Friday, 30 August 2013

An Afternoon's Croquet

CJ's had a bad night last night and today he's had a bad day too and hasn't surfaced.  Jo had to get some work done.  So I decided to see if I could have a game of croquet.  Chester has a croquet club.  So I managed to get a game of Association Croquet. I discovered that one of the members was someone who used to play at the Marewa Croquet Club where I am a member in Napier in New Zealand.  It's a very small world and we had quite a lot to chat about.  I had a game with another member and although at the beginning it looked as though I had lost any capacity to hit a ball straight that soon remedied itself.  I lost the game but not badly and had a really enjoyable afternoon.  They were a really great bunch and now that I've found it I shall play some more on future visits.

I should also mention that it was a beautiful afternoon with the temperature around 23℃: the warmest since I left Lewis.   This evening it's clouded over and I suspect we are in for a cool and wet night.

The four lawns are superb (and very fast) and can be converted to 8 half-size lawns for social golf croquet.


  1. Looks like you had a great time, sorry that CJ couldn't join you.
    What lovely weather conditions to enjoy a game of croquet....a sunny day, 23 degrees C...that's fantastic.
    It's a small world isn't it? When I travel I run into folks that I would never think I would, and it's always such a nice surprise.

    1. I almost always enjoy my croquet Virginia particularly on a flawless, warm day in good company.

  2. Sorry to hear CJ is not feeling well, but you did what you could; give him some space, right? I didn't really know what the croquet field looks like. Is it the same in NZ?

    1. Yes, Lisa, it's the same in New Zealand. Croquet lawns are large and flat and wonderful places to be. In the US I believe many have wooden boards around the edges and a different game is sometimes played whereby the ball can be ricocheted off the boards.

  3. We've had a similarly beautiful day here, and on my way home from work, I got off the train one stop earlier than usual and walked the rest home (about an hour's walk) across the sunlit fields, it was so beautiful and did me much good.
    Was it indeed a cold night? Usually, when it is clouded over, it does not cool down as much.

    I hope CJ feels better today.

    1. Meike I envy you the option of walking home across fields in the warmth. As it happens the night wasn't particularly chilly and it didn't rain wither. Fortunately CJ felt a lot better today as well.

  4. Sorry to hear CJ fell into a bad spell. Hope he managed to get some rest. As for you, I'm glad you got a chance to play some croquet and enjoy nice weather at the same time. (Here, the weather has turned very autumny, grey and wet.)

    1. We were fortunate, Monica, to have a reasonably good day today as well. Not very warm but warm enough. As CJ doesn't like heat it was a particularly good day for him.


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