Friday, 9 August 2013

Bayble Harbour

It's small.  It's not got perfect access at all tides.  I was one of the ones who was not convinced that it would be used.  Yesterday I went to see for myself and discovered that it's being well used at the moment anyway.


  1. I missed so much of Lewis.
    I'll have to wander back.

    1. Adrian I am ashamed to say that I hadn't looked into the harbour since I returned in May. I was more than a little surprised by how much use it is getting.

  2. Replies
    1. It is positive crowded Monica and a Good Thing too.

  3. That's a cute hideaway harbour.....looks like a true safe haven.
    I can almost imagine a "hide and go seek" game between boat captains in the area..

    1. It is hidden away Virginia. I cannot see it from the house and, in fact, it cannot even be seen from the end of the road to the pier even though it's only yards away. I'm sure it won't be visible from the sea either: you have to know it's there.


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