Monday, 26 August 2013

On The Wirral With a Teddy Bear

It's 232 miles from door to door: Anna's in Bishopbriggs to John and Jo's on the Wirral.  I had a leisurely drive down the motorway (if that isn't oxymoronic).  In actual fact I came off the M6 onto the A6 well before Penrith and joined the motorway again south of Shap.  I had comfort stop and a light lunch at Clifton at a lovely country inn, The George and Dragon.  The weather was lovely and I have to say that I enjoyed the journey.

I arrived to the hospitable welcome that I always receive and to my birthday present.  Now I am unashamed to say that I love old cars.  So an encyclopaedia of classic cars will give me lots of interesting reading as well as being a useful reference book.  I should add, before anyone says that loving cars is a 'man thing' that I know a number of ladies who are equally enthusiastic including my sister-in-law.  As for the teddy bear I have to admit that I must be one of the few men of my age who has been given a teddy bear (even if it does have a particular relevance).  


  1. Seems a very appropriate gift :) I wish you all a very good time during your stay there!

    1. Thanks Monica. It was appropriate and much appreciated.

  2. Happy birthday from me too. Enjoy the book and teddy bear! :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Thanks Mersad. Unfortunately I left out a fairly important piece of information. The birthday present was belated because it was so heavy it wasn't posted but was waiting for my visit (which would usually have been much nearer my birthday).

  3. Happy Birthday Sir. What's the Teddy's name BTW?

    1. Thanks Andrea. I haven't had him long enough to think about a name.

  4. Glad you've arrived safe. Hope you all have a lovely time together (and find little Ivy while you're at it), xx

    1. Thanks Helen. It would be a very special homecoming if Ivy did return.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Jaz. My birthday is actually at the start of June - my present was belated.

  6. That's a very thoughtful gift....I know you will treasure them both.
    Years ago, I had a large stuffed animal collection that included quite a few teddy bears. I have only kept back one small one which sits on my dresser. The others I gave away to a children's home.
    Glad that you have arrived safely at CJ' you two don't get up to any mischief.

    1. I'm not really sure why, Virginia, people think I am a teddy bear person. In this case I think the wording was just too appropriate for CJ and Jo to resist.

  7. Happy Birthday, Graham! Glad you had a pleasant journey and got such good and useful presents.

    1. Thanks Meike. I'm pleased that I've brought good weather down with me too.

  8. Good choice of Inn - it' a lovely place which I've used a few times now. I quite enjoy motorway driving. Until I get to about Birmingham and then I don't much enjoy it at all.

    I love that red Jag... Enjoy time with your family, Graham. x

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I usually stop at the inn near the Eamont Bridge but the car park was full so I continued on. I've found my new stopping place. I don't mind motorway driving until I get to the Lancashire conurbations and then it's more necessity over pleasure.


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