grateful to you also x

  5. A special Thankful Thursday post indeed. Like yourself, I never have to look far or deep to find many a reason for being grateful.

    1. True, Meike, you are another of the Positive People.

  6. Isn't thankfulness often about the same things ( and often little things)? It's when we look too far and fall into the trap of thinking happiness must always be new and original that we have trouble finding it.

    1. Yes, Monica, it is. The thing about blogging Thankful Thursday is trying to make it interesting but also, for me, trying to think away from the ordinary and everyday things that make me thankful: friends, my garden, food, warmth, the view from my window and many others that I try not to take for granted but which are with me constantly. Sometimes I just look too far.

  7. Little things mean a lot....luckily Jaz knows exactly what she's thankful for.
    I don't think she minded you sharing her post with us....I enjoyed it.


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